Not only are we introducing half-orc and half-elf in Update 7: Half-Bloods later this month, we are also rolling out the Half-Bloods Bundle (buy half-orc & half-elf together) and the Half-Blood Champions Bundle (buy half-orc, half-elf & 32-Point Build together)! Read more
We will also be revising prices for all races and classes, so if you would like to own these races and classes at their present prices, buy them before the release of Update 7: Half-Bloods!
New pricing will be:
- Favored Soul Class: 895 Points
- Monk Class: 995 Points
- Warforged Race: 795 Points
- Drow Race: 995 Points
- Half-elf Race: 1195 Points - Coming Soon!
- Half-orc Race: 1295 Points - Coming Soon!
- Half-Bloods Bundle: 1995 Points - Coming Soon!
- Half-Blood Champions Bundle: 2995 Points - Coming Soon!