Does anyone know what they mean by Update 7 will add epic mode to Devil Assault? Cuz it either means epic on the new lvl 6 raid that's going to be added to it, epic on devil assault itself, or both.

I just got together my ultra hardcore all lvl 20 super pro group who breeze through epic quests like a cakewalk. What quest could possibly merit a gather like that? Devil assault on elite. ELITE!!!! lol

First run we got pwned in round 3, 2nd run, 2 of us used rest tokens and we still all died in the final wave and then cheated to remote hit the orthons and casters then forced the boss to spawn early and teleport him through the door to beat it and re-entered for SP after that. If we can't beat elite with a perfect group without cheating like 4 different ways, WHY ARE YOU ADDING EPIC MODE?! That is going to be physically unbeatable and cause more player rants than all other topics in the history of DDO combined.

I told my party they're adding epic when we finally got done with that nightmare and they didn't believe me. They thought it was a joke and really so do I right about now. So what's my suggestion? DON'T ADD EPIC MODE TO THIS AWFUL QUEST!

Add it to Sharn or Threnal, that'd be sweet.