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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Solution to overheating GFX


    as most of us i got a nvidia which is dramaticaly hot (up to 90°)

    i changed most setting without any noticeable effect...until i changed this :
    - advanced graphic : Sync refresh rate => YES

    i went from a 80-85°C average down to 70-72°C average.

    Now i will start raise up the graphics i've turned off and the quality.


    ps: it actually set a MAX FRAME RATE which decrease the GPU usage (without it, if you are able to calculate 1000 fps, then your GPU will do it and only display 60fps anyway...). same problem that melted many people GFX with a recent game

    to the devs: could you add this very important information somewhere visible, i think it is very important, i guess you don't want your customer to meltdown they GFX? Could you also make so this option is set by default?

  2. #2


    You do realize that what you did is going to cap/keep your refresh rate to the same rate as your monitor?

    You could do the same thing by limiting the number of frames the game generates. I do the same thing myself just because well... after a certain point I can't see any changes.

    But there is a playing difference between the two. I tend to like to set my own cap as the "turning" is more what I've gotten used to in the game.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I ve used the other setting you are talking about, and it did not change my GFX temp.

    it seems like that even if you "cap" your fps it will still calculate the images thus generating heat.
    if you use the sync it will reduce the number of image processed per second (on recent GFX, because they can and should be able to process much more than 60fps really...)

    I've tried every single setting from the setting, up & down.. NOTHING but the sync does reduce my GFX temp.

    I am using pc wizard 2010 as temperature tooltip (when you reduce it you have a green tooltip in a corner of the screen).

    I've been playing this game for like a year now, and only this setting work. And you can deny from 80-85° down to 70-72° there is a NOTICABLE difference. no other setting (including fps limit) change my GFX temp.

    this apply mostly to recent (2008+) nvidia chipset that are broken and overheats; any recent chipset will be able to run at over 60Fps, and if not limited, will run as fast as possible till overheat or even become a smelly useless piece of silicon.

    (notice the occurence of MY in my sentences, this point to the fact it may not work for everybody).

    most screen do refresh at 60hz rate (some 50hz) this mean 60 refresh per second. this mean it will pick one image from the one calculated every 1/60 seconde. It doesn't care if you calcultate 1.000 or 10.000 image per second, it will be the image that is currently in the outputbuffer (which is refreshed by the card). there is no point to ever run any game at a better rate unless you want to severely reduce your GFX life.
    Last edited by Halaryel; 10-14-2010 at 10:44 AM.

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