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  1. #121
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    Like the title says and Why do u join my if it says no battlecleris,only pure healer.Why do u tell me in mid quest that u have only 400 max sp at lvl 8 ?why do u tell that u wont heal the party coz u say a cleric dont needs to heal ? Well today ive made a lfm for stormcleave outpost on elite ,and like nearly every day it filled REALY slow ,so after waiting an half-hour i had 4 more ppl in my party (3 dps and 1 caster) ive changed the lfm and wrote :Stormcleave Outpost On Elite Need a Pure Healer NO BATTLECLERICS.And after waiting again 10 mins ive got a join request from a lvl 8 cleric ,the first thing ive done is asking him "Are you a pure Healer?that means you are not a battlecleric!" and he said :"sure im not a battlecleric " well ive accepted. After like 3 mins in the quest ive asked : Hey cleric can you use yor healing abilitys and mind healing us?( Coz the whole Party was at nearly 0 hp) then he said : Dont tell me what to do .So we needed to do it without any heals . After 15 mins Everyone was dead and ive asked the cleric : Why do u play a cleric if u dont want to heal? Coz i like theire melee abilitys he answered.well then i just pressed ESC and clicked on Quit and then ive turned off my computer
    Ouch, wall of text.


    However, my answer to your question is - i built my Favored Soul to support the party.

    NOTE: Supporting the party is different from BABYSITTING a party.
    I toss out heals IF needed, use offensive spells to help.

    But i NEVER babysit a party.

    You want a babysitter?
    You're lookin in the wrong place then.

    When God gives you lemons, find a new God.

  2. #122
    Community Member Furbitor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    ...then i just pressed ESC and clicked on Quit and then ive turned off my computer

    problem solved.

    On another note, if you feel like being adventurous, how about roll a cleric yourself?

    then you can heal to your heart's desire.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cholera View Post
    Which is a little like saying any pure, single function character is a waste of a slot. Pure magic mage, pure melee fighter or pure healing cleric? Of course, pretty much any quest may be completed without a pure function build (melee, magic, healing, trap busting or whathaveyou) but to suggest that one of them, healing or otherwise, is a waste – well, that’s effectively insisting on certain play / build styles.

    That is to say, it’s hardly fair to suggest someone may be gimp for picking a functional style of play and being frustrated when, after advertising for a complementary style, they end up with something entirely different.
    The only pure, single function character that can be expected to fit a pug is pure DPS. Even that implies that some sort of tanking is required (being built around grabbing agro and not handling it is a bad idea), and enough strength to handle some tactics. Pure healing cleric? You want one spell, cast over and over? That doesn't correspond to a pure magic mage. That corresponds to a pure firewall mage who absolutely won't cast haste or buff. How about a pure trap busting rogue? Even if he bothers to learn how to open locks and find the traps (how multifunctional!) he can still be matched by a rogue 1/wizard 19 build on all but about 3 traps in the game. A well built rogue will be keeping up kills with the barbarian (assuming he can avoid this party), and only click the trapsmith buttons a few more times than our specialist.

    On the other hand there are numerous threads about how to correctly parse "HEALRZ ONLY". Any non-noob cleric will stay as far away from such a LFM and the OP can only expect a player as gimped as he is.

  4. #124
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    I just wasted five minutes of my life reading this thread.

    Do I get a virtual cookie?

    To the op: Playing healbot sucks, playing low level healbot sucks worse, playing low level healbot in subpar pugs sucks the worst.

    Now granted... the cleric may have been a terrible healer but all the same.. buy some frackin cure pots and get on with your life. HEALERS ARE NOT NEEDED FOR THE MAJORITY OF LOW LEVEL CONTENT. PERIOD.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  5. #125
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Llewndyn View Post
    I ran Necro 1 on hard last night and not ONE time did I even have to shrine, and we had only one DPS (we had 2 wizards, a rogue and a monk IIRC), they played smart, helped eachother.
    In the Necro series wizards *are* DPS.
    Comfortably [d|n]umb

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  6. #126
    Community Member Healemup's Avatar
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    Default I hope you aren't motivational speakers

    For all the effort given in 'attempting' to give advice to the OP on how he (or she) can improve their play style or group forming abilities, most of you have seem to be lacking in the ability to empathize.

    I realize by many of the responses the OP made to some of your posts have now made it even harder to see the point he was trying to originally make, but please take a moment to remember back to when this game first started and you managed to find yourself in quests that seemed hard when done wrong. Or when you entered a quest you had done 100 times before, but for some unknown reason just seemed to go horribly wrong.

    Sometimes you just get frustrated and want to vent about it. I am guessing that is what happened here with the OP. Now, it appears (please don't get offended if I have this wrong) that the OPs first language is not english. His LFM might not have been the best way to attract a decent healer, BUT he did make the attempt to fill the spot with the type of character he deemed best. Now, why the cleric refused (or was unable) to heal might be questionable. The fact remains that he was looking for that type of role. Whether the cleric was at fault or whether the OP was not aware of his ability and enhanced their demise or whether the rest of the party contributed isn't of consequence really either.

