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  1. #1
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    Exclamation Verified Paypal and unremovable credit cards both too risky

    I'm considering buying the $50 point bundle, but I don't like the idea of my credit card being permanently tied to something as relatively insecure as a game. Paypal is a good option, but I don't want to verify (make it a direct line to my bank account) for the same reason -- paypal may be a bit more secure and is a single point of failure for the credit card, but the bank account info is a whole other level.

    So, any other way I can participate in the $50 deal?

    Or, is there any easy way to remove my payment information / not save it after the transaction is complete?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LlamaPants View Post
    I'm considering buying the $50 point bundle, but I don't like the idea of my credit card being permanently tied to something as relatively insecure as a game. Paypal is a good option, but I don't want to verify (make it a direct line to my bank account) for the same reason -- paypal may be a bit more secure and is a single point of failure for the credit card, but the bank account info is a whole other level.

    So, any other way I can participate in the $50 deal?

    Or, is there any easy way to remove my payment information / not save it after the transaction is complete?
    I believe you can get the card info removed by hassling Turbine Account Support after a purchase.

    If more people did this, it might stop being economically viable for Turbine to store the details in such insecure places.
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  3. #3
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    Thumbs down

    My evening game session just turned into a night of crawling forums to confirm there's no good workarounds for my billing issues . . . which reminds me that I probably don't have the requisite time (for forum scouring) to enjoy this game anyway.

    Maybe I'll try wrangling with support over the phone tomorrow, but honestly, I'm pretty close to talking myself out of the purchase. Too much hassle, I need more convenient ways to take my leisure.

  4. #4
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I believe you can get the card info removed by hassling Turbine Account Support after a purchase.

    If more people did this, it might stop being economically viable for Turbine to store the details in such insecure places.
    Turbine has said you just need to call, since there is no automated process.
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  5. #5
    Customer Service Representative Victorie's Avatar
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    At this time there is no online process for a player to remove a credit card from the system. We have received requests for this option, and are always working to improve our systems. I will be happy to pass along your feedback as well.

    If you contact Account Management, they will be happy to remove the card for you if you ask.

    If I understand correctly, you're looking for a different option. What I'd recommend is using a Pre-Paid Card, as explained in this sticky. Most of the re-loadable ones can be registered with your name and address. As long as the card company doesn't block us, and provides all the required verification, and has a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover logo, we'll take it.

    The re-loadable ones can be left on file and money added when you want to buy points. Since these cards can only be spent to the amount on them, and are not associated with your credit in any way, there is very minimal risk in using them. Just be sure to put a few extra dollars on when you add it the first time, to be sure the $1.00 authorization hold doesn't interfere with your purchase.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I believe you can get the card info removed by hassling Turbine Account Support after a purchase.

    If more people did this, it might stop being economically viable for Turbine to store the details in such insecure places.
    I'm wondering if this is even legal, my uncle is a lawyer at local bar association and online legality cases are a specialty of his, said he is going to look into it for me.

    The game is pretty much over for f2p players at level 12, and while I'd like to be a paying customer, theres no chance in hell I'm entering CC information into a system where it is not able to be removed by the customer. I really don't see many people wanting to spend an hour on hold via long distance to have CC removed from their account...the smart ones just call their bank and have it charged back. Not exactly financial geniuses over there at Turbine, because a single chargeback normally costs $20-$30.

    Maybe they'll one day figure out that people don't like having their credit card information held against their own will :P

  7. #7
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    Go buy a points card.

    Sheesh, Your bank really is so bad that if someone steals your credit card they are gonna stick it to ya?

    Wether you use your card once or have it on file really doesnt change the fact that the internet if full of bad people. You think your transactions, once made, dissapear compeltely?
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  8. #8
    Community Member MindCake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Go buy a points card.
    I'm guessing I'm in similar situation as the OP. If only there was a shop selling those that didn't require crossing an ocean to get to, I'd jump on it.

    I'd very much like to pay 50$ for 5000 points, but I've spent many hours over the past two weeks and haven't found a way to do that that I'd be happy with.

    I don't like credit cards, and credit card over the internet even less.

