for future updates to this game?
I am super excited for both the half elves and half orcs that are coming in and I am also happy that the developers are working on bringing in druids ( which should be here by spring or sooner).
What races or classes or paths would you like to see planned for the future for updates to this game ?
Here's what I would like:
Shifters: To me this is a no brainers. Shifters are one of the most ICONIC races from EBBERRON and should be included. To me, along with the Warforged, it's what made the eberron setting different from say the forgotten realms and the dragonlance setting. Please bring in shifters !!!
Gnomes: I have always loved playing gnomes in pen and paper D+D and would like to see them in this game as well. Gnomes I think in the immediate past have kind of gotten the shaft. they weren't included in this game and were completely left out of 4th edition pen and paper D+D when it first came out. Gnomes have always made for natural mechanics and are just below high elves in their magic ability. I think an interesting way to bring in gnomes would be to have them have +'s to their illusion spells like the do in the 3.5 handbook but also in this game since they are natural mechanics, give them a +4 or something to repair warforged.
any suggestions from you......???
Psions ? psychic warriors ? Samuri ' s ? swashbucklers ? Goliaths ? Tieflings and aasimars ?