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Thread: Raiding 101

  1. #1
    Community Member xxHazexx's Avatar
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    Default Raiding 101

    Just figured i would give players the run down on how my raids work or others of significance. Scrolls: Generally if a scroll drops you want to pick it up as quickly as possible to avoid it "poof"-ing, So when you pick up a scroll you let the party know what scroll and who has it and roll on it at the end of the raid and/or quest. Looting Epic Raid Chests: Loot rules should ALWAYS apply for shards. I will elaborate, before an epic raid chest is opened everyone needs to specify who's rolling for which character, 1 and only 1 character. To avoid any confrontational issues an greed. 1 more thing before i head off to work. NEVER sell raid loot! This is bad etiquette here in ddo at least on cannith to be specific, there we have it, you now know the rules of raiding 101 and are welcome to any of my raids by abiding by these rules

    Shadowhaze-Righteouss-Technological Warfare-Lightes.
    Fear is the enemy of logic-Frank Sinatra

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    A couple of things....

    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    Scrolls: Generally if a scroll drops you want to pick it up as quickly as possible to avoid it "poof"-ing, So when you pick up a scroll you let the party know what scroll and who has it and roll on it at the end of the raid and/or quest.
    Update 8 will fix this so that the scroll is auto-rolled on, so no need to roll on it at the end, although if you want a need before greed system then best mention that at the start of the raid/epic.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    Looting Epic Raid Chests: Loot rules should ALWAYS apply for shards. I will elaborate, before an epic raid chest is opened everyone needs to specify who's rolling for which character, 1 and only 1 character.
    This should, in PUG raids, ALWAYS be the character you are running the raid with unless it is explicitly discussed BEFORE the raid and you needed to switch character to a needed class (example switching from a rogue to a healer to fill the slots up, if you then state "I will want to roll for my rogue" then thats ok).

    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    1 more thing before i head off to work. NEVER sell raid loot! This is bad etiquette here in ddo at least on cannith to be specific
    Agreed. Straight swaps (you got xxx and I want it, I got yyy and you want it, trade?) is fine, but dont sell loot. Also, NO PROXY rolling. DONT roll for someone else (a freind/guildy or whatever!) if the item drops for you then its yours, transfer to your friend, but dont roll on someone elses loot with the intention of passing it to your friend!!

    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    there we have it, you now know the rules of raiding 101 and are welcome to any of my raids by abiding by these rules
    Well, added my 2 cents to your rules, like them generally and look forward to raiding with you at some point

  3. #3
    Community Member ConnorMacLoad's Avatar
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    **click click** wait........wait.......wait......wait........ **DING** "righteouss's party is full now, your request has been denied" Sigh....

    "hmmm, acerrr has a shroud up"

    BTW, Seems like a very straight forward and hard to screw up system. U8 will only make is more user friendly. Good rule layout IMO.

  4. #4
    Community Member Ehllie's Avatar
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    you can't name your thread "raiding 101" if you don't put that one:
    bots > bads

    or even better
    bots > ninjabads

  5. #5
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    What's wrong with buying and selling loot? Under the "your loot is your loot" rule, if you pull a piece of the gear in the box, isn't it your right to do what you want with it? If someone wants to buy it from you, why should it matter to anyone else? Its your loot, you get to do what you want with it.

  6. #6
    Community Member Zilta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trufire View Post
    What's wrong with buying and selling loot? Under the "your loot is your loot" rule, if you pull a piece of the gear in the box, isn't it your right to do what you want with it? If someone wants to buy it from you, why should it matter to anyone else? Its your loot, you get to do what you want with it.
    While technically this is true, it is in bad taste to sell loot IMO. I view it sort of like using a cell phone in a restraunt. Sure you can do it but you shouldnt.

  7. #7
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    ... Looting Epic Raid Chests: Loot rules should ALWAYS apply for shards. I will elaborate, before an epic raid chest is opened everyone needs to specify who's rolling for which character, 1 and only 1 character. To avoid any confrontational issues an greed...
    I don't raid much on Cannith these days, but just thought I'd ask for clarification.

    My interpretation:

    Before the warded chest of a raid (or end chest of an epic quest) is opened, every player in the raid names one item that they are running the quest for.

    If one of the items that are named drops, that person automatically gets it, regardless of who it dropped for. If more than one person had named it, those people roll and the winner gets it.
    What happens if no one named an item that actually drops? Does the original puller get to keep it, or does it become "Leader Loot" to be given away as they see fit?

