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  1. #1
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    Default Vale Ingredient Drop Rate

    Today I was on my capped FvS running Let Sleeping Dust Lie with 5 other 18-20s. Everyone was well geared with epic items, multiple GS, TRed, etc., a very capable group farming a level 16 quest on normal. We farmed it 5 times before people got tired of it. Other than the company of the people I was running it with, it was incredibly boring (not to mention I got 1 funk out of 5 runs!). Given that there are no named items in these quests and the drop rate is the same regardless of difficulty, there is very little incentive to run these on higher difficulties other than for favor or exp.

    How about increasing the drop rate of ingredients on harder difficulties. Maybe 2 GS ingredients on hard and 3 on elite. Or 50% chance of 2 ingredients on hard, and 2 on elite. It's bad enough to grind Shroud over and over for large ingredients and shards for your GS needs. Having to take capped toons back into the vale quests to farm for GS blank ingredients is just boring. Give capped toons a reason to run these on a higher difficulty, encourage more teamwork and subsequently more reward.
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  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Srozbun View Post
    Today I was on my capped FvS running Let Sleeping Dust Lie with 5 other 18-20s. Everyone was well geared with epic items, multiple GS, TRed, etc., a very capable group farming a level 16 quest on normal. We farmed it 5 times before people got tired of it. Other than the company of the people I was running it with, it was incredibly boring (not to mention I got 1 funk out of 5 runs!). Given that there are no named items in these quests and the drop rate is the same regardless of difficulty, there is very little incentive to run these on higher difficulties other than for favor or exp.

    How about increasing the drop rate of ingredients on harder difficulties. Maybe 2 GS ingredients on hard and 3 on elite. Or 50% chance of 2 ingredients on hard, and 2 on elite. It's bad enough to grind Shroud over and over for large ingredients and shards for your GS needs. Having to take capped toons back into the vale quests to farm for GS blank ingredients is just boring. Give capped toons a reason to run these on a higher difficulty, encourage more teamwork and subsequently more reward.

    Running these quests on elite multiple times would be a good experience for the many mediocre level 20 players. They'll do it, they'll get better, and it will help them pull their weight in more challenging content.

    Back when Vale came out, there was a reason to farm hard or elite (+2 tomes drop only on Hard and above and +6 stat items drop much more often on elite), nowadays neither are special enough to sacrifice shrine reuse for.
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  3. #3
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    Thumbs down

    i dont quite get it! you demand for ddo to give a reason for lvl 20 to do lvl 16 quest on higher difficulty, yet you dont specify the reason that would have to be created! secondly just buy some funky funk i got pleanty i dont need in my 80 slot ingrediant bagg just sitting there untill someone asks me if i have some or for a guildy maybe. regardless i agree that drop rate should be higher for all named or not named on higher difficulities, but that would mean that it would be lower on lower difficulties so that way the looting precentage in the game would stay the same. and that would **** off alot of noobs.

  4. #4
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helicalius View Post
    i dont quite get it! you demand for ddo to give a reason for lvl 20 to do lvl 16 quest on higher difficulty, yet you dont specify the reason that would have to be created!
    I think he was quite clear. In a risk vs reward scenario, there is no greater reward for taking the greater risk. As such, there is no incentive to run higher difficulties. That is the "reason". And his solution is.. for the increased risk, give us an increase in reward.

    Also: I agree.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    I'm going to dissent here. Sorry, but I don't want to see making GS items easier. They are too prevalent as it is now.

    I do not necessarily dispute your premise. More risk should equal more reward. The thing is, that is already in place. elite give greater XP, better loot, plus favor. Now I completely understand that 2 of the 3 of those mean zero to a capped character (and the third is of very minor concern,) but that is a much bigger problem than these five quests.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  6. #6
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    you call 3 funky funk being a reward a reason for capped charachter to play "let sleeping dust lie"?????? why would anyone do it if anyone would be able to buy them on the ah for 3k plat?????? like i said you provided no reason yet you demanded it. as i have some ideas of my own on how you can promote capped charachters playing quests which dont nessaserily reward gear. read some of my threads on that subject.

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