It stacks.
It stacks.
Want to remain guildless or solo, but still want to take advantage of the guild renown system?
Solo / Guildless / No Pressure / The Guildless Guild on Argonnessen
i wonder if we will ever get a half orc half WF race! two PA ench lines two WA lines. more like an almost dead orc that was fused with a tree that WF are made off, and then enchanted to act like one. wonder what the balance would be :P
Originally Posted by [B]McBadger[/B]Suffering is good, on the path to CARNAGE!
I believe Warforcs get Power Stackattack
Level 20 commoner.
Does anyone even know what this original thread was about? But it is humrous!
All men die, few men truly live.... Sir William Wallace
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
Barbachop/Fizzburn/Politikills & Boaby - Omnipresence,Ghallanda
rofl necro.
But will it blend?
i love this thread.
Last edited by Kominalito; 04-24-2011 at 01:34 PM.
you changed, bro...
Man:Well, what've you got?Waitress:Well, there's Half Orc and Power Attack; Half Orc Warforge and Power Attack; Half Orc and stack; Half Orc Power Attack and stack; Half Orc Power Attack Warforge and stack; stack Power Attack Warforge and stack; stack Half Orc stack stack Power Attack and stack; stack Warforge stack stack Power Attack stack Tavern Wench and stack;Tavern Wench:stack stack stack stack...Waitress:...stack stack stack Half Orc and stack; stack stack stack stack stack stack Halfling stack stack stack...Tavern Wench:stack! Lovely stack! Lovely stack!Waitress:...or Wayward Lobster a Eberron with an Enchanted Energy Tonic sauce served in a Stormreach manner with Ghallanda Rations garnished with Sliced Octopus pate, Witch's Brew and with a fried Half Orc on top and stack.Wife:Have you got anything without stack?Waitress:Well, there's stack Half Orc Warforge and stack, that's not got much stack in it.Wife:I don't want ANY stack!
Khyber: Carinn (TR 18 Sorcerer) -- Kyrainne (TR 20 Paladin) -- Arrail (TR 20 Favored Soul) -- Aoede (18 Bard) -- Terrabourne (20 Ranger) -- Ankhalla (20 Monk) -- Cylanna (20 Rogue)
The Lifeguard: A Swimcleric build