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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jul 2009

    Default Flesh Mountain, a half-elf alternative? !party-buffed 98 TWF AC!

    High saves, 198% healing, 2WF 90AC Tank

    one year later... an intimidate change has happenend, new gear options have been released, i'm bored with my WF so i thought i'd google my

    old post again.

    18 Fighter / 2 Monk
    Lawful Neutral Half Elf (Paladin Dilettante)
    STR: 16 +1
    DEX: 16 +4
    CON: 14
    INT: 10
    WIS: 14
    CHA: 10
    Normal: Combat Expertise
    Normal: Dodge
    Normal: Two-Weapon Defense
    Normal: Past Life Barbarian
    Normal: Toughness
    Normal: Toughness
    Normal: Toughness
    Monk: Toughness
    Monk: Toughness
    Fighter: Focus Slashing
    Fighter: Greater Focus: Slashing
    Fighter: Specialization Slashing
    Fighter: Greater Spec. Slashing
    Fighter: 2WF
    Fighter: I2WF
    Fighter: G2WF
    Fighter: Improved Crit
    Fighter: Khopesh
    Fighter: Oversized
    Fighter AC Boost III - 6 AP
    Elven Dexterity II - 6 AP
    Fighter Khopesh Specialization II - 3 AP
    Human Improved Recovery II - 6 AP
    Fighter Item Defense II - 3 AP
    Stalwart Defender III  - 8 AP
    Racial Toughness II - 3 AP
    Improved Intimidate II - 2 AP
    Fighter Strength III - 10 AP
    Fighter Toughness IV - 10 AP
    Monk Way of the Badger I - 1 AP
    Monk Wisdom I - 2 AP
    Paladin Dilettante Charisma - 2 AP
    Paladin Improved Dilettante III - 6 AP
    Fighter Haste Boost IV - 10 AP
    Fighter Extra Action Boost I - 2 AP
    38 STR: 16, +3 tome, + 3 enhancements, +3 abishai, +1 racial str, +6 item, 6 stance
    +19 damage (+9 STR, +4 claw, +2 weapon spec, +2 greater weapon spec, +2 khopesh)
    +11 to-hit (+9 STR, +1 focus, +1 greater focus, +4 raven's sight, +2 oversized, -5 combat expertise, -1 BAB)

    210% threat (100% base + 15% stalwart set + 20% claw + 75% stance)

    AC Breakdown:
    10 base
    8 epic Abishai Bracers
    11 dex (32 DEX: 16, +5 level, +3 tome, +2 racial dex, +6 item)
    8 wis (26 WIS: 14 + 3 tome, +1 monk wisdom, +6 item, +2 exceptional (raven's sight))
    1 dodge alchemical ritual on Icy Raiment
    2 dodge on cloak of night
    3 dodge chattering ring
    4 dodge Icy Raiment
    4 insight shroud khopesh
    5 protection (Greensteel)
    1 feat called "dodge"
    1 Two-Weapon Defense
    3 Stalwart defender III
    5 Combat expertise
    4 Stalwart defender III stance
    2 Stalwart defender set bonus
    3 Abishai
    1 haste
    4 shield wand
    1 dex +2 yugo
    1 wis +2 yugo
    4 barkskin from wisdom yugo pot
    1 dex +2 airship
    1 wis +2 airship
    1 Airship - Sentinels Bulwark
    1 Airship - Dwarven Stoutness
    1 Airship - Blessing of the Three Dragons
    *party: 1 ranger barkskin
    *party: 2 recitation
    *party: 4 Bard AC Song
    *party: 6 paladin aura
    TWF: 92 AC without party buffs

    HP Breakdown
    180 fighter
    12 monk
    140 from (24 con: 14 base +3 tome +6 item +1 exc (stalwart ring))
    45 shroud
    30 GFL
    20 toughness item
    115 toughness feat x5
    60 toughness enhancements
    20 barb past life chosen feat
    10 barb past life passive
    10 draconic vitality
    20 heroic durability
    60 Stalwart Stance
    20 +2 CON airship 
    +20% from stalwart
    ==== 914 without weird madstone tricks (madstone only works if you activate and trigger them before going into stance and combat 
    Reflex Save Breakdown
    6 fighter
    3 monk
    11 dex
    5 resistance
    4 GH
    1 Haste
    2 luck bonus
    3 Stalwart stance
    5 Paladin Dilettante (20 CHA, 10 base + 3 tome + 7 item (abishai helmet))
    1 Airship - Blessing of the Three Dragons
    1 Airship - 2DEX
    ==== 42 Reflex
    Example Gear (not included: resistance>3 (abishai cloak?), protection6, CON7, DEx7, ST7, DEX1, DEX2, STR1, STR2, WIS1, CON2, SFL, 10%amp,

    incity10%, Seeker>0, Sneak>0, intim15, incite25%, Destruction, 20D6 lightning damage, Litany)

