Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
I thought people do PvP because they not good enough to solo......
Don't let common sense stop you...
Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09
This is the accurate answer. The persistant effects shield clicky is another valid answer, but I can't put up with the amount of grind needed to get the Druid Circle to manifest.
Because I have sufficient cowbell, I do not need to enter the PvP arena and am therefore not subject to the effects of the Song of Capering.
They just don't know the secret. When the "fence" in Mired in kobolds could be jumped it was MUCH easier to find the druids circle, because instead of grinding hoobajoobs to make it manifest all you needed to do was run to the south-east-northwesterly direction and BAM druid circle goodness for you.
Yes . Casters hit really hard. However, with high HP or high saves (to take half damage) and resist/protection you have a chance to defeat them.
There isn't anything a Caster can do to make you helpless if you are ready that. However, you can't do anything against a Bard singing the Song of Capering but to roll a 20.
What kind of Warforgeds are you talking about? Any race can meele and heal itself too: meele Clerics and Favored Souls.
You can block Irresistable Dance with Spell Resistance.
It is not just about PvP, even though we are on the PvP section. xD
There is nothing wrong with the songs and the effects. But the 53 + d20 DC (will) is just unreasonable TODAY. In fact, 53 DC may be the highest DC for an effect.
Therefore, I think there should be something to absorb/avoid that spell (without the need of nerfing): a enhancement, absorption item, temporay immunity item, or the Silence Spell perhaps.
In spite of everything, I think the Song of Capering is ok the way it is now. Maybe in the future, players will be able to get 60+ or 70+ on Will Saves.
This is a daily occurrence on Sarlona as you can see by his posting.
Maybe I should take my 99DC Bard in there....
Of course they will do nothing! They are not meant to!
MOB's have high enough (at times) saves to make the saves.
You want, again, to nerf PvE to make PvP better for you to "I win!" at. You should really re-think your self proclaimed "PvP Expert" because all your posting is doing is proving that you are no where near an 'expert' at PvP or DDO.
Last edited by Hendrik; 11-08-2010 at 12:02 PM.
I mean no disrespect to anyone, the OP included. But the only reason I come into the pvp forums/ read anything by h4x, is if i need a good laugh.
Whenever I feel blue, I come here and I bust a gut so hard I have to visit the hospital.
Thank you, just... Thank you.
I'm on Argo so I cant demonstrate another tactic that would own you, thereby needing a nerf. Shintao III Kukan-do, very easy to get to around 50DC (Will Save)
Whats that, a monk over the other side of the room.....he'll never get close enough too me.....*** I'm stunned.....abundant step tick tick dead....DEVS I NEED ANOTHER NERF!!!
Cloudz -- Kharver -- Khaper -- Kheeper -- Khlops -- Warbarbie -- Ransacked -- Khrowd -- Khup -- Khnack
Proud officer of Windscar Elite
Own interests don't matter (nor if the User posted 1000 threads about "nerfing") as long as there is a common reasonable matter among players.
The fact is that the only chance to save against Capering song is to roll a 20.
Players' way to block this song or save (50+ Will Save) may be possible in the future. Therefore, be patient. xD
That post really impoverishes your argument and arouses opposition against the purpose of the topic.Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c
There is no problem with the instant and ranged characteristics of Capering Song. What gets you or not is not is not always community's problem.
I wonder if people posting about "nerfing" are actually asking for a solution to something (that seems to be unfair or unbalanced in an online community of players) OR to ridicule the community's protest by being the Thread author and lead the Thread to the ruin.
However, we will not be victims of trickery as long as we focus on the reasonable facts. If there is none, then it is foolishness or trickery.
*Claps* That's funny. (sarcasm) :S
I'm on Argo too.
Shintao Monk: Kukan-Do (DC = 10 + Charisma Modifier + your monk level)
People can quite save against it with 40 Will on a roll higher than 10 (40 + d20), and then own you.
Last edited by Kekeon; 11-10-2010 at 09:37 AM.