Stop freaking out about song of recklessness, it's only -10% fort, you'll get critted once in every 50 hits, max, and beleive it or not unless you're a super-gimp this will not one hit kill you. I decided to run a bunch of epics without my heavy fort for a bit today on my sorc to see how it was, the highest crit I saw was 140, the lack of fort did not kill me once the entire night.
Really, for the most part the 5% extra dps is more than worth it for 95% percent of situations, and the other 5% you're likely using a defensives stance anyways...
Also another point worth making is that when healing raids wf will be taking less damage than the rest of the group which means less spot healing, as a bard I find my self often throwing spot heals for the healing amp free wf out there... now it'll be pretty much even anyways.
Really, song of recklessness isn't making you worse in any way, if you're worried about it you can turn it off and you get a slew of other abilities with warchanter 2 anyways (free weapon prof, medium armor, gh song, etc...)