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  1. #1
    Community Member zed1's Avatar
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    Default The Anvil: A Stunning Blow Build

    Warning: this is not a DPS build

    I was looking at the release notes, and thinking about how half-orc could be used to turn my favorite strategy (stunning blow) up to 11. I don't want to use terms like "highest stunning blow DC possible" or anything like that, but this build will reach foolishly high numbers. I plan on TRing my main into this build very soon, I will have past life fighter and past life barbarian available to me. Below is the 36 point build, but a 32 point version is definitely possible.

    A quick note on classes and stunning blow
    Fighter and barbarian are the classes of choice when making a stunning blow build. A Fighter has enhancements to boost strength & SB as well as the kensai PRE. A Barbarian has rage. This build seeks to combine the best of both: 12 levels of fighter for kensai II and kensai burst, and 6 levels of barbarian for power rage II. There is also good synergy with half orc and at least 6 levels of barbarian.

    Finally, I'm planning 2 levels of rogue for UMD and evasion. This doesn't help my SB at all, but will give me some additional self-sufficiency and survivability. A 14 fighter/6 barbarian or 12 fighter/8 barbarian also have some merits.

    Starting stats (36 points): 20/15/14/10/8/8

    Levels and feats:
    1: rog (twf)
    2: ftr (wf:bludgeon)
    3: ftr (toughness, stunning blow)
    4: brb
    5: brb
    6: ftr (past life barb)
    7: ftr (ws:bludgeon)
    8: ftr
    9: ftr (itwf, ic:bludgeon)
    10: rog
    11: ftr
    12: ftr (gtwf, pa)
    13: ftr
    14: ftr (gwf: bludgeon)
    15: ftr (quick draw)
    16: ftr (gws: bludgeon)
    17: brb
    18: brb (skill focus: umd)
    19: brb
    20: brb

    Planned Enhancements:
    Half-Orc (18 AP)
    Strength I-II: 6
    Orc Extra Action Boost I-III: 6
    Orcish Power Rage I-II: 3
    Toughness I-II: 3
    Power Attack I: 1

    Fighter (49 AP)
    Attack Boost I-II: 3
    Crit Accuracy I-II: 3
    Haste I-IV:10
    Kensai Warhammer Mastery I-II: 2
    Kensai I-II: 6
    Stunning Blow I-III: 6
    Warhammer Specialization: 1
    Strength I-III: 12
    Toughness I-III: 6

    Barb: (10 AP)
    Extend Rage I-II: 3
    Power Rage I-II: 3
    Sprint Boost: 1
    Con I: 2
    Power Attack I: 1

    Rogue (2 AP)
    Sneak Attack Training: 1
    Rogue Skill Boost I: 1

    Stunning Blow DC:
    Standing SB DC: 10 (base) + 10 (weighted) + 2 (kensai) + 3 (enhancements) + 1 (past life fighter) = 26

    Base Strength: 20 + 2 (HO) + 3 (Fighter) +5 (level up) + 6 (item) + 3 (exceptional) +2 (tome) = 41 Strength/+15 stunning DC
    Very Likely Buffs: +8 (Kensai Power Surge) + 2 (madstone proc) + 2 (rage spell) +1 (airship buff)= 54 str/+22 stunning DC
    Likely buffs: +8 (Barb Rage) = 62 Strength/+26 stunning DC
    Situational buffs: +2 (madstone clicky) +4 (barb past life) +6 (titan gloves) +2 (yugo pot) = 76 str/+33 stunning DC
    Possible future buffs: +2 (+4 tome) +1 (level 49 airship buff) +1 (a +7 str item) = 80 str/+35 stunning DC
    Wouldn't-depend-on-them-but included-to-be-comprehensive buffs: + 8 (blood rage) = 88 str/+39 stunning DC

    As you can see, the standing stunning blow DC is 41, and it will be in the 48/52 range in the normal raid-ready situation. This should provide a no-fail stun in most of the content.
    Last edited by zed1; 10-25-2010 at 01:47 PM. Reason: Updating levels

  2. #2
    Community Member Adrian99's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Stunning FTW!

    I really like this build, love the stun DC

    If I were rolling it, I'd go for levels/feats like so:

    1: rog (twf)
    2: ftr (wf:bludgeon)
    3: ftr (toughness, stunning blow)
    4: brb
    5: brb
    6: ftr (past life barb)
    7: ftr (ws:bludgeon)
    8: ftr
    9: ftr (itwf, ic:bludgeon)
    10: rog
    11: ftr
    12: ftr (gtwf, pa)
    13: ftr
    14: ftr (gwf: bludgeon)
    15: ftr (quick draw)
    16: ftr (gws: bludgeon)
    17: brb
    18: brb (skill focus: umd)
    19: brb
    20: brb

    My main justification for this path is this:

    1) Getting Kensei as early as possible seems to be really helpful
    2) most of what I like about 6 barb is in the 1st 2 levels, which gets you about 3-4 minutes of rage per shrine.

    But obviously there are many ways of doing it

  3. #3
    Community Member zed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrian99 View Post
    I really like this build, love the stun DC

    If I were rolling it, I'd go for levels/feats like so:

    Agreed, tyvm.(+1 rep)

    Initially I was thinking about skill points, but most everything that I'm investing my points in is cross-class. So there is no real benefit to getting the barb levels early.

  4. #4
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    A half-orc is going to burst higher, I think, while a 'forged and their racial adders will be more consistently good ...yes?
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  5. #5
    Community Member kernal42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    A half-orc is going to burst higher, I think, while a 'forged and their racial adders will be more consistently good ...yes?
    WF will be higher by 1 standing; horc and WF will be equal when raged.


  6. #6
    Community Member zed1's Avatar
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    A WF can get great numbers as well. The issue that I have with WF Tactics (and the reason I chose not to do this build as a WF) is the cost of the enhancements. Tactics 1-3 is 12 AP, where the orc extra action boosts and fury cost 9 AP. Using strength instead of tactics to boost stunning blow has the added benefit that DPS is increased. The raged Orc will do 3 more points of damage, 9 more critical damage, and have a +3 to hit; all useful in epics.

    The WF with tactics is definitely better suited if you expect to throw in a trip or sunder, and will have better HP. There are lots of ways of accomplishing the goals of this build.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Default What about Dwarf?

    Dwarf has Dwarven tactics which also aids in the SB calculations.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    I TR'ed out of this build - the clickies were impossible.

    Raids were the worst as the clicky buffs (rage, surge, haste boost, madstone, possible frenzy, etc) were often off the screen.

    The 18/2 Version has close to the same "practical" value and is far less annoying!

    ps: close because you can fit all the the STR/Stun Enhancements on 18/2 but not 12/6/2.
    Last edited by stockwizard5; 12-03-2010 at 06:03 PM.
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