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  1. #61
    Community Member bringjoy's Avatar
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    Default Something NEW!

    I LOVE the pumpkin heads and any cool thing to give the game something new and different, but respect everyone's right to their opinion.

    My beef is that after trading my precious motes, my lowbie wiz has to fire off almost a dozen to hit anything

    Next the fighter tried -- same thing. We were all lined up waiting for some cool new heads and...miss...miss...miss...drat, gotta kill more skellies.

  2. #62
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    I think there ought to be a UI opt out as well. Or let the party poo.per potions be free. I didn't get hit with them at all because I thought the event was kinda lame and I was busy questing on my double TR last night so it didn't really affect me. But I can see where the OP is coming from. He doesn't like it. It isn't anyone's place to tell him to 'lighten up'.

    His like and dislikes are entireley up to him. His idea of whats cool or funny or whatever differ from everyone else's. Some people laugh at people who hurt themselves in videos on youtube. Some people post up pictures from tragedies and caption them to try to make them funny. Some people find the humor some people thing they're being arseholes. Everyone is different and no one has the right to tell someone else that their point of view or opinion is wrong.

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    I can say that I wish the Pumpkins were self-applicable. I'd walk around with one all the time if they were.
    See the sig.

  4. #64
    Founder Cendaer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronko View Post
    So call me a stick in the mud if you wish but I think this whole thing is silly.
    That's the whole point: to be silly.

    The best part of the silliness, is the silly people who complain about the silliness of the whole silly situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    2- You ARE a stick in the mud. It's a HALLOWEEN event! Trick or treat? Pranks? Masks? Lighten up and get into the spirit of it. It's FUN.
    WHAT!? WHAT?! WHAT!? FUN?!?!

    How DARE something we PLAY for FUN, actually be FUN!!! The very notion is PREPOSTEROUS!!!

    Now you're just being silly.

    Quote Originally Posted by shagath View Post
    Thanks for the great idea. Not having a break or afk but to make a drinking game out of it.
    Now we're talkin'! Capital idea, my good man!

    I'm going to invest in a fresh bottle of Crystal Head (to further immerse myself in the spirit of the holiday), and take a shot everytime my character is Pumpkin-Headed! (or Skull-Headed; why be exclusive?)

    Let's get the party started! Keep me inebriated through Halloween! Gather as many pumpkin and skull grenades as you can, and use them often!

    ... but I'm not going to tell you which character names to look for, nor which server to look on, so you'll just have to Pumpkin-Bomb everyone you see, all the time, just to be sure you get me at least once...

    Happy Halloween!
    (¯`·._.·[ The Truth of the Draconic Prophecy will be revealed in time. ]·._.·´¯)

  5. #65


    I don't think the pumpkin heads go nearly far enough, but there are existing game mechanisms that can allow a player to fully get into the spirit of the holiday. One white skull? Kind of lame. But if you run ahead in the mission, you can give a red skull to the entire party. When people whine, well who cares. They are obviously not in the right spirit. After a few minutes red skulling, they will get into some form of spirit!

    Nothing says halloween like death. Through strategic use of debuffs, you can assure the rest of the party will die. My favorite is a lesser globe of invulnerability on the tanks in the last room of the Reavers Kobald run. Fun for the entire party! (except for the dead). The best part is that the potion of the party ****er does nothing to discourage these forms of celebration of the holliday!!!

    This holliday, put the trick back in trick or treat!

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  6. #66
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irivan View Post
    So some of you mean to tell me that you think it is a requirement to wear this thing or spend to Turbine points to end it.

    Did you not notice the timer? Are you kidding there is no requirement to spend points to end it. None at all.

    So it does not cost resources to end. Not 1. If you cant stand a few minutes with a pumpkin on your head in an MMO, i would fear to encounter your lack of patients in real life.

    Greed, immaturity, and lack of patients will lead to a heart attack.

