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Thread: idea for bosses

  1. #1
    Community Member Visucius's Avatar
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    Smile idea for bosses

    Well I've seen some Japanese mmo's do this and seems to work wonders for them and it would be very cool...
    Have a person control the boss.

    Everyone says the AIs need improvement which they do but the thing is these new AIs I would think would cause lag for everyone so I thought if a person were to control the monster it wouldn't cause lag and it would be MUCH harder, if this were to be implemented the boss in question would have to have it's uber amount of health and str and so on lowered to because the person controlling it could now think of strategies.

    the only problems I can see with this is
    ~paying the guy who gets to pwn the poor guys he went up against
    ~and that how to reconfigure agroing the boss (perhaps make set rules the person who plays the boss such as target those who have done the most damage to you.)

    The pros to this though to me out weigh the cons
    ~whole new game challenge
    ~allowing for team work to be more essential
    ~make the bosses more realstic(game wise)
    ~never the same experience with the boss(unless he spams that one attack yet again restricted by some rules)

    perhaps this has been suggested before but I think the idea is a pretty good one.

    PS posted here not suggestions due to the fact this has to do with monsters and a change with AIs
    Last edited by Visucius; 10-20-2010 at 10:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    there is only 2.5 possible scenarios there

    1) griefing
    2) allowing your buds to kill you without issues
    0.5) do it as intended
    Thelanis - Inferus Sus
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  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    No thank you.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Tholar's Avatar
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    Back when I was helping run a MUD, we used to do this all the time.

    I had a power that allowed me to step into the body of the mob.

    Yes, it could be used for griefing but the players enjoyed it.

    Imagine, you are fighting the stormreaver, and he suddenly stops attacking, stands back and starts to drop "your momma" jokes.

    Used too often, people get upset. If it is used infrequently, these episodes become legend.
    Quote Originally Posted by Codeshaper View Post
    Now that's just crazy talk
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  5. #5
    Community Member Visucius's Avatar
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    guys what i mean is not a player a dev a working in employee for the company who must abide by certain rules but is free to fight in a manner which an AI couldn't replicate

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visucius View Post
    guys what i mean is not a player a dev a working in employee for the company who must abide by certain rules but is free to fight in a manner which an AI couldn't replicate
    well, it would be good for the economy when thousands of new jobs are created. (actually i'm very interested in the total number of raids that are run each day on each server. is there a official statement somewhere concerning this?)

    this would have a impact on the pricing however...
    Thelanis - Inferus Sus
    Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing Warforged
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  7. #7
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Only if bosses didn't have infinite SP with no cooldowns.

    P.S. This kind of a quest would be limited to one instance per server because you can't expect there to be enough employees to play the role of 'boss' for EVERY instance, now do you?

    P.P.S. You have to weigh out the pros/cons. Would this suggestion make the game so enjoyable that Turbine will attract millions of players and earn lots of money but at the same time incurring only a small cost? If the answer is no then it won't be implemented.
    Last edited by AyumiAmakusa; 10-21-2010 at 09:15 AM.
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  8. #8
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    this seems to be a good idea, and hell, if it works in Japan, why can't it work in good-old western world?

    However, i think this should only be done for certain bosses, you know, ones with high INT and WIS ratings come to mind, after all, it is a role-playing-game.

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