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  1. #1
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Default Live Events & Ticketmaster

    First of all, I am ABSOLUTELY LOVING the live event. It needs a bit more polishing and I think more Human controlled interaction can really bring it out but I see the potential and I think I see where your development team is going with this. My only question is, will it be accesible to every playstyle (casual people/hardcore people/the in betweens).

    Fellow players:What the heck are you talking about Boromirs?

    Well, I think we're going to see ticketed LIVE events being rolled out into DDO. These are essentially 2~4 week only one time adventures/quests lines that the development team will sponsor seasonally. Basically, they are like going to the movies. A live event rolls out, you and your buddies decide to join and each of you heads into the Turbine store to buy your tickets (maybe...5 bucks a pop? Sounds reasonably).

    In return, you get a completely personalized quest with maybe a RL person controlling parts of the action inside your quest (perhaps sorta like your own RL DM?! Wow this thing will be expensive!..maybe 10 bucks a pop!..I would still pay btw).

    But, my only gripe then becomes...will the event specific items that drop from these quests favor the hardcore players and not the casual ones. How will "super exclusive" loot be handled I mean? Can you possibly make them NOT bound to account/character so others who don't have the time to schedule a ticketed event can get a chance to get their hands on one of these "super exclusive" items? Anyhow your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Community Member Jendrak's Avatar
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    While this might be a cool idea I seriously hope this doesnt happen.

    Only because the devs have proven time and time again that they are the worst DM's in the history of DnD regardless of platform.
    To err is human, to forgive is divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policy

  3. #3
    Community Member garyb's Avatar
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    +1 OP

    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    Only because the devs have proven time and time again that they are the worst DM's in the history of DnD regardless of platform.
    Saddly yes

  4. #4
    The Hatchery
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    Ugh, I have no idea why you think this might happen, and I don't think it is a good idea at all.

    Also, the Suggestions forum is that way -->
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  5. #5
    Community Member Kahuna68's Avatar
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    OP - You're assuming that the live event on Lamannia will be the same on the live servers. I have reason to believe that it will be just like Festivus. I ran the live event last Friday and I looked at the Mote of Night turn in rewards. There are items that need thousands of Motes. The drop/collectible turn in rate of the Motes indicates to me that the Mabar event would need to be static. I'd say it would need to be on at least a week, to earn the number of Motes needed.
    On Argo I play: Allandra Lvl 17 Rogue, and a few others.
    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    I don't actually know what is going on, but it is a lot of fun!
    Quote Originally Posted by WeaselKing View Post
    This is actually Argonnessen's motto.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aristalla View Post
    I agree, this gif is very...ALL HAIL HYPNOBABY!! /blank stare

  6. #6
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    I'd pay TP to buy tickets to personalized dungeon events for sure! However, I don't think that's the plan with the Lammania event, it'll be a static event that runs like Festivus or the Ice Games for several weeks, and probably aims to return seasonally.
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  7. #7
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    While this might be a cool idea I seriously hope this doesnt happen.

    Only because the devs have proven time and time again that they are the worst DM's in the history of DnD regardless of platform.
    Care to give a reason for that statement? Most of the quests in DDO are beautifully crafted, well scripted, with a good storyline (if you'd bother to read it, and the DM text). What more can you ask for in a DM?
    Star Firefall
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  8. #8
    Community Member Jendrak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    Care to give a reason for that statement? Most of the quests in DDO are beautifully crafted, well scripted, with a good storyline (if you'd bother to read it, and the DM text). What more can you ask for in a DM?
    Wasn't plannign on doing this here but since you literally asked for it.........

    1. Fire eles casting protection from cold (a type of magic the should have no access too)
    2. Everything over cr10 having evasion (exagerated but you get the point)
    3. Random ass immunities on mobs (fire immune shadows for example)
    4. Complete and utter failure to think outside of the box and when the players do its our fault (do i really need to bring up why the abbot raid was **** near unplayable for 6-12 months)
    5. Aside from this last update we havent seen a new mob in years. There are literally hundreds of things they could use but we contionusly see the same handfull of rehased mobs over and over and over. Tiefling....its the new kobold
    6. Mobs have one set of rules and players have another. This is ****** DMing at its finest.
    7. Blanket immunities on 'boss" mobs. Again this is a DM who is too lazy to develop a "boss" and just decides to take template A and slap it on some random ass mob and BINGO! we have boss.

    and now for your reasons....

    1. Beautifully crafted = it looks good but several quests have a mind numbing design I.E. tomb of the tourmented. who cares how great the quest looks if youd rather take a shotgun blast to the face than but stuck dealing with a bad design one more minute.

    2. well scripted = ill agree that alot of the actual text/narrations are good. However, you get the jacktard award for instantly assuming that i dont read everythig the first time through so ya kinda shot yourself in the foot here. Maybe you should try actually discussing something instead of being a general jackass about it.

    3. good story line = the story lines up to vale are solid as a rock and necropolis is proably the best out there. However, the rest of them are simply half-assed. They all use the same "because of ________now you have to do ________ garbage that is a sign of a DM grasping at straws to make the story longer.
    Last edited by Jendrak; 10-14-2010 at 02:20 AM.
    To err is human, to forgive is divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policy

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak View Post
    6. Mobs have one set of rules and players have another. This is ****** DMing at its finest.
    To some extent this is fine in a computer game, as sometimes you have to make up for limitations of the AI. However, in some cases it is taken to far in DDO. I'm looking at you, Taeron Rimond (a red named that is so far 'out of wack' with the rest of the quest that it makes the quest unfun, IMO).

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  10. #10
    Community Member KristovK's Avatar
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    To the OP..interesting..Live dungeons with real could be fun. Not so sure about the prices you quoted..but hey.

    As to Turbine devs and DMing..I actually haven't got a clue, nor does anyone else who's not actually played PnP with them, about their ability in that regard.

    They DO design good, even great, dungeons and quests. Storylines are good at the worst, awesome at the top end(NOT end cap, top end of quality). However, we've yet to see how they actually DM since..we don't HAVE any DMs in the game.

    What we DO have is a video game. IT can't respond to how the players do things that are outside of it's parameters, exploits, bugs, using terrain in ways not know, players being players and doing whatever they can to get around the way things are supposed to play out. Ask ANY DM, it's what all players do and it's a constant pain in the arse dealing with it. Computers can't do what a DM can do, react to the event in real time and adjust their setting to counter/deal/accept what the players have done. So, in a computer game, you have to things that aren't 'typical'...give bosses immunities(they did NOT have that originally, we COULD insta-kill bosses..and it rather sucked to be honest), give mobs who don't normally have the ability to buff themselves the ability to do so, and disallow using terrain in ways that literally break the design of a dungeon(which is a big part of why we don't have Fly or a Dimension Door that works as it should). We ran into this years ago with Neverwinter Nights persistant worlds, especially the ones that used the PrC mod, which gave players the ability to really REALLY muck the world up. We had to give bosses blanket immunities, stats boosted to just stupidly high numbers, boosts to saves and so on..just like we see in DDO. It ain't new to the D&D video game world, it's just not something you see in OTHER MMOs, which work on a different system anyway.

    Keep that in mind when you start to complain about the design choices in DDO, they aren't there to screw over the players, they are there to keep the game from being screwed over by the players.

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