    Lighten up.
    You would indeed encounter my severe lack of "patients" because I am not a doctor, shrink, dentist of chiropractor. But I would argue that a lack of patients might lead to a longer life, not a heart attack as having observed patients in waiting rooms, they can be a hassle!

    I'm just yanking your chain, homonyms trip me up sometimes too!

    As to your points...I'm tired of repeating myself. I've made it as clear as I can what my issues with this are but at the end of the day it is what it is. Others have as well. I was just trying to raise awareness to what I perceive as an issue. People either grasp it or they don't.

  7. #67
    Community Member TheSavage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legohaiden View Post
    Pumpkins are cool... what other vegetable can you make artwork, pies, roasted seeds, spices, and other cool stuff out of? I dont see Broccoli getting it done.
    I, for one, am waiting for /lfp to be added to the game.

    But seriously, I designed the back of my toon's head to be the most beautiful thing in the universe, and to be forced to NOT look at it for 10 minutes is worse than waterboarding! I DEMAND that Turbine base every single decision they make on the game on what I want, with no regard to what they, the developers, would enjoy, or any other player in the game.

    This is a travesty of the highest order, and I demand satisfaction... In fact, I think that because of this OBVIOUS "back of my head" nerf, that every player should be given a heart of wood so they can respec to a toon that works better with a pumpkin head!

    DOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOooOooOoooOooommMMmmMMmmmmmMMMMMMMM MMM!!!!!!!!!onetenfortyfive!infinity!!!!
    On Orien: Ruprect the Monkey Boy lvl 16 Radiant Servant - Wilkes Booth lvl 20 Assassin - Schermo Savage lvl 14 Archmage - Monnik Savage - lvl 5 Monk (Life 2) - Saakaa Savage - lvl 6 Archmage

  8. #68
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikula View Post
    I love messing around with people.

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  9. #69
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    You've never looked better. /shrug

  10. #70
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    The argument being used here... "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Can also be applied to every single complaint all of you have ever had about anything here in a video game...

    Game bugged out and deleted half your stuff?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Your fav character skill got nerfed?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    You got banned for something?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Someone ninja looted that scroll from your party?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Someone pulled loot and sold it in party?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    What you consider fun and funny does not mean anyone else has to agree with you...

    BUT of course its different when it's something YOU dont like... right?

    (if i was a little more motivated i'd find all the complaint threads started and post that... "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!" But it's a fairly sociopathic statement and i'd end up getting banned... to which the reply would have to be.... "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!" )
    Last edited by fuzzy1guy; 10-21-2010 at 01:07 PM.

  11. #71
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy1guy View Post
    What you consider fun and funny does not mean anyone else has to agree with you...

    BUT of course its different when it's something YOU dont like... right?
    What we have here is more of your typical community vote type situations.

    From what I can tell, this community is saying lighten up, pumpkin head.

  12. #72
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    Heck turbine can save tons on customer support, gm/player interaction, and dev feedback...

    New default reply to everything! "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    It works.

  13. #73
    Community Member Sturlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy1guy View Post
    The argument being used here... "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Can also be applied to every single complaint all of you have ever had about anything here in a video game...

    Game bugged out and deleted half your stuff?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Your fav character skill got nerfed?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    You got banned for something?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Someone ninja looted that scroll from your party?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    Someone pulled loot and sold it in party?
    "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!"

    What you consider fun and funny does not mean anyone else has to agree with you...

    BUT of course its different when it's something YOU dont like... right?

    (if i was a little more motivated i'd find all the complaint threads started and post that... "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!" But it's a fairly sociopathic statement and i'd end up getting banned... to which the reply would have to be.... "Awww lighten up dude! it's just for fun!" )
    That's like referencing a famous serial killer's prominent murders and then tacking onto the end of it a quote from him, "Awww lighten up dude! It's just for fun!"

