Remember my original statements commented about players at the time of release. Not the current typical builds of today.
1. If the group says link Harry Beaters, you seriously think they would take someone with just plain metaline?
2. Meteor Swarm, Mass Reconstruct and Mass Heal in combination with newer Potency and focus items and Higher Spell point pools. Those alone make a big difference.
3. Solo Healing shroud was always possible setting up spells wands and scrolls to chain cast because of different cooldown timers.
4. Remember I knew plenty of players who had low hp but high dps builds at the time of content release. Being unable to feat swap or reincarnate they kinda got stuck with what worked pre-vale. Most often only barbs and some fighters had their hp over 400.
5. Thats a personal choice to not want the thrill. If you don't enjoy the thrill, don't pug a raid I guess. you could always use your friends lists and guild to build raids. This allows you to know who can do what.
6. People listening has nothing to do with them having or not having a harry beater. I can't tell you how many people I meet who are geared but still don't listen. Even worse decide they don't like the leaders directions. Go off on their own to die. Demanding a raise dead while the party is working together. These moments I am glad I can drop some ones stone anywhere in the dungeon. Far Far away from the shrines.
7. First off ROFL. There are always people who can ruin any group. Like Ac*r or Ac*rrr how ever he is spelling it today.
8. Your not in the true elitist catagory then. People in that catagory would never help another player who may be lacking in gear or experience. Obviously your a better player than most to offer your time and help. You are the kind of person helping the community become what I love about DDO.
Final comment.
Todays players and gear, should easily be able to short man a shroud. Why not fill those spots with people in need of help to improve themselves?