I am having a problem where certain spells have a high probability to cause my client to get out of synch with the server. I will be able to move my character around and swing, but nothing else on the screen will be moving. In game voice is still working fine, the internet connection in general is working fine, but the DDO client just cant seem to communicate with the server to show what is really happening in game.

I have tried lowering all graphics settings and even capping the framerate in the troubleshooting section, but none of that seems to help. I have also tried turning off all combat feedback. My machine should be capable of running this game on high settings so I did not think this would help but thought I would try it anyway.

The spells that I have noticed causing this problem the most are:
Sleet Storm
Ice Storm

If anyone has had a similar problem and found a way to fix it please let me know.
