Friend challenged me to do the best I could with throwing damage since I had mentioned with Brutal Throw throw damage could be noticable.
I had thought about the ranger capstone and the backup of TWF
But then I thought what about kensei and Fighter Capstone and a Halfling
But halflings were +dex and -str, and while they got sneak attack, only for a small range
So that left Dwarf
Mind you, I don't recommend this as an end game raid, at most its a nice diversion or reserved for getting back at somebody who ruined your last PuG
Anyway - this is the most I could do to have the best throwing damge and not a complete gimp, thankfully Great Axe is a nice backup
If you could do better or improve this, please comment
Here it is:
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.5.1
DDO Character Planner Home Page
Level 20 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
(20 Fighter)
Hit Points: 424
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 20\20\25\30\30
Fortitude: 17
Reflex: 8
Will: 5
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 18 26
Dexterity 14 14
Constitution 18 20
Intelligence 8 8
Wisdom 8 8
Charisma 6 6
Level 1 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Brutal Throw
Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
Level 2 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Thrown Weapons
Level 3 (Fighter)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 4 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: STR
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Thrown Weapons
Level 5 (Fighter)
Level 6 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 7 (Fighter)
Level 8 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: STR
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Thrown Weapons
Level 9 (Fighter)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Thrown Weapons
Level 10 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Level 11 (Fighter)
Level 12 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: STR
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot
Level 13 (Fighter)
Level 14 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Thrown Weapons
Level 15 (Fighter)
Feat: (Selected) Rapid Shot
Level 16 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: STR
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Superior Weapon Focus: Thrown Weapons
Level 17 (Fighter)
Level 18 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Quick Draw
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 19 (Fighter)
Level 20 (Fighter)
Ability Raise: STR
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Precise Shot
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost III
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost III
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost IV
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
Enhancement: Kensei Throwing Axe Mastery I
Enhancement: Kensei Throwing Axe Mastery II
Enhancement: Kensei Throwing Axe Mastery III
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy III
Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I
Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
Enhancement: Fighter Kensei III
Enhancement: Fighter Throwing Axe Specialization I
Enhancement: Fighter Throwing Axe Specialization II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III