    What remains is someone venting their frustrations and is looking for an explaination as to why other styles of clerics exist if not to heal.

    And while there have been many replies that include how to improve so that the situation that occured is reduced from happening again, most have been clouded with "Quit being a Noob". I don't know about the rest of you, but if you start with telling me how crappy or stupid I am, its probably less likely for me to listen than if you just simply give me better ways of handling the situation.

    Some of the better ways that have been pointed out are:

    1. Hirling clerics - You can use them as Healbots all you want - although it does take some skill to run both your character and the hireling
    2. Be more self sufficient - This is great advice for the OP, but if he was the only one in the group that wasn't then the party probably wouldn't have failed. And, sometimes even if you are self sufficient, you get bad rolls or someone else in the party makes the situation unmanageable. I also realize that many of the long term vets will argue that you should be able to solo the quest, but remember the OP is a) FTP b) appears to be his first melee toon c) probably doesn't have a tremendous amount of funds or gear to make the quest a walk in the park like many of us are used to.
    3. Learn to manage aggro - This is related to the above point. Sometimes you just get others in the group that make quests get much harder than you ever thought possible by what they do.

    To the OP: The moral of the story that most have been trying to get across is that when your in a PUG expect things to not go as planned so OVER prepare and then when the worst happens you will be able to overcome and you will be able to add some folks to your DNG list... ;-)

    PS - I don't need any of you yahoos giving me **** for not being self sufficient... this isn't about me... :-D
    Favorhor, Rangedeath, Inthedark, Healemup, Axaleal, Hackemlow, Singasong, Intheback

  7. #127
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yazston_the_Invoker View Post
    Aye, but in this case, if you follow all of the OP's posts...

    1) the guy said he was not a battlecleric and that he could heal

    2) the OP takes 40 points of damage from trolls (out of 220 HP)

    3) the OP yells at the cleric for not healing

    4) the OP (and nobody else in the party, apparently) does not top himself off with wands or pots

    5) The cleric decides not to heal, and 10 minutes or so later, the party wipes because they receive no heals from the cleric.

    Now, granted, I think the cleric's nuts for joining that LFM in the beginning, but if I was that cleric, and I saw a fighter/ranger take less than 20% of his red bar in damage, I would not heal him at that point would be a waste to top him off like that, and he absolutely should be popping pots or breaking out the wands between battles. If he then yells at me with the attitude the OP has shown so far, I also would stop healing him. Not sure what happened with the rest of the party, but I am guessing we are also not getting the whole of the story.

    Sounds to me that the OP should not have been leading a SC elite in the first place.
    I Would Like TO tell u the whole story coz but my english is too poor and i think ive used the wrong words in thread start i could do it in German
    But Well Il give it a try :Nearly the same like in start BUT we did not wipe after 3 or 15 mins everything was well we had a good party good dps and a good caster only the cleric meleed only and didnt heal but we didnt need it atm after we were done with this 1st boss (a firegiant or something) 1 party member went afk .Then we continued and still didnt recive a heal ( and yea it was also our bad coz we didnt wand heal and pot heal).So then another person wen afk and then we were at the blackbone skelettons at the dimension gate and at this place we wiped coz i didnt heal my self and the cleric didnt heal me ,we wiped at the end of the dimension gate at the boss. And the cleric said to me im a tool and a fool and then i kicked him out of the party while he was dead then we summoned a pocket healer but i gtg. Ask Whittly,xmusex,and claryon and coldear if the story is true and il tell u it is true

  8. #128
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkm View Post
    i'd almost guarantee you that player attrition of "pure healer" builds is higher than any other playstyle. mainly because of the abuse that gets hurled their way when they fail in pugs.

    i mean lets look at the OP. lets say he'd gotten a "pure healer" who then ran out of spell points at the 4th fight because no one had fire resist (too lazy to go get house p buffs). based on him bringing this to the forums, he probably said something to the battle cleric while in the group.
    I've capped a few clerics over the years and have always played the nanny style because, well, I enjoy it. Frankly, I've never had to take any real abuse from anyone while playing that style, in fact, most of the time I’ve received very good treatment. There may be a number of reasons for that, not the least of which being that I've been around a long time so tend to know what’s needed (that isn’t to say I don’t mess up but knowing the exact placement and type of the mobs around the next corner does tend to help). Of course, I wouldn’t try to suggest that abuse doesn't happen, just that when it does it’s probably due to a combination of things rather than simply a bad attitude or two. So, in short: I don’t know for sure but I expect there’s more to it than pure laziness or d*ckishness.

    As for what the OP may or may not have done, I don't know and can’t speculate: I don't know him, I wasn't there and I can't see into alternative universes where he did get the healer he was looking for so I don't think it would be particularly fair for me to make any predictions.
    "No, no, NO! It’s pronounced KOL-ER-AHH, not KLO-WEE!"

