First off, I have been playing around with the char generator much more than actually playing the game so my thoughts about the ranger class are purely hypothetical and any ideas from vets is more than welcome. Many builds employ the TWF style but not all are tempests. So I built an elf str based char (I won't bore you with the char sheet, he has all the nuts and bolts...power attack, toughness etc with 20str, 14con, 14wis at level 20.), keeping in mind he would not be barreling into a mob, and he would be using his unique ranger/elf abilities mainly for boss fights and emergencies. The ranger class, on it's own, has a good amount of skill points(making it flexable enough to focus on either sneaking OR trapping(not both unfortunatly) at the same time keeping a respectable(20-22) UMD score, can self heal, has a few nice buffs and when leveled to 11, provides the full TWF chain for free...not too shabby. The one thing I don't like all that much is the cost of the tempest line. 3 feats, and 14 AP(I think) and lose some AC, which by all accounts doesn'tmatter later in the game). Here's my thought. Taking an elf, for example, you could splash 1 level rogue, 1 level fighter and run ranger to 18(typical exploiter build). By forgoing the tempest line, you would save 3 feats(4 if you don't take OTWF), taking instead lets say two dragonmark feats to gain inviso + displacement(vs bosses or for emergency use). The other could be spent on extend if one wished to be displaced for longer periods of time, maximize or empower heal for boosting self healing, maybe quicken for some people, or even improved critical ranged(bows) to go along with improved crit "melee", fully juice up both melee and long range lines of the elf. With 14 AP's saved by not taking tempest 1 through to 3(8 AP), and ranger dex 1 and 2(6 AP), those points could be spent on skill boosts, elf enchantment resistance, or even elf dex 1 + ranger dex 1(4 AP), or many others that may interest you. Of course this build would be giving up some DPS, but he would not be a mob cleaner, he would of course have to try to soften up enemies with long range or draw 1 or 2 opponents away from mobs to be effective I would think. A tactical fighter more than a brute, I guess. What do you think? Using the right tactics, would this kind of build work?