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  1. #241
    Community Member
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    If a cleric doesn't heal, then there's no point in having the cleric. We're not asking you to be a heal bot. We're asking you to use the abilities that we other classes weren't gifted with.

    If you show up and don't heal the party at all, then you can expect to be booted.

    It's not that your solo ability isn't good. It's just that you aren't a team player which is what EVERY party wants.
    Except the zerg parties. They're just lonely.
    A master of appearances.
    He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
    His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo

  2. #242
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    If a cleric doesn't heal, then there's no point in having the cleric. We're not asking you to be a heal bot. We're asking you to use the abilities that we other classes weren't gifted with.

    If you show up and don't heal the party at all, then you can expect to be booted.

    It's not that your solo ability isn't good. It's just that you aren't a team player which is what EVERY party wants.
    Except the zerg parties. They're just lonely.
    Would you boot a sorc for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a bard for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a ranger because they have access to wands/scrolls and sp for not healing?
    Would you boot a paladin because they won't lay on hands or wand/scroll use sp to heal others?
    Would you boot a wiz for not healing when they can reconstruct?
    Would you boot a umd fighter for not wanding/scrolling to heal others?
    Would you boot a rogue for not healing because they can umd?

    Personally when the quest is over I don't care about getting booted or if people drop. Quest was over. Whether it finished or not done is done.

    Would you boot a player for asking a ranger to barkskin someone when +3 pots are readily available?
    Would you boot a player because they are too lazy to equip a resist elemental cloak/ring?

    I think you get my point by now. It doesn't make a person a team player because they can cast certain things on you at someones beck and call. What makes a team player is that person being ABLE to be self sufficient.

  3. #243
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
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    Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
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    I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.

  4. #244
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    Would you boot a sorc for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a bard for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a ranger because they have access to wands/scrolls and sp for not healing?
    Would you boot a paladin because they won't lay on hands or wand/scroll use sp to heal others?
    Would you boot a wiz for not healing when they can reconstruct?
    Would you boot a umd fighter for not wanding/scrolling to heal others?
    Would you boot a rogue for not healing because they can umd?

    Personally when the quest is over I don't care about getting booted or if people drop. Quest was over. Whether it finished or not done is done.

    Would you boot a player for asking a ranger to barkskin someone when +3 pots are readily available?
    Would you boot a player because they are too lazy to equip a resist elemental cloak/ring?

    I think you get my point by now. It doesn't make a person a team player because they can cast certain things on you at someones beck and call. What makes a team player is that person being ABLE to be self sufficient.
    Better question would you boot an arcane for not casting haste on you? :P
    Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell

  5. #245
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonhyde View Post
    Better question would you boot an arcane for not casting haste on you? :P
    I wouldn't. I crafted 3 sets of boots and carry 100 haste potions. And my wizard doesn't even have haste mem'd in the spellbook because that seems to be a requirement for a caster.
    I don't wait for others to haste me, I either use clicky or drink pot and am gone.

  6. #246
    Community Member Catiriona's Avatar
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    Too tired to read this whole I will say a few things and be done with it.

    All the your too gimped et al posts are pretty elitest and not very constructive.

    Here is the thing. If a new cleric is reading this you are doing them a disservice. In my experience most well rounded clerics I know, heck most superior battle clerics started out earlier in their playing having a pure healing cleric. Knowing when things are getting bad and you need to step back and give a heal is not something you just know. It is something you learn. That does not mean that other classes don't need to learn to be more self sufficient. All my non healing alts have tons of pots and if they can use them wands and scrolls, but i have millions of plat at my disposal. I remember a time when it was hard to scrape up the money to buy wands and pots... I would ask those of you crying noob to think back to when you first played before dogpiling on new people. I will tell you in the small amount I have pugged I have ended up standing back and healing on rangers and paladins as a new "battle cleric" melees or casts offensive(not CC) spells in situations where they need to be healing. I am not talking between fights.. or in situations where pots will do, I am talking about places where real healing is needed. My non healing specced bard heals better with wands and scrolls then some of these guys.

    Those of you that only raid with me might be surprised that my clerics actually heal very little in quests... I spend alot of time killing stuff. The big difference is I have the experience to know when things get out of hand and the ability to step back and just heal when the situation calls for that. If you can't do both then you have no business being in a quest where they are specifically asking for someone that can heal.
    Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
    Sheelagh 30 cleric/ Sidheag 30 FVS/ Catiriona 30 druid/ Dirrty barbarian/ Vigdis fighter/ Banan bard and various others

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    Would you boot a sorc for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a bard for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a ranger because they have access to wands/scrolls and sp for not healing?
    Would you boot a paladin because they won't lay on hands or wand/scroll use sp to heal others?
    Would you boot a wiz for not healing when they can reconstruct?
    Would you boot a umd fighter for not wanding/scrolling to heal others?
    Would you boot a rogue for not healing because they can umd?

