Can ddo use skins for this?
Can ddo use skins for this?
Last edited by donfilibuster; 10-22-2010 at 08:37 PM.
OMG!!! NOT RED!!!1111
I can't stand red. How about cyan. I like cyan.
Really? Your big gripe that you had to take to the forums and write a petition about was the color? A designer can never pick a color that everyone will like, however, red is one of the most useful colors in design as it immediately draws the eye to it.
Please think about your suggestion before posting it. Come up with a viable option that the devs may actually like.
How about: Dear Devs, please allow us to choose a color for the UI theme. A simple dropbox option would suffice. Problem solved.
Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
Cannith Server
Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.
You can tell that the Dev's put a lot of work into it and the UI works very well. I found stuff in my backpack from 5 lvls before (was testing some weapons).
I think the eye candy (outside appearance) for the UI needs work but the organization and able to sort stuff is way way easier. For me +1 for functionality :-) (this includes the AH) .
As in the color and art, well one size doesn't fit all and I think they know this and have hopes this will improve in the future.