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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Multiclass worth it ?

    Hi people , im new to this game , and altough i already found my favorite class , i was wondering ... is multiclass usefull ? isnt it better to specialize in one class to have its core characteristics developed ? Or is it that for SOME classes its usefull to multiclass as for others , not so ?

    Im a rogue btw , and am afraid that , because of my team/solo role, multi-classing will make my core abilities weaker and useless in the future ( talking about unlocking, disarming, searching high lvl stuff )

  2. #2
    Community Member Woody00's Avatar
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    If done correctly multi-classing is very much worth it as it allows players to gain a multitude of abilties and powers instead of just what one class will allow. The danger with multi-classing though is that if you dont know what you are doing or dont understand the game mechanics well and are doing a build off the top of your head, then you risk screwing up your toon.

    If you are interested in multi-classing then find a build here on the forums and look at what it does, what it gains, and what it gives up. Learn the game some so you understand what you will be doing. The amount of different build options in DDO is one of its shining traits.
    Last edited by Woody00; 10-15-2010 at 10:58 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Good point. I agree, we did a terrible job here and need to do better.

    Thank you.

  3. #3
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    Multiclassing is totally viable in DDO, however I wouldn't recommend it for your first few characters

    Instead, try playing a pure class (or two) to higher levels to familiarise yourself with the class, the quests, and other players

    Don't worry about having the perfect build.

    When you are more familiar with a class, the quests and how (some) people play, the advice here on building characters will make more sense

    As for your specific questions:

    Isn't it better to specialise in one class to develop its core characteristics?

    For learning what a class can do, and in some raids/epics I would say yes.

    Whether some classes benefit from multiclassing more than others:

    This depends on what you're getting from multiclassing. An easy comparison point are the level 20 capstone abilities. For example, a level 20 Cleric can have the Divine Intervention ability, which prevents a player from dying. In some quests/groups this is very important and will prevent a party wipe. However, I enjoy playing Clerics built with 2 Monk levels to alleviate one of their biggest weaknesses - a poor Reflex save. The two Monk levels give a properly built Cleric a good Evasion ability, allowing them to survive traps and spells that might knock out a pure Cleric.

    Whether multi-classed Rogues can perform as well as pure Rogues:

    With regards to traps, a resounding yes. A popular build is a Warforged Wizard 18/Rogue 2, which takes advantage of a high Intelligence score and good Constitution, resulting in good trap abilities, spellcasting, durability and self healing. However its melee DPS pales in comparison to that of a pure Rogue.

    You may (or may not) be surprised to find that a Rogue can do so much more than just traps. However traps are often the first reason you will be asked to join groups (especially random groups), so it's a good area to focus on while becoming more familiar with the game.

    Hope that was helpful
    Last edited by JollySwagMan; 10-15-2010 at 11:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member DToNE's Avatar
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    Your character is an extension of yourself into the game; what it means is what do you want to be able to do in the game.

    The general goal of multiclassing is to put as little of other classes in as possible to achieve the most benefits without crippling existing advantages.

    Those that multiclass often have one particular thought in their mind "What am I willing to give up for these particular set of advantages".

    The Anti-Conformist
    Quote Originally Posted by Zigana View Post
    ...It was a dwarven thrower--you know, it throws dwarves!

  5. #5
    Community Member Alintalkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbalanc3 View Post
    Hi people , im new to this game , and altough i already found my favorite class , i was wondering ... is multiclass usefull ? isnt it better to specialize in one class to have its core characteristics developed ? Or is it that for SOME classes its usefull to multiclass as for others , not so ?

    Im a rogue btw , and am afraid that , because of my team/solo role, multi-classing will make my core abilities weaker and useless in the future ( talking about unlocking, disarming, searching high lvl stuff )
    If you build a multiclass build you have to make sure to plan it out ahead. There are many multiclass builds that increase versitility or dps. Many multiclass builds that really stand out. On a non-ranged ranger there is no reason to have more than 18 levels of ranger as its only pre is archery based.

    A pure rogue is great, it has great DPS (A rogue is above all else a melee build, that sneak attack damage isn't for show after all and the assassin pre isn't the most used for no reason!), though it takes some time to learn argo management so you keep continuous SA instead of none. It can also get traps, locks, and searching and has high UMD (use magic device, if you don't have any points in it, put some in it, arguably most important skill as you get into higher levels). However realize that a character with a single level of rogue or more can disarm 90% of the traps in the game if it is a class that has enough skill points to keep up with those skills (though it would take two skill points to move it up rank since it would be crossclass). So multiclassing doesn't nessarily mean that you will suffer from the skill point area if planned right

    Really it is perhaps best for a person when they are inexperienced to start with a pure class, much easier to learn and every bit as powerful as a well-built multi without the complications. A rogue is a good class to be pure in, for your case. If you take the assassin pre, sneak attack training enchantments and sneak of shadows capstone you have a lot of DPS while being able to umd wands and possibly heal scrolls, all while being able to disable locks.

    A multiclass build is "worth it" when built right but sometimes a pure build suits people better. Really for my two mains one is a pure monk and one is a solar phoenix (12 pal/ 7 monk/ 1 rogue) (though in that build 1 rogue level wasn't enough for me at least to keep traps and locks up). Both have their strengths both have their weaknesses. The other two characters I am working on is a pure rogue and a multiclass warchanter. Really pure builds and a well built multiclass can be around equal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *fist shake* "Back in my day, we had to run the Coalescence Chamber up hill both ways! There wasn't even snow and the only slippery ice you could find was sleet storm! We had to imagine what snow would look like at Festivult time, and we liked it!"
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