    Personally when the quest is over I don't care about getting booted or if people drop. Quest was over. Whether it finished or not done is done.

    Would you boot a player for asking a ranger to barkskin someone when +3 pots are readily available?
    Would you boot a player because they are too lazy to equip a resist elemental cloak/ring?

    I think you get my point by now.
    It doesn't make a person a team player because they can cast certain things on you at someones beck and call. What makes a team player is that person being ABLE to be self sufficient.
    No I would not, but they don't have the mass heals that clerics have. If it was another class that had those spells, I'd be just as tough on them as I am clerics, and I've played as clerics before. It's stressful, but it's one of the jobs that needs to be done.
    If a pure human sorcerer won't cast spells at all, and instead tries to jump in and melee the hell out of a mob and only succeeds in causing copious amounts of damage to itself, then I'd boot them too.
    I'm not asking you to be a baby sitter, I'm asking if I can trust you to enough to watch my back.
    If we pull together and use our abilities properly, we can beat this quest.
    On btw, one of the abilities you have is the ability to heal people. I hope we can count on you when things start looking bad.
    A master of appearances.
    He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
    His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo

  8. #248
    Community Member Peopi's Avatar
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    Default What?

    All that stuff about this person being gimp and who needs a cleric, all of it is a waste of breath. Bottom line is the guy put up an LFM asking for a heal bot. He got a request from someone who said he could fit the bill. Both by clicking the LFM and by tell. He did not fit the bill and everyone is blaming the OP for it. This is no different than the other LFM's that say "zerg", BYOH or slow and steady.
    The real newb here is the battle cleric that hit the heal bot LFM. Let us not debate the ease at which SC elite can be completed.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catiriona View Post
    Too tired to read this whole I will say a few things and be done with it.

    All the your too gimped et al posts are pretty elitest and not very constructive.

    Here is the thing. If a new cleric is reading this you are doing them a disservice. In my experience most well rounded clerics I know, heck most superior battle clerics started out earlier in their playing having a pure healing cleric. Knowing when things are getting bad and you need to step back and give a heal is not something you just know. It is something you learn. That does not mean that other classes don't need to learn to be more self sufficient. All my non healing alts have tons of pots and if they can use them wands and scrolls, but i have millions of plat at my disposal. I remember a time when it was hard to scrape up the money to buy wands and pots... I would ask those of you crying noob to think back to when you first played before dogpiling on new people. I will tell you in the small amount I have pugged I have ended up standing back and healing on rangers and paladins as a new "battle cleric" melees or casts offensive(not CC) spells in situations where they need to be healing. I am not talking between fights.. or in situations where pots will do, I am talking about places where real healing is needed. My non healing specced bard heals better with wands and scrolls then some of these guys.

    Those of you that only raid with me might be surprised that my clerics actually heal very little in quests... I spend alot of time killing stuff. The big difference is I have the experience to know when things get out of hand and the ability to step back and just heal when the situation calls for that. If you can't do both then you have no business being in a quest where they are specifically asking for someone that can heal.
    I like this person. They is smart! +1
    A master of appearances.
    He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
    His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo

  10. #250
    Community Member khaldan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    Why do u play a cleric if u dont want to heal?
    Because I like being useful to the group I'm in. Clerics can do more than just healbot.

  11. #251
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    No I would not, but they don't have the mass heals that clerics have. If it was another class that had those spells, I'd be just as tough on them as I am clerics, and I've played as clerics before. It's stressful, but it's one of the jobs that needs to be done.
    And one can also use their own ability to drink a pot now and then, or wand whip themselves instead of running blindly ahead.

    If a pure human sorcerer won't cast spells at all, and instead tries to jump in and melee the hell out of a mob and only succeeds in causing copious amounts of damage to itself, then I'd boot them too.
    I wouldn't boot them, I'd find out what the problem is and offer help. In your example sounds like all that's needed is master's touch

    I'm not asking you to be a baby sitter, I'm asking if I can trust you to enough to watch my back.
    Are you helping to replace resources or perhaps providing them to the party healer that you wish to relegate to the status of a hireling?

