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I am new to DDO as well as these forums, so I apologize if I am posting in the wrong place. With that said, I have a level 8 Paladin and enjoy being able to solo just about everything on hard and some things on elite but I am wanting to re-roll. I purchased 32 point builds because I didn't want to feel like I had to grind to have fun, and now that half-elf and half-orc are out, I think it'd a pretty good time to make a new character.
Here is what I want: I'd like to be able to disarm all (or most) traps as well as deal good damage from far away. I am thinking about being 1 rogue/19 ranger, but I am unsure where to find a proper build. All the builds I can find assume you have a TR (...true reincarnation?) and all +2 / +3 tomes and know everything about the game. Could anyone link me a newb-friendly rogue/ranger build, please? Thank you in advance!