Would like to get my hands on a few items. Theese items are obviously wanted by everybody and there cousin, so I figured I would offer something that is equally Outstandingly usefull and commonly used as currency...
Want list includes:
Scrolls: Marilith Chain, Torc
Sooo, since theese items are so commonly sought after, I am offering this.. All the Ingredients needed to make any Shroud Item, [Of your choice], including the Greensteel Blank..[Of your choice]...
Offer Includes:
Shavarath Disk needed to make Blank Item.. {Bound to char, but item is Bound on equip :] }
The Twig/Funk/Husk/Lilly/Pebbles/Fungus....Ing Needed to make GreenSteel Blank [Of your choice]
12 Small, 12 Med, 12/24 Large [Ing Specific to Item You Wanted to create]
Also On my Might trade For Epic Raid Scrolls List:
Bound To ACCOUNT [Not character]. Plus 5 Protection Ioun Stone Minimum Level 1 !!!
Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
Fulls set of tome pages
Fire Storm Greaves
Teleport Mask
Ring Of Dijn
All kinds of Non Raid Epic Scrolls
Send me a Private Message If you have theese items and are interested....
....Lucky*Charms.... 'Leroy Can Solo This'