    By this I do not mean pulling loot and selling it in party is the same as going on a real life killing spree. I mean that your examples (just like mine) bear little to no similarity to the simple and arguably harmless annoyance of a pumpkin head.

  14. #74
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    They stem from the same sociopathic point of view.

    That being it's fun/funny for you. so what other people think about the situation doesn't matter.

  15. #75
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturlin View Post
    That's like referencing a famous serial killer's prominent murders and then tacking onto the end of it a quote from him, "Awww lighten up dude! It's just for fun!"

    By this I do not mean pulling loot and selling it in party is the same as going on a real life killing spree. I mean that your examples (just like mine) bear little to no similarity to the simple and arguably harmless annoyance of a pumpkin head.
    That's the point though. It may be simple, it may be hamless, but it is annoying to some people. That means can be used to greif them etc... Why should people be required to be subjected to the anoyance. They play the game to have fun, just like everyone else does, they just have a different definition of what is or is not fun.

    The main point here is that Turbin dropped the ball by not giving a way to opt out that doesn't cost the players any resources.

  16. #76
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    Bad form Turbine bad form.....

    F the pumpkin heads... I have enough of those in my guild already...

  17. #77
    Community Member Thargnar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronko View Post
    One of the founding principles of this game is that one player cannot interact with another player without their permission. I am very disappointed that some random person can walk over to my avatar and turn my head into a pumpkin.
    Ummm, barkskin, stoneskin, camouflage? Personally, I love the pumpkin head, especially on my WF. I looked back after being afk for a second and was like "\/\/TF?, AWESOME! I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL PUMPKIN KING, TREMBLE YE MORTALS BEFORE MY SPOOKY WRATH! I want this head forevers." And seriously, there are plenty of things that have been in the game a looong time that can change your appearance against your will and until there's a checkbox that let's you hide other players buff effects on you they'll always be there. I dunno about everyone else but I consider being camo'd worse than a silly head by a mile. Hell, I'd walk around with a giant dong for a head before I'd willingly be camo'd, especially on a saturday morning... all that slowly pattern shifting translucence.... hurf.

    ...bah, who am I kidding, if it was available I'd walk around with the giant dong for a head just for the helluvit and probably make a base purple wf wiz to do it "FEAR THE STICKY WRATH OF THE PURPLE HEADED WARRIOR!" and then just cast web in every quest.
    Hroth Ironbjorn - Fortran Cardpuncher - Roaster the Toaster - Bukbuk Bugok - Claddahg Stonebend - Dukien Du'Caltor - Jheeneric Sorcelatorer - Strombolt - Bhan Dwagon - Mozartron - Thorfyn Hammerhand - Scimitarsis Blendaria - etc ad nauseam.

  18. #78
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cendaer View Post
    I'm going to invest in a fresh bottle of Crystal Head (to further immerse myself in the spirit of the holiday), and take a shot everytime my character is Pumpkin-Headed! (or Skull-Headed; why be exclusive?)

    Let's get the party started! Keep me inebriated through Halloween! Gather as many pumpkin and skull grenades as you can, and use them often!

    ... but I'm not going to tell you which character names to look for, nor which server to look on, so you'll just have to Pumpkin-Bomb everyone you see, all the time, just to be sure you get me at least once...

    Happy Halloween!
    +1 This is the right attitude! I didn't even think about throwing pumpkins myself but these threads really makes me to wait for this event even more just to be able throw some heads. Hopefully hitting you(might end up hitting myself).

    Crystal Head looks cool. Sadly can't get it in this country. Drink one for me!

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  19. #79
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    I really feel bad for the poor slugs at Turbine who program cool **** for months on end only to have the most innane little details that make the event that much cooler thrown in their faces.

    Shame on you for complaining about such a cool temporary effect. -1 forever.

  20. #80
    Community Member Kominalito's Avatar
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    i'm glad that the people getting gouged by buying the party po.oper pots are people that have absolutely no sense of humor, or tolerance.

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