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  1. #61
    Community Member JDCrowell's Avatar
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    4 pages of this....

    and I'm still laughing....

    I just now calmed down enough to wipe the tears from my eyes to write this.

    Wooh....ok i'm good now

    Look...kid...if you like PvP so much....go play something else. This game isn't balanced for PvP...of course you've been told this thousands of times, you just don't know how to take a hint.

    On the flip side...this is moderately entertaining. I can't tell if you are serious or joking half the time.
    Member of Upper Caves of Anthia on Ghallanda.
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  2. #62
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    I Love This Guy! He Makes Me Laugh In Every One Of His Posts!!!

  3. #63
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    h4x0r1f1c if you get virtuoso of all classes nerfed i am rolling an aa(or anything els you will be crying about at the moment ) and camp out in the pvp pit all day evry day and kill you over and over and over and 1 more time after that .
    edite (got more ): and il make a pvp AA only guild called Die h4x0r1f1c Die! our slaying arrows will block out the sun !
    Last edited by elujin; 10-21-2010 at 06:02 AM.
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  4. #64
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    My sneaky bard is victorious...don't worry...I'll only grief those who deserve it. Now who has the shaving cream? I got black markers, dresses and shrek ears
    Don't let common sense stop you...
    Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09

  5. #65
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elujin View Post
    h4x0r1f1c if you get virtuoso of all classes nerfed i am rolling an aa(or anything els you will be crying about at the moment ) and camp out in the pvp pit all day evry day and kill you over and over and over and 1 more time after that .
    edite (got more ): and il make a pvp AA only guild called Die h4x0r1f1c Die! our slaying arrows will block out the sun !
    Can I join that guild? Get enough members and we'll have 100 camp out at every tavern brawl pit.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    I was in PvP and I got danced by a bard with a 70 Perform from across the pit.

    Across the pit. 70 Perform. 30 Will + a 19 roll = 49.

    70-49=21 ... 21+19=40 ... I can't roll a 40 to save.

    This also bypassed my Mantle and my Ioun Stone.

    Especially the case if they're able to whip out a Manyshot + Slayer Arrows.

    Please stop hinting and just get rid of PvP if you're going to do this, Turbine.
    Then stop sticking your nose into pvp, ddo is not a pvp game, pvp and me get along just fine in ddo, i dont do pvp, pvp doesent do me, simple as that. Turbine doesent have to get rid of anything in your favor, you however have option to avoid things you dont like.

    Seriously if its so bad, move to another game or find something you are happy about in ddo.
    Last edited by hecate355; 10-21-2010 at 06:18 AM.

  7. #67
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asphodeli View Post
    Ah, good thinking, I always thought the alignment of spells were always the caster's alignment and not because of the action. However I think this argument is flawed since people will be forced to do things against their will, whether good or bad, e.g. soldiers in an army, a parent disciplining his/her child, etc. I think what matters is what the action ultimately does. For example, if I dance someone because he is about to fall off a cliff, is that a good action, or an evil one?

    But back to your idea...this perspective could prove useful in PnP one day...
    It's not my idea, its right out of the 3.x rules. From the SRD:

    Second, the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from evil effect. If the protection from evil effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This second effect works regardless of alignment.

    Any attempt to charm or mentally control you is blocked by prot from evil. Nice and clear.

  8. #68
    Community Member JDCrowell's Avatar
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    I like the new sig line, Lorien
    Member of Upper Caves of Anthia on Ghallanda.
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  9. #69
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post
    Can I join that guild? Get enough members and we'll have 100 camp out at every tavern brawl pit.
    if they nerf virt2 all my time and effort wil be put in to accomplishing this
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  10. #70
    Community Member Moltier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post

    Please stop hinting and just get rid of PvP if you're going to do this, Turbine.
    Please dont do it! We need these threads for good laughs!
    And its soo easy to find these. Just search for pvp h4x and slaying arrows...

    Ok, to be more serius, h4x if this is what you are looking for in this game, at least try to learn and find out new tactics, dont complain. If you dont have any defense, then kill first. Ranged attacks, effects? Use enlarge and shot them down.

    First you complained about slayer arrows, now bards... whats next? Gnome druids?
    PvP all you want (or come PvE with us) just dont ask for changes.

    Have a good day!
    Valyria - Hulkie - Sillymilly - Killberry - Silvyanna - Walour - Corgak - Thalrian-1

  11. #71
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Everything that I wanted to say has been mentioned so I'm going to sum up...

    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    I was in PvP and I got danced by a bard with a 70 Perform from across the pit.

