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  1. #1
    Community Member Maxou69's Avatar
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    Thumbs down You are a noob? plz don't lead

    I had so much deception on thelanis recently...

    If you can't lead, join groups and don't put lfm up.

    I've seen so many shrouds recently without any leadership. What's the problem? Vets try to take the lead due to lack of leadership and peeps are confused and dont know who to follows. I'm not a leader by nature, I did near 500 shrouds and everytime I have to lead one I'm a little bit stress but it's a good feeling tho (english is not my primary language)

    My drama of the night:
    It's so easy to reach level 20 on the 1st life and without knowing the game for now. A level 20 pally was forming a ToD and asking for UBER players only. Even with my 40 ToD this year in every roles, I would never try to lead this for now... 10 spots taken. (no caster, no healer) I came as 1st healer and think he will take another healer or if it's a uber party I can solo heal this anyway. He took another DPS and said with all thoses rangers, they will cast camouflage on us and we will be fine. I asked what about the kiting? He said to me :what kiting? Anyway we will be invisible...

    I leave the group before the quest and every other members leaved as well.

    Come one, camouflage is made only to ****ed off peoples who likes the look their armors and if you don't know this at level 20, you should not lead groups or even breath...

    tx for reading, I feel better

    Melissiah of Thelanis

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    I usually only put up my own LFM if I kow I will need help for the boss fight or to get something done I can't accomplish due to the class I am playing.

    Otherwise I just always join someone else's group........but I would like to point out, that just because you join another persons group because you can't or don't want to lead, it doesn't mean the person that did post the LFM knows how to lead either.

    In fact, in this day in age......I would garner to wage that with all the new players in the game and increasing population, a great number of LFM's are posted by "new to a quest or game" beginners hoping someone who knows the quest will join and lead.

  3. #3
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    I post lfms for quests I don't know. They have tags like, "taking it slowly", "need guide", or "be patient." Sometimes it's fun to go at a quest you don't know with a bunch of ppl who don't know it. Or solo.

    But I do let ppl know that I don't know the quest -- they get irritable when you don't.

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxou69 View Post
    I had so much deception on thelanis recently...

    If you can't lead, join groups and don't put lfm up.

    I've seen so many shrouds recently without any leadership. What's the problem? Vets try to take the lead due to lack of leadership and peeps are confused and dont know who to follows. I'm not a leader by nature, I did near 500 shrouds and everytime I have to lead one I'm a little bit stress but it's a good feeling tho (english is not my primary language)

    My drama of the night:
    It's so easy to reach level 20 on the 1st life and without knowing the game for now. A level 20 pally was forming a ToD and asking for UBER players only. Even with my 40 ToD this year in every roles, I would never try to lead this for now... 10 spots taken. (no caster, no healer) I came as 1st healer and think he will take another healer or if it's a uber party I can solo heal this anyway. He took another DPS and said with all thoses rangers, they will cast camouflage on us and we will be fine. I asked what about the kiting? He said to me :what kiting? Anyway we will be invisible...

    I leave the group before the quest and every other members leaved as well.

    Come one, camouflage is made only to ****ed off peoples who likes the look their armors and if you don't know this at level 20, you should not lead groups or even breath...

    tx for reading, I feel better

    oh that's awesome! lol. brilliant. i'm glad you left though - that would have been one expensive TOD....
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  5. #5
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    I don't so much 'lead' quests as organize them. And by organize I mean "I'm running such-and-such, in progress, drop ins welcome."

    But yeah, I'll organize a PUG for something I haven't memorized. Half the fun of this game for me is the exploration, so my play style won't mesh with a bunch of zergers farming xps.

    But I won't specify that in my LFM.
    Last edited by Postumus; 10-19-2010 at 12:11 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member BurningDownTheHouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeliCat View Post
    that would have been one expensive TOD....
    Na, would have wiped in part one. And any sensible healer would have realized that this is no situation that a few potions can resolve.
    Officer of Pestilence.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Lailat is just a loot pinyata.

  7. #7
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    ...and I might also submit that if you're an elitist jerkwad, you shouldn't be leading...

    ...or if you want to pike or be carried through the quest...

