(warning: neither sarcastic nor dramatic...so probably not exciting)
Just thanks for buying the luminescent dust, fragrant drowshods, small/medium dragonshards, pure waters and other assorted collectibles. After the update it should be a lot easier to appropriately price and find things, so continue to buy them to fund gear and consumables for my humble characters.
Also thank you for selling gear to the various house vendors. Having some platinum available and reasonably priced weapons and accessories available for purchase had made it relatively easy to wear disease/poison immunity items, the occasional moderate fortification item, some skill and stat boost items handy...and it is nice to be able to afford remove curse pots, cure mod wound wands and the like.
I finally got my first heavy fort item from Relic of the Sovereign Host...had to run it at lvl 10 on casual, but after a few fun/scary moments managed to even finish it with a hireling...thanks in part to those of you who sold weapons to House D vendors and the like.
I look forward to finding time to finally PuGging it up...and to farming this Orchard place and others.
Atalycus (and too many other)