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Thread: divine acher?

  1. #1
    2014 DDO Players Council alexthegood's Avatar
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    Default divine acher?

    advice pls im being a elf

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Nooooooooooo :P

    Here are a couple of builds that have been posted on the Cleric forums:

    Unbongwah's Radiant Archer:

    Wax_on_wax_off's Zen Arcane Archer:

    Kadriel's Zen Arcane Archer:

    Hooblabloo's Elven Arcane Archer Healbot Cleric:

    I think MrCow had a repeater build somewhere as well...

  3. #3
    Community Member Zippo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexthegood View Post
    advice pls im being a elf
    I would think being divine, you would be able to take care of the aches yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!

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  4. #4
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    With the to changes to Zen Archery coming in U7, I think a Cleric18/Monk2 build would be quite enjoyable, either elf or half elf (with ranger dilettante for bow str up to 14 str). Cleric18/Monk2 has the same amount of feats as the Cleric18/Fighter1/Wizard1, and Zen Archery is a monk feat in U7 as well - so Toughness and Zen Archery are obvious Monk feat choices.

    Take into account you need Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Weapon Focus: Ranged, and Mental Toughness and you are left with 2 feats to pick which of the following you really want:

    Any Metamagic Feat, Bow Strength, Improved Critical: Ranged or Precise Shot (and Improved Precise Shot).

    Stats should be somewhat obvious, 17 or 19 dex after tomes depending on weather or not you want IPS, high wisdom, and either str or cha (or some of both) for damage output.
    Last edited by Dylos_Moon; 10-16-2010 at 01:11 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Don't make me pull this forum over and come back there

  5. #5
    Community Member Orratti's Avatar
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    Follow Unbongwah's Radiant Archer diagram, not the 1st one you see posted but the last one in the link. Exchange the feats taken at lvl 6 and 18. Change you alignment to neutral good or some form of good. Of all the builds I saw linked this one is the only one that will make the most of the damage this kind of build can generate. Wax on Wax offs looks to be about even but requires more tomes.

    [edit] You would probably get more out of the idea if you weren't trying to put so much into it though. For ex the radiant archer would have more spell points if it wasn't trying to grab up radiant servant and just went for arcane archer. You might want to simply go for 18/2 cleric ranger with a 17 dex, 14 str, 16 wis, 12 con, take toughness, point blank shot, extend, manyshot, maximize, quicken, and mental toughness. Put all of you level ups into wis. Enhancements into energy of the zealot, life magic 4, Prayer of life 2, prayer of inc life 2, elven ranged attack 1 maybe 2, racial toughness and arcane archer enhancements. Or take 17/2/1 Clr/rgr/ftr get an extra combat feat probably another toughness and another toughness enhancement from fighter. Working zen archery and radiant servant into the mix might actually do more harm than good. All the build has to have is spell points, a high wis, manyshot and the dex to hit, quicken to offset loss of speed from bow firing animation and maximize to double damage/cure spell output. Heighten might be better to take in the place of extend in the example.

    Actually I forgot that you need to take weapon focus ranged to open up arcane archer so that would go in the place of extend or heighten in the 18/2 clr/rgr version, still if you made it 17/2/1 clr/rgr/ftr you could keep the extra metamagic and take weapon focus ranged in place of another toughness and still get 1 toughness feat, 2 racial enhancements and a fighter toughness enhancement.
    Last edited by Orratti; 10-16-2010 at 05:37 AM.

  6. #6
    2014 DDO Players Council alexthegood's Avatar
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    thanks sorry for miss spelling ARCHER... was in a hurry

  7. #7
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    Would this be possible with 18 Cleric / 1 Fighter / 1 Monk?

    Extra bonus feats to buy the pre-reqs (such as Zen Archery) to unlock the Arcane Archer prestige, and Water Stance to boost Wisdom, which would also increase your to-hit with Zen Archery.

    Perhaps the Half-Elf would be more suitable as you don't need the racial dexterity, and with the Human +stat enhancements, you can take a point of Wisdom, and maybe a point of Con to unlock Toughness III if you had AP to spare. You could also take the Ranger Dilettante too for extra bonuses.

    Thinking about this, I would even consider trying this build myself. However with the way I've suggested, perhaps other people could advise if this would be a viable approach or not? I'm not to experienced enough with the subtleties of multiclassing to know if this build would work.
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  8. #8
    2014 DDO Players Council alexthegood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antheal View Post
    Would this be possible with 18 Cleric / 1 Fighter / 1 Monk?

