First of all, I am ABSOLUTELY LOVING the live event. It needs a bit more polishing and I think more Human controlled interaction can really bring it out but I see the potential and I think I see where your development team is going with this. My only question is, will it be accesible to every playstyle (casual people/hardcore people/the in betweens).
Fellow players:What the heck are you talking about Boromirs?
Well, I think we're going to see ticketed LIVE events being rolled out into DDO. These are essentially 2~4 week only one time adventures/quests lines that the development team will sponsor seasonally. Basically, they are like going to the movies. A live event rolls out, you and your buddies decide to join and each of you heads into the Turbine store to buy your tickets (maybe...5 bucks a pop? Sounds reasonably).
In return, you get a completely personalized quest with maybe a RL person controlling parts of the action inside your quest (perhaps sorta like your own RL DM?! Wow this thing will be expensive!..maybe 10 bucks a pop!..I would still pay btw).
But, my only gripe then becomes...will the event specific items that drop from these quests favor the hardcore players and not the casual ones. How will "super exclusive" loot be handled I mean? Can you possibly make them NOT bound to account/character so others who don't have the time to schedule a ticketed event can get a chance to get their hands on one of these "super exclusive" items? Anyhow your thoughts?