    If we pull together and use our abilities properly, we can beat this quest.
    or you can watch someone else do it from their backpack if you insist on that playstyle

    On btw, one of the abilities you have is the ability to heal people. I hope we can count on you when things start looking bad.
    Would that be similar to the ranger/paladin ability to use wands? Or any toons ability to drink a pot or use a clickie outside of fighting?
    In case you just fell and hit your head:

    1. Clerics/Favored Souls/Bards don't get mass heals at level 8.
    2. If you actually played a Cleric you wouldn't have posted that drivel.

    Think.... then post.

    Last edited by taurean430; 10-12-2010 at 08:18 PM.

  12. #252
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    On a rogue? Naw, not at all. Usually a rogue way more skill points, even with a low int, than they know what to do with.
    Even with a relatively high int that’s near a third of all the points they'll get. One third of a toon's skill point resources going into a single aspect of play is definitely what I would call a focus. What’s more, if a player doesn't know what to do with one third of their points, they're either new, lazy or hopeless – wouldn’t you say? For my part, the first two are more than forgivable. As for the lattermost – well, that depends on how well they do other things.
    "No, no, NO! It’s pronounced KOL-ER-AHH, not KLO-WEE!"

  13. #253
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    Would you boot a sorc for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a bard for not healing because they can umd scrolls?
    Would you boot a ranger because they have access to wands/scrolls and sp for not healing?
    Would you boot a paladin because they won't lay on hands or wand/scroll use sp to heal others?
    Would you boot a wiz for not healing when they can reconstruct?
    Would you boot a umd fighter for not wanding/scrolling to heal others?
    Would you boot a rogue for not healing because they can umd?

    Personally when the quest is over I don't care about getting booted or if people drop. Quest was over. Whether it finished or not done is done.

    Would you boot a player for asking a ranger to barkskin someone when +3 pots are readily available?
    Would you boot a player because they are too lazy to equip a resist elemental cloak/ring?

    I think you get my point by now. It doesn't make a person a team player because they can cast certain things on you at someones beck and call. What makes a team player is that person being ABLE to be self sufficient.

    Sorc I would expect to use the spells at his disposal to help the party. If he can heal better than the cleric I'll let him if that's what he wants to do. Since the cleric has the DDO version of spontaneously casting healing spells of course I would expect him to do so if it's the best choice available to prevent a wipe at the time.

    Bard I would expect to UMD scrolls as necessary. More importantly I would expect him to sing, maybe haste and heal with SP. Doesn't need UMD for a lot of wands and scrolls either. Bards heal sufficiently. I might want some CC if that's the best choice available to help the party at the time and prevent a wipe.

    Asking about a ranger using SP for healing is odd. They suck at it. I would expect that he uses wands to help out if necessary, and to help conserve SP for the major SP users. Now if the ranger decided to never dual wield or use a bow because he wanted to be a healer and scout I would be quite a bit more concerned. That would be more on the same scale as a cleric who refuses to heal.

    A pally should absolutely use LOH to save someone if necessary. Since he's likely a tank it would likely be himself. Same as rangers he should help with wands etc to save heavy SP users SP and do what is necessary to keep the team going. If he didn't want to tank because he wanted to pew pew and took manyshot and decided he is a healer I would be concerned because that is more on scale with a cleric who doesn't want to heal. Also confused why you mention a pally SP healing and not the bard

    People do expect wizzies to reconstruct. And to mass hold monster, and to wail, and to haste, and to wall of fire. Generally it's what ever is the best course of action to help the team in the given situation. If the party is dying and he doesn't want to mass hold monster when it's appropriate he's not doing what is necessary to help the party. I would be concerned.

    Fighters should fight. We bring them to tank and for melee damage, maybe some combat feats. I would expect the fighter to fight. I wouldn't boot the fighter for not using UMD if he is capable, but if he's UMD'ing wands and scrolls instead of melee I would be inclined to boot him pretty fast. It's not why I want a fighter in my group.

    A rogue comes along for traps and damage. They do have nice UMD and I wouldn't mind letting them UMD-heal if they can do it well enough. But if they refuse to do what ever I added them to the party for, after agreeing to fill that role, I would not be happy with that rogue's performance.

    Many of your examples indicate a skill set those classes do not excel at or would be considered a minor part of the skill set. Healing is a major part of the cleric skills set and all classes are expected to be able to contribute to the role they commited to when joining the group.

    I like other spells isn't a valid reason not to heal when it's the best course of action for the party, it's a major skill set for the character, and it's the role the player accepted when joining the group.

    If the cleric joins for another role that is more acceptable. But I would still hope the player would catch the issue and do what is necessary. If the player commits to the role, the player is responsible to do what they can to fill it if that makes sense.

