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At one time, long long ago, before the darkness came, there used to be a certian element of pvp that was kind of fun. WF caster battles with guys jumping all over the place, tossing scorching rays, sleet storming, then reconstructing. Melee builds would actually bang it out without tripping, stunning, etc. Stat damagers and vorpals were generally not used. PWS and dancing was considered "noob-ish" and at times, a player who resorted to those tactics was generally unwelcome. There was, for the most part, a set of unwritten rules most people held to. Basically, at least on Khyber, pvpers usually tested their skills, builds, and gear against similar toons to see how they measured up, at leat to some part. Sure, sometimes there were a few battles that were "anything goes", but most of the time, not really.
Then came THE EXCITING CHANGE and the pits are now full of WF casters with ion stones, who PWS, irresistable dance, then scorching ray their hapless victimes. They then decalre themselves "KING" and state "I am the top PVP'er on this server".
To me, folks that play that way are the same kind of people that cheat at solitaire.