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  1. #1
    Community Member Sillk's Avatar
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    Default Half-Elven Dilettante: Monk on a Kensei III

    Half-Elven Dilettante: Monk
    Prerequisites: Half-Elf, 13 Wisdom
    Benefit: You have meditated alongside monks in the most remote of places. You gain proficiency with the quarterstaff, kama, and shuriken, and can add up to 2 points of your Wisdom bonus to your Armor Class as long as you are Defensively Centered (unarmored and unencumbered). This Armor Class bonus does not stack with the similar monk class ability. For item use purposes you count as a level one monk in addition to any other classes you possess. This feat is not recommended for characters with actual monk levels.
    Has anyone on Lamania tried this on a Melee character to see how their character attacks unarmed? Was wondering if it would be possible to have a Level 20 Fighter with the Monk unarmed attack?

  2. #2
    Community Member Robi3.0's Avatar
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    I am going to guess, no. The Feat does not mention that you get the monk unarmed attack feat. Therefor I am think you will be getting the regular old lame unarmed attack that non monks get. Which I believe is 1d4 damage.
    there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillk View Post
    Has anyone on Lamania tried this on a Melee character to see how their character attacks unarmed? Was wondering if it would be possible to have a Level 20 Fighter with the Monk unarmed attack?
    Interesting idea. Just for the record IF it works you'd be 1d6x2 base damage as a level 1 monk, 1d8x2 for a TR that spends a feat or in earth stance w/ Jid'z-tetka, and 1d10x2 for a TR spending a feat AND in earth stance w/ Jid'z-tetka. So on the one hand you'd be giving up a better crit-profile weapon and greensteel. On the flip side, an epic version of the new handwraps along with a holy burst and a shocking burst ToD ring. Seems though that about the only thing you'd gain would be better +10 stunning weapons thanks to the ToD rings. Now if that's the goal...building a fighter with outstanding stunning dc's using handwraps/tod rings to get good dps out of the stunning setup...that might actually work. Not sure if it would be better dps than a mainhand dps weapon/offhand stunner though.

  4. #4
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    As far as I see it the half elf dilettante monk does not require to be lawfull. If that idea is really working (what i doubt) even barbarian boxers would be possibel.
    Former DDO:EU player. Playing on the EU servers since beta.

  5. #5
    Community Member Modinator0's Avatar
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    simple enough to test, I'll post results in a moment

    result: pure fighter with half-elf dilettante monk has punch punch kick animation with 1d3 damage.
    Last edited by Modinator0; 10-12-2010 at 05:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Sillk's Avatar
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    Ya, i was thinking of something like a Fighter or Barb Pre with the Monk unarmed attacks with TOD rings. I've seen a number of builds splash Monk for the unarmed attacks, and thought you might be able to stay pure Fighter/Barb and gain the same effect with ½Elf.

  7. #7
    Community Member Sillk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Modinator0 View Post
    simple enough to test, I'll post results in a moment

    result: pure fighter with half-elf dilettante monk has punch punch kick animation with 1d3 damage.
    Thanks for checking. I'm at work, but my mind is in Stormreach.

    Too bad tho, as being considered 1 level of Monk, you'd think he'd know how to throw a decent punch.

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