    Just sayin'

  14. #254
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aashrym View Post
    Well said, sir.
    "No, no, NO! It’s pronounced KOL-ER-AHH, not KLO-WEE!"

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by taurean430 View Post
    In case you just fell and hit your head:

    1. Clerics/Favored Souls/Bards don't get mass heals at level 8.
    2. If you actually played a Cleric you wouldn't have posted that drivel.

    Think.... then post.

    I don't quite understand what your problem is. Clerics get healing spells. Why not use them? I may have pots but they're not going to cut it in a bad situation. Sometimes not even in a regular battle situation.
    I guess I can't count on you to be a team player.


    Go back to soloing buddy.

    Oh, and yes I do give supplies to fvs and clerics. I know how important they are so when I find an sp pot or rez scroll, I give it to them. They're the most important part of the team after all.

    Don't assume you know every class I've ever played based on the fact that my opinion is different from yours, and don't assume that I rush ahead expecting everyone to keep up with me. I've been playing this game for almost 3 years now and playing video games in general for almost 20.

    ps: Master's touch doesn't stop a sorcerer from being squishy. Having more than 45 hit points and 10 ac does.
    A master of appearances.
    He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
    His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo

  16. #256
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    I like this person. They is smart! +1
    I like her to. She my guild leader.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    I like her to. She my guild leader.
    Then we should stop arguing and agree that she is smart
    A master of appearances.
    He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
    His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo

  18. #258
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    I don't quite understand what your problem is. Clerics get healing spells. Why not use them? I may have pots but they're not going to cut it in a bad situation. Sometimes not even in a regular battle situation.
    I guess I can't count on you to be a team player.


    Go back to soloing buddy.

    Oh, and yes I do give supplies to fvs and clerics. I know how important they are so when I find an sp pot or rez scroll, I give it to them. They're the most important part of the team after all.

    Don't assume you know every class I've ever played based on the fact that my opinion is different from yours, and don't assume that I rush ahead expecting everyone to keep up with me. I've been playing this game for almost 3 years now and playing video games in general for almost 20.

    ps: Master's touch doesn't stop a sorcerer from being squishy. Having more than 45 hit points and 10 ac does.
    My problem, genius, is that you have no idea of what you are talking about. I'll not debate your lack of knowledge any further save to say play a class to cap, then speak on what you think they 'should' be doing.

    Inference and assumption are different. The fact that you don't know what spells are available to support classes at that level speaks for itself. I've inferred that you are blowing hot air. And that is true.

    Incidentally, you'd never have the opportunity to kick me from a group. That would require me joining to meet your weird expectations. I've solo healed every quest/raid in this game save TOD or Abbot. Not sure if either of those are possible, but I'll find out eventually.

    Now kindly take your supposed healing toon out of Korthos and learn something.

  19. #259
    Community Member ~Cereals_Alt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catiriona View Post
    Too tired to read this whole I will say a few things and be done with it.

    All the your too gimped et al posts are pretty elitest and not very constructive.

    Here is the thing. If a new cleric is reading this you are doing them a disservice. In my experience most well rounded clerics I know, heck most superior battle clerics started out earlier in their playing having a pure healing cleric. Knowing when things are getting bad and you need to step back and give a heal is not something you just know. It is something you learn. That does not mean that other classes don't need to learn to be more self sufficient. All my non healing alts have tons of pots and if they can use them wands and scrolls, but i have millions of plat at my disposal. I remember a time when it was hard to scrape up the money to buy wands and pots... I would ask those of you crying noob to think back to when you first played before dogpiling on new people. I will tell you in the small amount I have pugged I have ended up standing back and healing on rangers and paladins as a new "battle cleric" melees or casts offensive(not CC) spells in situations where they need to be healing. I am not talking between fights.. or in situations where pots will do, I am talking about places where real healing is needed. My non healing specced bard heals better with wands and scrolls then some of these guys.

    Those of you that only raid with me might be surprised that my clerics actually heal very little in quests... I spend alot of time killing stuff. The big difference is I have the experience to know when things get out of hand and the ability to step back and just heal when the situation calls for that. If you can't do both then you have no business being in a quest where they are specifically asking for someone that can heal.
    Perfectly Said +1 for you Sheelagh ... I'd make it +5 if I could!

  20. #260
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    Then we should stop arguing and agree that she is smart
    Definately. She is the smart upon us.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cereals_Alt View Post
    Perfectly Said +1 for you Sheelagh ... I'd make it +5 if I could!
    Too bad you can't get that +5 by spending TP on it.

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