I believe just about every quest in the game has been soloed.
Add hirelings.
Add a few people who brought along a friend to get by multiple runes or something.
But IMO this game is designed for a group.
I have no intention of soloing Devil Asasult on Epic. But I'll be the first in line to join an LFM for it.
I do things for the challenge.
I haven't seen an epic six-man quest yet that I thought was really that hard.
And the two epic raids I did went fast and seemed easy for those groups as well.
things hit hard on epic....but not that hard for the most part.
CC is limited on epic......especially in duration. But many good groups have so much DPS that the short duration CC spells should be enough for them.
It will take a lot of healing. Bring plenty of your own pots.
it will take lots of SP. Bring plenty of those pots as well....and hope you dont have to use many if them.
it wil take more than one guy being able to raise dead. (maybe) Be prepared.
it wil take resists.....your own. don't expect the guy who's SP you are planing on using for CC and emergency heals to be the guy fully decking you out with buffs too.
it will take good saves. probably a lot of HP. And good DPS to take things down quickly.
And from what I have seen, there are plenty of players out there that have all of that.
And know how to use it.
The only problem I foresee is finding people brave enough (and willing to spend the resources) to PUG it, and risk letting my odd build join them.
Rofl...bunch of 20's got owned in DA Elite. News for you...not uber.
Feedback is a bit too late too, goes live next week. Ta.
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
i like the idea of epic tempest spine, let the fire elemental insa agro as soon as the initial run start, and the damage from Epic lava would be cool.
I want epic Invaders!!!
Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.
All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)
Huh, pugged elite DA with a group that contained a lvl 15 cleric who had approximately 200 hitpoints and maybe 1000 mana points lol.
Comfortably [d|n]umb
Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
WanderLust EuroTrash
actually, in misery's peak there is in fact one part where you can shoot at the dragon :P
unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps) i lack the arcane archer type character, and suspect i would run out of arrows before killing her without such a class (i'm also not sure if the dragon eventually goes chasing celimas and co. which would mean you'd *really* have to push a lot of dps for it to work).
Epic Devil Assault! First try, 40 minutes, 3 deaths (2 in the first 15 seconds due to lag, 1 to end boss who hits HARD), about 4 majors used across the whole party.
I pulled a Large Scale, Large Stone and a Mysterious Artifact. Some others got boot ingredients, larges, a Shard of Power and an Astral Diamond.
Oh, and I have zero epic items and only a tier 2 greensteel on my barbarian (though both Numot and Sorg are positively dripping with goodies).
CC was key here (as I mentioned it would be earlier). Used disco ball, Symbol of Persuasion (latter waves gain immunity to this via Shavarath environmental effect), Mass Hold, Flesh to Stone and Stunning Fist from what I could see. Sorg's enchantment DC was something like 46, so take the effectiveness of the CC with a grain of salt, and maybe some humble pie.
Oh, and I gathered that the new songs from the Spellsinger played a large part in the low resource consumption, as both Sorg and Numot were joygasming over the songs fairly constantly.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!