    Extra bonus feats to buy the pre-reqs (such as Zen Archery) to unlock the Arcane Archer prestige, and Water Stance to boost Wisdom, which would also increase your to-hit with Zen Archery.

    Perhaps the Half-Elf would be more suitable as you don't need the racial dexterity, and with the Human +stat enhancements, you can take a point of Wisdom, and maybe a point of Con to unlock Toughness III if you had AP to spare. You could also take the Ranger Dilettante too for extra bonuses.

    Thinking about this, I would even consider trying this build myself. However with the way I've suggested, perhaps other people could advise if this would be a viable approach or not? I'm not to experienced enough with the subtleties of multiclassing to know if this build would work.
    im F2P im planing at level 10 being 2ftr/2ranger/ 6clr/ im being a ELF im starting with 18wisdom/12con/14str/8cha/8int/10dex/ 2ftr for +1str AP and feats so i can go arcane elfy on them! lol/ and 2 ranger bow STR mybe TWF and faster shooting/ sorry for any miss spellings

  9. #9
    Community Member Orratti's Avatar
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    18/1/1 clr/ftr/mnk would probably miss manyshot, Even if it didn't you would be spending unnecessary feats to get it. I don't think any bow user would want to lose this even with slayer arrows. There are alot of options you can go for but the most potent would have at least 2 lvls of ranger for bow strength and rapid shot allowing you to get manyshot by spending 1 feat on point blank shot and 1 feat on manyshot.

    In any bow ranged cleric build stay away from taking imp crit ranging. Any metamagic feat will be at least twice as useful as this.
    Last edited by Orratti; 10-17-2010 at 01:50 AM.

  10. #10
    2014 DDO Players Council alexthegood's Avatar
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    yep. taking fast casting at level 12

  11. #11
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zippo View Post
    I would think being divine, you would be able to take care of the aches yourself.
    Dammit, you got here before me.
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  12. #12
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylos_Moon View Post
    Cleric18/Monk2 has the same amount of feats as the Cleric18/Fighter1/Wizard1
    While that's technically true, the C18/M2 AA has to take Mental Toughness, a "wasted" feat; and I'm not convinced 1st-tier monk stances are worth the feat on what's already a feat-starved build. If someone really wanted a cleric 18 AA, I think I'd prefer rgr 1 / wiz 1. Still, I'm intrigued enough by the possibility of a monk-based Zen AA that I'll probably try to throw a build together once U7 goes live and the char builder gets updated.

  13. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Thinking about it some more, monk 2 / cleric (or FvS) 18 gets really tight on feats (9 total): Toughness (monk 1), Zen Archery (monk 2), 3 AA pre-reqs (WF:Ranged, PBS, MT), Bow STR, Manyshot, Emp Heal (Radiant Servant pre-req), with one leftover for another metamagic or Imp Crit Ranged. So what can be done to bring extra feats into this build:

    • Play half-elf with ranger Dilettante feat. You get a weaksauce version of Bow STR which lets you add something else; but you also lose elf racial enhs to longbows, with is another hit to your DPS. Might be worth it if and when HEs get enhs to boost their Dilettante feats.
    • Take a ranger splash: gain Bow STR free right off the bat (presuming you take it at 1st lvl) as well as martial weapons.
    • Take a wizard splash: bypass MT pre-req and gain a free metamagic for a net gain of two feats; arcane wand usage as a bonus.
    • Take a fighter splash: extra combat feat, +10 HPs from Toughness enh, martial weapons. I would probably only do this on a HE version with ranger Dilettante; otherwise, what would you use that feat on which is better than Bow STR?

  14. #14
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Thinking about it some more, monk 2 / cleric (or FvS) 18 gets really tight on feats (9 total): Toughness (monk 1), Zen Archery (monk 2), 3 AA pre-reqs (WF:Ranged, PBS, MT), Bow STR, Manyshot, Emp Heal (Radiant Servant pre-req), with one leftover for another metamagic or Imp Crit Ranged. So what can be done to bring extra feats into this build:

    • Play half-elf with ranger Dilettante feat. You get a weaksauce version of Bow STR which lets you add something else; but you also lose elf racial enhs to longbows, with is another hit to your DPS. Might be worth it if and when HEs get enhs to boost their Dilettante feats.
    • Take a ranger splash: gain Bow STR free right off the bat (presuming you take it at 1st lvl) as well as martial weapons.
    • Take a wizard splash: bypass MT pre-req and gain a free metamagic for a net gain of two feats; arcane wand usage as a bonus.
    • Take a fighter splash: extra combat feat, +10 HPs from Toughness enh, martial weapons. I would probably only do this on a HE version with ranger Dilettante; otherwise, what would you use that feat on which is better than Bow STR?
    I just updated my build for half-elf
    Don't half-elves get elven weapon enhancements? That was how i read the release notes though i can't play at the moment
    Squeezing much out of strength shot is never going to be easy on such a build when you need high dex to qualify for manyshot, decent con, super high wisdom (otherwise no point to zen archery) and enough cha to qualify for some tiers of divine might. I think the ranger dilettante feat works really well here.
    I don't see anyway to work the feats but to take the wizard splash to avoid MT to let you pick up the absolute necessities of toughness, zen archery, PBS, WF:R, rapid shot, manyshot, quicken spell, empower healing (for RS) and improved critical: ranged.