    ...or if you had a bad day and might just rip someone's head off for no reason...

    ...or if you're too embarrassed to admit you don't know something...

    Leading a group requires communication skills, patience, and some knowledge of the game. You don't necessarily NEED knowledge of a regular quest to lead it (although you really do for raids) but a good understanding of tactics and your group's capabilities is needed if you do not have specific knowledge of the quest.

    Some of the most fun groups I've had have been a bunch of us all going into a quest for the first time and figuring it out together. But everyone has to understand that's what we're doing, up front.

    Bad leaders who act like the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket are often that way because they are hollow. They're afraid their followers will find out how little they know, and they do everything they can conceal their weakness.

    Good leaders admit when they are unsure of something, and show their strength by being willing to let others contribute.

    Good leaders are willing to teach. Bad ones hoard necessary information as a source of power. Good leaders are delighted to learn something new from a subordinate. Bad ones are terrified by the thought.

    Think about the crappy bosses you've had at RL jobs, then think about the good ones. The same principle applies.

  8. #8
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    BTW...some of the WORST leaders are the ones who most desperately WANT to lead.

    It's true IRL as well as in game.

  9. #9
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    So you're saying that you are not familiar with the uber Camouflage-method of Tower of Despair? It goes like this: Enter on Elite, cast Camouflage on all, and wipe at the first Orthons.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Meowin's Avatar
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    Ranting about people not knowing general game mechanics is one thing (camo), but saying people are not allowed to learn raids by themselves is just bull. Maybe be prepared to ask next time wether the leader ever did lead the raid before and/or knows it good enough, but don´t scold someone for daring to be a first -timer.


  11. #11
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxou69 View Post
    I had so much deception on thelanis recently...

    If you can't lead, join groups and don't put lfm up.

    There are basically four ways to do a quest:

    - Ask your guildies to do it with you
    - Join a LFM
    - Solo it
    - Make up an own LFM

    I prefer to run with a group, my HD is full of games I can “solo”. I am playing DDO because of the groups. And when there is no guildy to run with me and no LFM up with a quest I want to do I will make my own LFM. Interesting thing: The LFMs I put up so far always filled quickly, even when I wrote that I am doing the quest for the first time. My question is: When all those people want to group for a quest, why was it on my to put up the LFM? I am a newbie, I should join others LFM. But I can wait forever till something I want to play shows up. My solution to the leader “problem”: When I get the feeling, that another player would be the better leader I am going to ask him if he/she wants the star. If not I remain the leader and when there are questions like: Are there traps? I’ll have a look into the ddo wiki. You have two choices: Lead by yourself or be fine with the current leader. Sitting in the back row and ranting like Statler and Waldorf from the muppets doesn’t help at all.
    I can understand that’s an other thing with leading a raid. But for simple questing one doesn't need a vet to lead. Nice if there is some, but “If you can't lead, join groups and don't put lfm up.“ seem like patronizeing to me. It can be quite fun running a quest for the first time, fail, and do it better on the second try. If you want it done your way make sure you are the leader yourself.
    Last edited by Jiirix; 10-19-2010 at 04:16 AM.
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  12. #12
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    N00bs, by definition, don't do constructive things like read forums. They are far too uber to waste time on such things. Thus the OP is only preaching to the choir. But for what it's worth, I agree with you in spirit. You did the right thing. Dropping group before beginning was the best way to handle that.

  13. #13
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxou69 View Post
    I had so much deception on thelanis recently...

    If you can't lead, join groups and don't put lfm up.

    I've seen so many shrouds recently without any leadership. What's the problem? Vets try to take the lead due to lack of leadership and peeps are confused and dont know who to follows. I'm not a leader by nature, I did near 500 shrouds and everytime I have to lead one I'm a little bit stress but it's a good feeling tho (english is not my primary language)

    My drama of the night:
    It's so easy to reach level 20 on the 1st life and without knowing the game for now. A level 20 pally was forming a ToD and asking for UBER players only. Even with my 40 ToD this year in every roles, I would never try to lead this for now... 10 spots taken. (no caster, no healer) I came as 1st healer and think he will take another healer or if it's a uber party I can solo heal this anyway. He took another DPS and said with all thoses rangers, they will cast camouflage on us and we will be fine. I asked what about the kiting? He said to me :what kiting? Anyway we will be invisible...