    What happens when an arcane claims the Sword of Shadows? Or when the FvS claims the Kundarak Boots? Or the Barbarian is only running the DQ for the Torc? Or the Cleric wants the Jidz-Tet'ka? Does the entire party get to vote whether they can claim it if it drops, or does the leader alone get to decide?

    Seems like a lot to keep track of - I prefer to just let everyone take what drops for them, and if they don't want it to announce their particular method for giving it away... even if they want to sell it.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  8. #8
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    There are really two ways to set loot policy - you either let everyone do with whatever they pull what they choose or you let the raid/group leader set the policy but it needs to be clear to everyone before they start.

    Even if you make things perfectly clear to the entire party before a quest begins, unless you're running solely with guildies/friends you can't be sure that everyone is going to cooperate with you anyway.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  9. #9
    Community Member xxScoobyDooxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConnorMacLoad View Post
    **click click** wait........wait.......wait......wait........ **DING** "righteouss's party is full now, your request has been denied" Sigh....

    "hmmm, acerrr has a shroud up"

    BTW, Seems like a very straight forward and hard to screw up system. U8 will only make is more user friendly. Good rule layout IMO.
    so on the money .... poor acerrr ... I hear he has another cleric under another name now ... either that or hes been training others on how to replicate his "unique" play style .... lmao

    as far as the OP, if you are lucky enough to run with these guys ... you always complete in very quick time. Their raid their rules otherwise ... "your request to join righteouss's group has been declined" ....... quite simple really
    Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
    Officer - Templar - Cannith

  10. #10
    Community Member Alkindus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    Just figured i would give players the run down on how my raids work or others of significance. Scrolls: Generally if a scroll drops you want to pick it up as quickly as possible to avoid it "poof"-ing, So when you pick up a scroll you let the party know what scroll and who has it and roll on it at the end of the raid and/or quest. Looting Epic Raid Chests: Loot rules should ALWAYS apply for shards. I will elaborate, before an epic raid chest is opened everyone needs to specify who's rolling for which character, 1 and only 1 character. To avoid any confrontational issues an greed. 1 more thing before i head off to work. NEVER sell raid loot! This is bad etiquette here in ddo at least on cannith to be specific, there we have it, you now know the rules of raiding 101 and are welcome to any of my raids by abiding by these rules
    For the most part that appears to be the general thought of how things should be ran. But:
    When I do epics with friends, when a scroll drops we leave it on ground then the first person to see it rolls a d100, and everyone else rolls. The highest of course picks it up. This only works with friends probablly, but it is a lot faster of a method for handling scrolls.
    Also, I like the shard rule. It usually is the fairest way to distribute loot.
    However, I don't agree with the no selling loot part. I feel that someone's loot is their loot to do whatever they please with. Having said that, yes I do have a standing offer for one piece of raid loot. I've always sent a tell offering the person who pulls a shard of the sword of shadow 10 red scales for it. I don't consider it that wrong, essentially i'm trading them something that came from the chest, for something in the chest.
    Children / Zeya / Tyremus / Inspiring

  11. #11
    Community Member Seliana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxScoobyDooxx View Post
    As far as the OP, if you are lucky enough to run with these guys ... you always complete in very quick time.
    It's all me. Every time.
    Daydream - the Pwnage of Cannith

    Quote Originally Posted by Barazon View Post
    What about lava and deep lava? By your logic, rogues should get a reflex save for swimming in it, as long as they keeps moving!

  12. #12
    Community Member ConnorMacLoad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxScoobyDooxx View Post
    so on the money .... poor acerrr ... I hear he has another cleric under another name now ... either that or hes been training others on how to replicate his "unique" play style .... lmao

    as far as the OP, if you are lucky enough to run with these guys ... you always complete in very quick time. Their raid their rules otherwise ... "your request to join righteouss's group has been declined" ....... quite simple really
    I am still waiting for my chance to screw up so that I can at least be straight up declined.

    One day I will get the call up, and when that day happen it will be a magical thing. I am pretty sure god himself will give me the big thumbs up when I get the nod.

    "good on ya son, you have come a long way"

  13. #13
    Community Member CaptainPurge's Avatar
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    /rename <Epic Raiding Loot Etiquette 101>

    This is the most generally accepted looting practice and should be expanded on where needed in this thread.

