Today I was on my capped FvS running Let Sleeping Dust Lie with 5 other 18-20s. Everyone was well geared with epic items, multiple GS, TRed, etc., a very capable group farming a level 16 quest on normal. We farmed it 5 times before people got tired of it. Other than the company of the people I was running it with, it was incredibly boring (not to mention I got 1 funk out of 5 runs!). Given that there are no named items in these quests and the drop rate is the same regardless of difficulty, there is very little incentive to run these on higher difficulties other than for favor or exp.
How about increasing the drop rate of ingredients on harder difficulties. Maybe 2 GS ingredients on hard and 3 on elite. Or 50% chance of 2 ingredients on hard, and 2 on elite. It's bad enough to grind Shroud over and over for large ingredients and shards for your GS needs. Having to take capped toons back into the vale quests to farm for GS blank ingredients is just boring. Give capped toons a reason to run these on a higher difficulty, encourage more teamwork and subsequently more reward.