    Abishai Helmet + WIS6
    Raven's Sight
    Gem of Many Facets + GFL
    Stalwart Necklace
    Cloak of Night
    Abishai Bracers + Good Luck
    Abishai Boots + Toughness, DEX6
    Claw Gloves
    GS HP Belt + Heavy Fort / Protection +5
    Icy Raiment
    Stalwart Ring +20% healing amp
    Chattering Ring
    Last edited by RoelHeeswijk; 11-08-2011 at 10:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Default Flesh Mountain


    I didn't really break it down, but looks pretty good. Let me know how it works out.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Merlocke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoelHeeswijk View Post
    Since you're not even wearing light armor, you can take monk instead of rogue for evasion so you get a wisdom bonus to AC when two weapon fighting

    so... what do you think?
    I was playing around witht he idea of TRing a toon into a 18f/2mnk Half-Orc Icy Rainment wearer type.

    Some similarities here, but I gave mine more WIS to take advantage of the Raniment+monk splash.
    Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Yeah, another option I considered was going 13 wis 8 cha and take dilettante cleric for the ability to self-heal.
    If you solo/shortman more than tank, this is certainly a nice way to go, as it increases your TWF AC at the same time.
    And for this purpose, Half-Orc wouldn't be bad at all, it's just where you want to focus to be.

  5. #5
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    And a nonepic gear turtle version:

    GS HP goggles w/ heavy fort
    +15 intimidate helmet
    Stalwart Defender necklace 6CON
    Poison Immunity belt of greater false life
    Stalwart Defender Ring (6STR) +1CON, +2DEX
    +6 DEX Gloves
    +6 CHA cloak
    GS CHA-Skills Boots
    Some AC8 Bracers
    Icy Raiment
    Chattering Ring
    Shield of Light and Darkness
    GS 10% AMP, 20% AMP, AC+4 Khopesh

    If you want to go circle of hatred + minos legens, you can put dodge 3 and GFL on a dragontouched vestment. You'd open up your belt slot and the second dragontouched tier, but you'd lose out on 4 AC, so that's probably not the way to go

    also remember to pack skill focus intimidate and bullheaded (so the epic gloves of the claw basically only give your 44 HP in toughness feats in that aspect)
    Last edited by RoelHeeswijk; 10-13-2010 at 07:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Merlocke's Avatar
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    My thinking was that and the DOD DR 20/- would proc on grazing hits and make it work but havent found a way to do it on a WF yet. right now the Fleshy 2Mnk version Is the best I can come up with.

    Was thinking Khopeshes can be Radiance II (to make the enemy miss more) until you get Chaosblades epic'd. I like the idea of UMDing Epic Chaosblades to nullify grazing hit dmg.
    Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)

  7. #7
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Half-elf intimidation boosts are clickies and short-term.

    Every other race can at least argue some kind of racial help on that front. Even as a main tank, you will still end up doing a great deal of fighting whether it is against raid bosses or trash mobs. Hate tanking is also really important and you need to keep your DPS as high as possible to compete there. I have found that purely defensive characters seem cool and might be fun for a while, but are ultimately shelved and only brought out for certain quests.

    Icy rainments is a weak armor slot. On top of that, none of the stalwart defender enhancement bonuses apply.

    I always could have also done the same thing with /2monk on a warforged instead of /2 rog but UMD was a huge playability factor for my fighter. I would probably not have enjoyed the build as long without being able to heal, rez, buff myself and others. My second choice would just be 20 fighter for the easy full plate usage, and my third choice would be /2monk.

    I think you pointed out that you have 5 fewer STR. For me, that's a really big down point. Once I got to 90ish AC, I was always wishing I had more DPS. Every bit of STR gives the build a better "feel". You could change your focus a bit and even it out, but STR equal and AC equal... Other races have always been able to get more AC for cheaper than warforged. I made and published the warforged because it could be healed by the casters and leave the clerics and bards free to worry about other people (or vice versa). It was always very nice never to worry about diseases, poison, holds, etc. Additional HP and Power Attack. My healing amp was not really much of an issue. Half-elves' saves are neat and this is a strength of your build, but warforged is already immune to a lot of the stuff you're trying to save against, and get CON, brute fighting, & power attack.

    Your build is missing the power attack feat, which will leave its DPS below battleclerics and battlebards. Even if you do nothing else, I'd add that just to have some flexibility.

    Just a final note on enhancements - You cannot take Racial Toughness III without having some kind of CON enhancement.

    Good presentation of this build, I think it will do exactly what you want if you are looking for a defensively-oriented evasion intimitank.
    Last edited by Anthios888; 10-13-2010 at 10:50 PM. Reason: kinda rude in original reply - unintentional
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

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