Just figured i would give players the run down on how my raids work or others of significance. Scrolls: Generally if a scroll drops you want to pick it up as quickly as possible to avoid it "poof"-ing, So when you pick up a scroll you let the party know what scroll and who has it and roll on it at the end of the raid and/or quest. Looting Epic Raid Chests: Loot rules should ALWAYS apply for shards. I will elaborate, before an epic raid chest is opened everyone needs to specify who's rolling for which character, 1 and only 1 character. To avoid any confrontational issues an greed. 1 more thing before i head off to work. NEVER sell raid loot! This is bad etiquette here in ddo at least on cannith to be specific, there we have it, you now know the rules of raiding 101 and are welcome to any of my raids by abiding by these rules![]()