    I don't see that a cleric or FvS AA can skip any of these feats. Obviously empower healing is exchangeable for maximise or empower but one of these is needed to raid heal.

    You forgot to mention the biggest benefit of the fighter splash over monk splash: fighter haste boost. 15% attack boost for 20 seconds coupled with manyshot can lead to some uber damage. This is the main reason I'd still prefer fighter of monk.

    I read somewhere that bows are going to be centred weapons at some stage? U8? Can anyone confirm that?

  15. #15
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Don't half-elves get elven weapon enhancements?
    They didn't on Lamannia.
    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    I read somewhere that bows are going to be centred weapons at some stage?
    I tested on Lam earlier this week; monk w/ZA is centered while using longbows. Don't know if it made it into U7's official release, though; it's not mentioned in the release notes AFAICT.

  16. #16
    2014 DDO Players Council alexthegood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Thinking about it some more, monk 2 / cleric (or FvS) 18 gets really tight on feats (9 total): Toughness (monk 1), Zen Archery (monk 2), 3 AA pre-reqs (WF:Ranged, PBS, MT), Bow STR, Manyshot, Emp Heal (Radiant Servant pre-req), with one leftover for another metamagic or Imp Crit Ranged. So what can be done to bring extra feats into this build:

    • Play half-elf with ranger Dilettante feat. You get a weaksauce version of Bow STR which lets you add something else; but you also lose elf racial enhs to longbows, with is another hit to your DPS. Might be worth it if and when HEs get enhs to boost their Dilettante feats.
    • Take a ranger splash: gain Bow STR free right off the bat (presuming you take it at 1st lvl) as well as martial weapons.
    • Take a wizard splash: bypass MT pre-req and gain a free metamagic for a net gain of two feats; arcane wand usage as a bonus.
    • Take a fighter splash: extra combat feat, +10 HPs from Toughness enh, martial weapons. I would probably only do this on a HE version with ranger Dilettante; otherwise, what would you use that feat on which is better than Bow STR?
    thanks this is just a mess around toon thro :P

  17. #17
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    I started another thread related to this.

    Anyone wanting to make a zen archery character should be pushing for it: If you have the Zen Archery feat, you should be able to use wisdom, instead of dex, as a prereq for improved precise shot. It would really help out on builds like this, and any other zen archery build.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

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  18. #18
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexthegood View Post
    thanks this is just a mess around toon thro :P
    I understand, but even a "mess around toon" still needs to be effective at something, even if it isn't optimal. The tricky part to making a divine archer is how to add enough ranged DPS to make it worthwhile without gimping your spellcasting too much in the process. I'm still trying to figure out how to work Zen Archery into a build I don't hate.

  19. #19
    Community Member binderclip's Avatar
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    how about.... 1ranger/1wizard/18 fvs? or 2 ranger/1wizard/17 fvs?

    Feat would be: PBS, WF:Range, Rapidshot (if without 2nd lvl ranger), Manyshot, Extend, Maxmize, Quicken, Empower.
    *switch Rapid shot for IC: range, or even toughness!!!! if u have 2 lvl of ranger.

    18 Fvs grant access to Mass Heal, with the meta u can fully function as a raid healer.

    17 Fvs loss mass heal (with only 2-3 mass cures...might have problem solo heal a raid), but gain free twf (same to-hit as gtwf, just less attacks) and 1 extra range feat. also more skill points.

    *OFC, i kno its fvs...not cleric, but cleric should be just the same. (thinking fvs for the wings and other things that makes u wayy better at soloing than a cleric archer). suggested fvs cuz the title is "divine archer" not "cleric archer" hehe.

  20. #20
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I should clarify: I'm trying to come up with a build which takes Zen Archery - and more to the point takes advantage of the ability to use monk stances w/ZA - in a way which justifies the cost in feat(s) and non-cleric lvls. So far I haven't thought of one which I think will be a better divine archer than my Radiant Archer, but I'm still trying.

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