    I leave the group before the quest and every other members leaved as well.

    Come one, camouflage is made only to ****ed off peoples who likes the look their armors and if you don't know this at level 20, you should not lead groups or even breath...

    tx for reading, I feel better

    I saw that LFM.

    "Muture players only."

    I also saw it reform and languish for 20+ minutes. Then I saw the PL post other LFMs that never filled either. It's easy to gain a bad rep as a terrible player/raid leader. Another reason not to lead a group if you can't handle it.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Maxou69's Avatar
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    Yeah that was that lfm... muture...

    Maybe I look harsh but I was totaly ****ed. Now that I'm calm I can say noobs can't start lfm, we are in a free world after all. Maybe they should not lead ToD tho. But asking for "uber players only" when you are here to learn cause you think camouflage is THE SPELL in DDO then you are wrong and I understand why everyone leave after me. At least they stop waisting their own time with that leader who should learn from others instead of trying to fake his level of knowledge. (sorry for the bad english, I'm having hard time to find the right words)
    Melissiah of Thelanis

  15. #15
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxou69 View Post
    If you can't lead, join groups and don't put lfm up.
    Agreed that if you have no clue do not lead the raid or quest... but if you put up an lfm asking for guidance it's better than sitting doing nothing but staring at the lfms hoping someone with a clue puts one up that you can join!

    The first thing to learn in being a good leader is to know when to pass the star.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  16. #16
    Founder Xithos's Avatar
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    Talking New peeps

    I'm cool with newish folks leading their own groups and creating their own lfms; I think it would help them out as long as they find some outlet to inform folks that they are new and probably won't know most of the tricks. Stating it in the LFM or using party chat to inform will let people looking for a quick and efficient run to go elsewhere or lead their own group and not lead to an aggravated vet who cannot belive they spent an hour in a newbie run that resulted in failure and excessive mana pot consumption. Everyone was new at some point in time and slogging through the quests is a great way to learn the game as long as the people involved "know the score" so to speak.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Noobs aren't allowed to put up LFMs for raids, and aren't allowed to join anyone else's LFMs for raids.

    Guess they're just out of luck, until they get all the gear and know all the quests so that they are no longer noobs.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  18. #18
    Community Member Triepod's Avatar
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    This newb(less than year) puts up lfm's when he can't find one for the quest he want's to run. Can only run ww on elite so many times... ;p But then, I am up front in the lfm description and with players as they join that I may not know all there is to know about the particular quest. This newb has no problem differing to a more knowledgeable player or even passing the star( male or female ;p ).

    As to raids, I am in a small but quality(so I feal) guild and can't fill a full raid with all guild members. So, I have to pug raids. I would say that 99.9% of the "vets" are fine with newbness so long as you state up front you are a first timer or only ran the raid a few times and a few pointers here or there go along way. But then, I cruise the forums and learn what not to do. Come prepared, ask if you don't know, contribute to the group. Don't get the party wiped.. ;p a little digging on the wiki about the raid/quest before hand goes a long way... and I try to steer folx to the forums/wiki in their down time to try to pick up pointers and increase game knowledge...

    My two bits...

  19. #19
    Community Member Nezichiend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post

    Noobs aren't allowed to put up LFMs for raids, and aren't allowed to join anyone else's LFMs for raids.

    Guess they're just out of luck, until they get all the gear and know all the quests so that they are no longer noobs.
    Sure they can lead it but they are obviously going to fail.
    They can join raids if they have heavy fort, DR breakers and 350+ hp. That isn't hard to get.

  20. #20
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    A while back I saw a lfm asking only for 'players who knew the quest' for Faithful Departed. When I joined the group, the leader asked if I knew the quest because he hadn't played it yet. I knew it was a bad omen, but figured everyone had to learn at some point, so I stayed.

    When we entered the forest the leader got lost, and when he died he got mad at the rest of the group.

    That about sums it up, lol.

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