    I do not think Paypal is the system for me. I just want to pay 50$, receive my virtual items, and be done with it. Too bad Paypal is geared towards online two-way trading, as in e-bay. I don't need the features of Paypal geared for that, and I don't want to give Paypal the information needed for the features I don't want, but it's required here.
    I understand Turbine's concern over unverified accounts, however, maybe some other online payment methods, geared less towards e-bay, and more towards, say, mmorpg subscriptions, should be made available?

    Some pre-paid card would possibly be an option, but I do not want it added to a system that allows re-occuring billings. This feature, I gather, is supposedly offered for convenience, but it's the exact opposite of what I want.
    I do not wish the data kept in the system at all. I understand some must remain, in the logs and such, but I think the less the better, while Turbine apparently thinks the more the better.

    Furthermore, there's no guarantee the first card I'd pick would even work with the system, and if I had to go thorugh several, that'd mean sharing my data with yet another company I didn't want to have it in the first place.

    I did manage to purchase some points with paymo SMS payment. And I think it was good. One message, minimum data exchanged, 5 minutes, done. If only the ratios weren't significantly worse than other ways, I'd be buying with that.

    If some european shops began carrying DDO point cards, or if there were other methods available, I'd be glad to use them too.

    It's been such a hassle I'm even considering farming favour, even though it'd pay about two orders of magnitude less than my day job.

    Right now it's a kind of race: whether I find a way to pay, or get bored of the game first.
    Last edited by MindCake; 11-10-2010 at 12:23 PM.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Storms9124's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MindCake View Post
    I'm guessing I'm in similar situation as the OP. If only there was a shop selling those that didn't require crossing an ocean to get to, I'd jump on it.


    Right now it's a kind of race: whether I find a way to pay, or get bored of the game first.
    This, 100x... Totally agree

  10. #10
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LlamaPants View Post
    My evening game session just turned into a night of crawling forums to confirm there's no good workarounds for my billing issues . . . which reminds me that I probably don't have the requisite time (for forum scouring) to enjoy this game anyway.

    Maybe I'll try wrangling with support over the phone tomorrow, but honestly, I'm pretty close to talking myself out of the purchase. Too much hassle, I need more convenient ways to take my leisure.
    Does it have to be a verified pay pal account to make purchases here?

    You can get a pay pal account setup without verifying, and it will just charge whatever card you have associated with it instead of bank account info.

    Pay pal doesn't make it exactly easy to get a non verified account setup, but it is an option.
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  11. #11
    Community Member MindCake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osharan_Tregarth View Post
    Does it have to be a verified pay pal account to make purchases here?

    You can get a pay pal account setup without verifying, and it will just charge whatever card you have associated with it instead of bank account info.

    Pay pal doesn't make it exactly easy to get a non verified account setup, but it is an option.
    According to the official sticky:
    Please note that PayPal accounts must be verified in order to be used to purchase Turbine points.
    It's actually pretty reasonable. But I don't much fancy taking part.
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  12. #12
    Community Member MindCake's Avatar
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    I can't freakin' believe it.
    Right when I thought I found a passable way of paying, it turns out you guys specifically asked the company* not to accept payments from my country (which is Poland). The payment would go like this: I'd buy pre-paid cards in a shop. Use them to get online cash points. Then use these to buy something I believe is called game time card, which would give me 30 days of vip subscription. I may add about half of the steps I'd need to take have strict "no refunds" policies in place, so I have no idea as to what you have to gain by refusing this, and I'm double plus ticked off now.

    *I won't name the company, because mentioning it here could potentially bring some profit to you if someone from another country got the idea to use it upon reading this post, and I'm feeling vindicative now, little as it may mean. Message me if you want to know.

    Hmmm... maybe I can get EVE online subscription instead. Someone was recommending it to me recently.
    Last edited by MindCake; 11-10-2010 at 02:15 PM.
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  13. #13
    Community Member TorNis7's Avatar
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    I can feel your pain. I am from Europe and if you check other threads, you can find that we suffer more then you thought.
    Last edited by TorNis7; 11-10-2010 at 12:31 PM.

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