Hey guys looking for a little input on a FvS build I just finished, Main Idea is to be mostly healing/buffing, but i still want to be able to decent offensive casting when need be, I went with dwarf because it's more a RP thing that and I have not seen may dwarf FvS's around. So here is what I have so far, should I change the feat order? or the enhancements? Jump vs. UMD?
Level 20 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
(20 Favored Soul)
Hit Points: 322
Spell Points: 1991
BAB: 15/15/20/2525
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 12
Will: 20
Abilities Base Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1)
Strength 12
Dexterity 8
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 12
Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
Base Skills
Skills (Level 1)
Balance -1
Bluff 1
Concentration 6
Diplomacy 1
Disable Device n/a
Haggle 1
Heal 4
Hide -1
Intimidate 1
Jump 5
Listen 4
Move Silently -1
Open Lock n/a
Perform n/a
Repair 0
Search 0
Spot 4
Swim 1
Tumble n/a
Use Magic Device n/a
Level 1 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Concentration (+4)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Feat: (Diety) Favored by the Sovereign Host
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds
Spell (1): Nightshield
Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I
Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic I
Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion I
Level 2 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (1): Command
Enhancement: Favored Soul Charisma I
Enhancement: Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery I
Level 3 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Spell (1): Divine Favor
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
Enhancement: Favored Soul Improved Empowering I
Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life I
Level 4 (Favored Soul)
Ability Raise: WIS
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds
Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic II
Enhancement: Favored Soul Wisdom I
Level 5 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Featt: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Fire
Spell (2): Resist Energy
Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life I
Enhancement: Favored Soul Spell Penetration I
Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion II
Level 6 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds
Enhancement: Unyielding Sovereignty
Level 7 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (2): Sonic Blast
Spell (3): Prayer
Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic III
Level 8 (Favored Soul)
Ability Raise: WIS
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)
Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds
Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life II
Enhancement: Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery II
Level 9 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Tumble (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
Spell (2): Hold Person
Spell (3): Magic Circle Against Evil
Spell (4): Freedom of Movement
Enhancement: Favored Soul Charisma II
Level 10 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Electricity
Spell (5): Mass Cure Light Wounds
Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion III
Level 11 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (3): Mass Aid
Spell (4): Holy Smite
Spell (5): Greater Command
Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life II
Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic IV
Level 12 (Favored Soul)
Ability Raise: WIS
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell
Spell (6): Blade Barrier
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
Level 13 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (4): Divine Power
Spell (5): True Seeing
Spell (6): Heal
Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion IV
Level 14 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (7): Mass Cure Serious Wounds
Enhancement: Favored Soul Spell Penetration II
Level 15 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Cold
Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
Spell (5): Slay Living
Spell (6): Cometfall
Spell (7): Protection From Elements, Mass
Enhancement: Favored Soul Wisdom II
Level 16 (Favored Soul)
Ability Raise: WIS
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skilll: Jump (+1)
Spell (8): Death Pact
Enhancement: Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Level 17 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (7): Resurrection
Spell (8): Mass Death Ward
Enhancement: Favored Soul Improved Empowering II
Level 18 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Spell (9): Mass Heal
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness I
Level 19 (Favored Soul)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (8): Mass Cure Critical Wounds
Spell (9): True Resurrection
Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life III
Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness II
Level 20 (Favored Soul)
Ability Raise: WIS
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Spell (9): Energy Drain
Enhancement: Favored Soul Ascendency: Sovereign Host
Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II