Was just pondering some new ( new to me ) builds since this new update and all is coming out. Was wanting a little input or suggestions on them.
FvS AA. 18 FvS/1 ranger/1 monk ( for bow strength/Monk wis bonus to AC) - purpose of good ranged damage + BB kiting. intention of using Zen Archery also.
FvS Melee 18/2 monk or 20 FvS half-orc. 2H build. ( preferably with high wis for DC's. but also high STR to maintain melee dmg) - purpose of being melee soloist/multi-role like WF FvS except having better wis for DC's and possibly monk? for AC/evasion in a 2H build.
Any comments/suggestions on these? I'm excited about both builds IF I'm not over looking some build breaking flaw.