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  1. #41
    Community Member EatSmart's Avatar
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    - High end content (and i dont mean epic versions of low level quests)
    - More base level 15 quests. (there are only 3 in the game)
    - Fix the radiant servant bugs.

    - Fully functioning Wish and Miracle spells >

  2. #42
    Community Member Otherworld's Avatar
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    What sirgog said.

    and useful high lvl spells for bards, so going pure is hot again.

    Prettier male elves/drow/Helves.
    Ride on shooting star / With the voice of my heart, like a shotgun / I kept on singing

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    You are allowed to post with the vets now.

  3. #43
    Community Member CrushingInklings's Avatar
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    NEW end game content.
    green steel extractor. (be able to get mats back from unwanted or messed up greensteel items)
    green steel shroud mat exchange. (3 for 1 just like the giant hold relics option)
    An option on Dragon Touch Armor to give +30 resist to all elements at once.
    A working Myddo.
    More squelch spots.(200 isnt enough)

  4. #44
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    - epic Giant Hold
    yes and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one...

  5. #45
    Community Member chrisgina39's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by die View Post
    1. High end content

    2.A cool castle dungeon - with no light's or very little none in some spots for sure and you need torches.. make the rogue carry it

    3.A brothel.. with sexy dwarven chicks.. ahh and maybe a ugly elf or 2..j/k

    4.peace and love

    5.High end content

    6.TWF Rangers rock again

    7.DDO2 take what we have learned from ddo1 and make a bad ass ddo2 thats my vote ill play counter strike till its done , send me a email when the beta is ready... ty and have a nice day - Rich
    /sarcasom on

    YA and i want 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 plat and for them to make raibow zebras and purple dancing houses
    /sarcasm off

    ya good luck with them if they see something take works they quickly nerf it or overpower it
    but i want some caster stuff 3 prez for casters 8 for melee 9 for spec

    and give it to fvs and sorcs

  6. #46
    Community Member quityourjobs's Avatar
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    1. Epic Scrolls drop only in chests.

    2. Additional Bard spells.

    3. PREs for Cleric, Sorc, FvS, Barbarian.

  7. #47
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    I have one wish only, but it is in 2 parts

    Part 1: I wish for an internet connection that does not kick me between the legs everytime I think about playing a game.

    Part 2: After the connection has refrained from kicking me, I would actually like the connection to allow me to log into DDO long enough to actually send a tell.

    (note: If I must, I can handle a jimmy tap, but the full on punt to the nether regions is a bit much)

  8. #48
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    During last nights issue I got bored and reloaded Guild Wars, partly from nostalgia and partly from drunkenness. On that note, I wish the Devs...:

    Would let me drawn on/mark the mini map.

    Would provide a hireling more like the Hero's from GW. Some sort of favor unlock/purchase (both options please, not one of the other). That lets you gain 1 permament hireling with the ability to equip it and it's active bar however you want...

    "I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him and pat him, and pet him, and rub him, and caress him, and..."

    D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
    Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).

  9. #49
    Community Member Raodin-bel-iori's Avatar
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    Default Bring me grapples and disarm

    The next thing I would love to see is the disarm grapple skills. They have trip and sunder but the game would expand so much from the hack and slash with more combat options. I would love to grab a little wizard and knock his block off before he can sleet storm my party, or knock a drow's sword out of his hand before he can take it to my cleric's head. Implementing these things would take quite a bit of mechanical work but some of the animations are already there.

    For example, the grapple could use the entangled condition on the one being grappled since they already have animations for that. For disarm, the enemy could simply have to resort to unarmed attacks or pause for a few seconds before he gets his weapon back.

    It's also true that it could lead to some very daring acts. Perhaps I'll grapple a minotaur and take some hits so that my hurting party can escape, or get thrown across a clearing by a giant so my group can have time to heal up. It would blow the game mechanics and feel of combat wide open. I grant it would be tough for the devs, but it'd be totally worth it.

    How about charging and bull rush too. That one would be easier to do since we already have the animations for people getting knocked down, and if you can sprint, charging should be easy, just tack on some extra damage for the attack at the end.

    Some of the other things I'd like to see are reach weapons like spears, tridents, scythes, ect. As well as entangling weapons such as nets or bolas.

    It would be cool if armor look were customizable.

    Potion bags and wand/scroll cases would be cool for conserving extra space so that carrying an array of potions or scrolls around is more feasible.

    As for classes, I'd love to see the dragon shaman. They rule.

    I'd also like to see a prestige class for arcane casters besides necromancer. Something like elemental savant for those who want to focus on a specific element, or Master conjurer who could summon more than one creature at a time that are stronger than usual, if for a shorter time, or cast smaller creatures in little swarms.

    A crawl skill would be nice that increases in speed with ranks. Why should I have to try and run past a head chopping trap after all? And having to crawl occasionally would also allow greater flexibility in making quests. An escape artist skill as well for escaping entanglement like webs or grapples as above would be cool too.

    I think it'd be cool to have different bard instruments that can be used in the trinket slot or in an extra, special slot for bards. Instruments could have different effects such as increasing buff duration, making songs faster to finish, increasing song DC to resist, increasing buff effects, etc. It'd make them much more flexible and fun to play. Some special instruments could also grant things like the ability to affect undead, constructs, or mindless creatures like oozes with songs, allowing songs to be combined, and other fun effects.

    I also think that monk combos need to be easier to use. This could be done by reducing the cool down time of individual monk moves as well as making the next strike after the 3rd strike of the combo (the one that gets it ready) an automatic finisher. Some people may not like the automatic style and may like to hold the finisher so it could be an active option clickie like slow fall.

    Finally, please make named items more special. What’s the point of a named item that is simply +1, or +2 flaming burst? The whole point of naming an item is giving it abilities that wouldn’t fit well into a regular item description. A good example of this is the Hammer of the Leaden clouds. A bad example is Kelmar’s Justice, which is actually just a +3 war hammer.
    Last edited by Raodin-bel-iori; 10-24-2010 at 10:49 PM. Reason: had more ideas

  10. #50
    Community Member windchant's Avatar
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    -sorc prestige(i wish for elemental servant)
    -full PRE for acrobat, and apply dex to staff ab.
    -palemaster wraith form become useful
    -improvement to summon monster CR
    -more necr/neg energy spell
    -cleric domain
    -cleric domain spell
    -dragon deciple PRE for bard/sorc
    -shapeshifter PRE for druid
    -dragon mark PRE(which hopefully make dragon mark useful..)
    -trap been spawn random
    -raise treasure rate..(less grind to named item)
    -improve drow SR enhancement
    -vampire pet for Palemaster..
    -animal companion for druid and ranger
    -return of troll regination ring
    -trap making no longer need trapsoul(maybe something else that can aquire alone)
    -better arrangement for ship hookpoint
    -free everlasting soul bond npc on guild ship
    -Battle priest PRE I-III for cleric
    ...lot more.. though i doubt they will ever implement any of above..

  11. #51
    Community Member prodigy's Avatar
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    Something I would really like to see is an expansion to the adventure compendium.

    Specifically, I would like to to display what difficulties I have completed each quest on.

    So you would have a column indicating each difficulty level and an indication of which you have completed.
    That way you could make sure you get the most XP without unnecessary repetition of quests.

    Magikan, Valien Thunderhead, Zun Thunderhead, Graille Ironsides, Krodash

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