    Across the pit. 70 Perform. 30 Will + a 19 roll = 49.

    70-49=21 ... 21+19=40 ... I can't roll a 40 to save.

    This also bypassed my Mantle and my Ioun Stone.

    Especially the case if they're able to whip out a Manyshot + Slayer Arrows.

    Please stop hinting and just get rid of PvP if you're going to do this, Turbine.

    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    Oh it's also instant. No whipping out the o'le banjo and running around like with Fascinate.

    You can't even Magic Missile their Mantle of the Worldshaper in time you're already dancing.
    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    No it didn't kill me because it was a friend but while I was dancing the Undead Warforged from the other thread did.
    This is just priceless. So totally priceless.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingTurtle View Post
    They need to make a new quest, with a map like the wayward lobster, where the objective is to kill "Dispel, the PvP expert" in as many humiliating and degrading ways as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    For those that do not play on Sarlona and have either made or planning on making an AA on sarlona feel free to send myself or any other member a tell for a guild invite to increase the OP's hated for you as well as some decent boat buffs.
    I've been thinking about a bard myself. Thought about a warchanter but I may just go virt now. Have other projects right now but I may move this one up to a front burner.

    Quote Originally Posted by elujin View Post
    h4x0r1f1c if you get virtuoso of all classes nerfed i am rolling an aa(or anything els you will be crying about at the moment ) and camp out in the pvp pit all day evry day and kill you over and over and over and 1 more time after that .
    edite (got more ): and il make a pvp AA only guild called Die h4x0r1f1c Die! our slaying arrows will block out the sun !
    I agree. I'll make a Warchanter and buff you with songs.
    Last edited by KillEveryone; 10-21-2010 at 07:57 AM.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  12. #72
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    I was in PvP and I got danced by a bard with a 70 Perform from across the pit.

    Across the pit. 70 Perform. 30 Will + a 19 roll = 49.

    70-49=21 ... 21+19=40 ... I can't roll a 40 to save.

    This also bypassed my Mantle and my Ioun Stone.

    Especially the case if they're able to whip out a Manyshot + Slayer Arrows.

    Please stop hinting and just get rid of PvP if you're going to do this, Turbine.
    Don't you ever get tired?

  13. #73
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Woot just in time!

  14. #74
    Community Member Raveolution's Avatar
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    The phiarlan shield you get as reward once completed the carnival chain quest, has 5 charges. Those charges absorb all enh spells, even bard songs. Go, find one

  15. #75
    Community Member Onorus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raveolution View Post
    The phiarlan shield you get as reward once completed the carnival chain quest, has 5 charges. Those charges absorb all enh spells, even bard songs. Go, find one
    That would require him to actually run a quest! All he wants to do is whine here, hoping Turbine gets sick enough of his posts to just give in.

  16. #76
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    just get rid of PvP
    this is in my sig now.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  17. #77
    Community Member talyor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    What gets me is:

    It's instant.

    It's ranged.

    It's unsavable. (basically)

    These do nothing:
    Mantle of the Worldshaper
    Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
    dont you have another post about how overpowered the pale lavander ion stone is for PVP and if you now own one doesnt that make you a hypocrite and if you are willing to make that comprimise why dont you just shelve your sorc and make a bard AA and maybe bendover will let you join his guild. as a matter of fact why dont you dual box ddo and shoot yourself that way you can do 2 post of nerfs and to not nerf .... LOL

  18. #78
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    Default're on Sarlona?!?

    Time to redo my enhancements on my Warchanter.

  19. #79
    Community Member WeaselKing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    I was in PvP and I got danced by a bard with a 70 Perform from across the pit.

    Across the pit. 70 Perform. 30 Will + a 19 roll = 49.

    70-49=21 ... 21+19=40 ... I can't roll a 40 to save.

    This also bypassed my Mantle and my Ioun Stone.

    Especially the case if they're able to whip out a Manyshot + Slayer Arrows.

    Please stop hinting and just get rid of PvP if you're going to do this, Turbine.
    I really don't understand why you continue to play this game when you seem to prefer pvp, this game is not nor will it ever be (I hope) geared towards pvp. There are other games out there that make great strides to keep pvp balanced, perhaps you should give one of those a try, assuming there is not some reason that you are not allowed to participate in those games. On the other hand you could just build an AA virtuoso and pwn everybody in the pit, perhaps that would make you happy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    Please forgive my personal attack, I was high on Platypus Venom at the time.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moltier View Post
    First you complained about slayer arrows, now bards... whats next? Gnome druids?
    please dont complain about me

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