I'd like to roll a 32 point WF Wiz/Rog and I'm thinking this for stats:
10 - STR
8 - DEX
18 - CON
18 - INT (with level up points here)
10 - WIS
6 - CHA
I'd like to be able to do traps effectively but I'm fairly useless at remembering where they are so I'd like to be able have Spot as well as Search and Disable. I'm not going to worry about UMD on this character and I won't be investing any points in Open Lock whilst I'm levelling.
I shouldn't have any problems getting gear with maximum plus to Spot/Search/Disable for each level and I'm lucky enough to have found a +1 and a +2 int tome on characters that don't need them!
So I'm just wondering how I should be spending my skill points?
Do I need to be maxing Concentration at each level and then spreading the rest our over Spot, Search and Disable? If that's the case I guess I won't be able to max out the Rogue skills for the first few levels (if at all, even once I've used the tomes) would this be a problem?
Alternatively is there a minimum I could be spending on concentration in order to free more up for the other skills?
I'm going to be taking Quicken as a feat and as I'm not going with UMD I don't intend to be doing much with scrolls... I'll get a raise dead clickie elsewhere!