  14. #14
    Community Member xxHazexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trufire View Post
    What's wrong with buying and selling loot? Under the "your loot is your loot" rule, if you pull a piece of the gear in the box, isn't it your right to do what you want with it? If someone wants to buy it from you, why should it matter to anyone else? Its your loot, you get to do what you want with it.
    However i dont fully disagree with this but others take this action as unfair so being that. I like to ensure the party is equal and has a fair chance on loots.

    Shadowhaze-Righteouss-Technological Warfare-Lightes.
    Fear is the enemy of logic-Frank Sinatra

  15. #15
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trufire View Post
    What's wrong with buying and selling loot? Under the "your loot is your loot" rule, if you pull a piece of the gear in the box, isn't it your right to do what you want with it? If someone wants to buy it from you, why should it matter to anyone else? Its your loot, you get to do what you want with it.
    He's laying out the rules for _his_ raids. If you don't like them, start your own group :-p

  16. #16
    Community Member xxHazexx's Avatar
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    Cool Reply

    The sig says how much i care about you disagree-ing with the raid rules

    Shadowhaze-Righteouss-Technological Warfare-Lightes.
    Fear is the enemy of logic-Frank Sinatra

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by hermespan View Post
    He's laying out the rules for _his_ raids. If you don't like them, start your own group :-p
    I just wanted some justification as to why he felt that way. I've heard a few others who dislike buying/selling raid loot, but I've yet to hear a decent reason for why its so bad.

  18. #18
    Community Member Seliana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trufire View Post
    I just wanted some justification as to why he felt that way. I've heard a few others who dislike buying/selling raid loot, but I've yet to hear a decent reason for why its so bad.
    The problem with taking raid loot/scrolls just to sell them is that the people who are in the raid or epic with you, the people who worked hard to get that item deserve some type of reward for their efforts. Thanks to the way loot is created and distributed in DDO only one person gets the full reward rather then multiple people getting equal shares for their effort. When you take an item away from someone who needs it for their build just to sell it off for profit you are effectively saying their work, time, and effort was meaningless because the dice simply rolled in your favor again. It means all the people in your raid who worked hard to get that item, only ended up working hard so someone else they didn't even know and who wasn't even there could have it instead.

    Then to compound this problem we have some players on Cannith who go out of their way to get every item they can for personal greed, yet they never use the item in question... just because they just like having 1 of everything in their bank. We also have some people who want to take all the items out there just so other players cant have them... just to maintain their advantage over newer players. Then we have new players who are completely unable to grasp the most basic concepts of raiding and die repeatedly or be a burden on the party because they don't understand the game/just don't care. Between scrolls being auto-distributed by Turbine in Update 8 and people taking raid loot just to sell it... These 3 categories of people are about to be rewarded.

    When you sell off raid loot that people in your raid need, it ultimately discourages players from ever raiding again when it happens repeatedly over a long period of time. It also discourages players from ever raiding with someone who pulls that kind of a stunt as well. The term for people that do this on Cannith is called "Bads". The only time raid loot or scrolls should be taken just to be sold off is if no one in the party wanted the item in question.

    A simple analogy to this problem is: What happens to a pet who gets asked to perform tricks repeatedly without ever getting a snack or any kind of positive reinforcement after a few months of that treatment?

    The answer is the pet stops doing the trick.
    Daydream - the Pwnage of Cannith

    Quote Originally Posted by Barazon View Post
    What about lava and deep lava? By your logic, rogues should get a reflex save for swimming in it, as long as they keeps moving!

  19. #19
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    You talk about people having an equal chance at loot, but it is a VERY common practice for people to pass loot directly to their friends and guildies. I don't see selling raid loot to be much different than this. People want to increase their odds of getting raid loot, so they run with guildies or run with their friends. Buying raid loot is like giving a pug a higher chance to get that piece of loot.

    If a person is trying to auction off an item in party chat, that could definitely be a problem, but I see nothing wrong with passing an item over to someone who just sent a tell offering scales, plat, scrolls, or what have you for an item.

  20. #20
    Community Member xxScoobyDooxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seliana View Post

    A simple analogy to this problem is: What happens to a pet who gets asked to perform tricks repeatedly without ever getting a snack or any kind of positive reinforcement after a few months of that treatment?

    The answer is the pet stops doing the trick.
    aahhh I get it.

    Seliana SIT .... good girl .... /gives sniggle

    See she's right you know
    Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
    Officer - Templar - Cannith

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