  9. #129
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    I Would Like TO tell u the whole story coz but my english is too poor and i think ive used the wrong words in thread start i could do it in German
    But Well Il give it a try :Nearly the same like in start BUT we did not wipe after 3 or 15 mins everything was well we had a good party good dps and a good caster only the cleric meleed only and didnt heal but we didnt need it atm after we were done with this 1st boss (a firegiant or something) 1 party member went afk .Then we continued and still didnt recive a heal ( and yea it was also our bad coz we didnt wand heal and pot heal).So then another person wen afk and then we were at the blackbone skelettons at the dimension gate and at this place we wiped coz i didnt heal my self and the cleric didnt heal me ,we wiped at the end of the dimension gate at the boss. And the cleric said to me im a tool and a fool and then i kicked him out of the party while he was dead then we summoned a pocket healer but i gtg. Ask Whittly,xmusex,and claryon and coldear if the story is true and il tell u it is true
    So its the cleric's fault people went afk?

    And even if you expected a cleric to heal during fights, why would any cleric in his right mind top up a ranger between fights? You can use a wand as well as he can!

    The more you say the more convinced I am that the cleric got stuck with a really crappy party.

    Oh, and if you were able to kick him, he already left the quest after seeing how bad the party was.

  10. #130
    Founder Raiderone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    I Would Like TO tell u the whole story coz but my english is too poor and i think ive used the wrong words in thread start i could do it in German
    But Well Il give it a try :Nearly the same like in start BUT we did not wipe after 3 or 15 mins everything was well we had a good party good dps and a good caster only the cleric meleed only and didnt heal but we didnt need it atm after we were done with this 1st boss (a firegiant or something) 1 party member went afk .Then we continued and still didnt recive a heal ( and yea it was also our bad coz we didnt wand heal and pot heal).So then another person wen afk and then we were at the blackbone skelettons at the dimension gate and at this place we wiped coz i didnt heal my self and the cleric didnt heal me ,we wiped at the end of the dimension gate at the boss. And the cleric said to me im a tool and a fool and then i kicked him out of the party while he was dead then we summoned a pocket healer but i gtg. Ask Whittly,xmusex,and claryon and coldear if the story is true and il tell u it is true
    It's never good to do Dimension gate with two toons AFK. Go up slowly and do one wave at a time.

  11. #131
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkm View Post
    from 20 cleric to 20 FvS i gained 1200 spell points (40% or so) + unlimited cure light wounds. they really need to make another pass at cleric and maybe lower the spell point cost of the spontaneous heal spells.
    1200? HOW?

    I'm not trolling, I really want to know where such a difference is coming from. My evocation specc'd FVS will have 2772 (not counting exceptional charisma/tomes higher than +2) with archmagi and shroud sp item (14 base cha), most capped clerics I play with have around 2200-2300 with the same gear.

    I'd think it's not so hard to have decent mana on a cleric, what with your casting stat also being your mana stat (unlike on a FvS).
    Comfortably [d|n]umb

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  12. #132
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    So its the cleric's fault people went afk?

    And even if you expected a cleric to heal during fights, why would any cleric in his right mind top up a ranger between fights? You can use a wand as well as he can!

    The more you say the more convinced I am that the cleric got stuck with a really crappy party.

    Oh, and if you were able to kick him, he already left the quest after seeing how bad the party was.
    read the post ive already said that i could wand heal but i was too stupid for that and again read the post careful

  13. #133
    Community Member FengXian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elricken View Post
    I just wasted five minutes of my life reading this thread.

    Do I get a virtual cookie?

    To the op: Playing healbot sucks, playing low level healbot sucks worse, playing low level healbot in subpar pugs sucks the worst.

    Now granted... the cleric may have been a terrible healer but all the same.. buy some frackin cure pots and get on with your life. HEALERS ARE NOT NEEDED FOR THE MAJORITY OF LOW LEVEL CONTENT. PERIOD.
    I agree so much...the only difference is that I didn't read the whole thread so I wasted just a min XD

    Buy pots, get a hireling if you see your healer isn't a healer, use wands etc.

  14. #134
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cholera View Post
    Which is a little like saying any pure, single function character is a waste of a slot. Pure magic mage, pure melee fighter or pure healing cleric? Of course, pretty much any quest may be completed without a pure function build (melee, magic, healing, trap busting or whathaveyou) but to suggest that one of them, healing or otherwise, is a waste – well, that’s effectively insisting on certain play / build styles.

    That is to say, it’s hardly fair to suggest someone may be gimp for picking a functional style of play and being frustrated when, after advertising for a complementary style, they end up with something entirely different.
    I'm not following your logic at all here. Pure cleric is fine. A cleric that does nothing but heal would be like a wizard that did nothing but haste. That's a waste of a party spot. And if you are suggesting a "trap busting" only build then yes, that is also a complete waste of a party space.

  15. #135
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FengXian View Post
    I agree so much...the only difference is that I didn't read the whole thread so I wasted just a min XD

    Buy pots, get a hireling if you see your healer isn't a healer, use wands etc.
    thats what im going to do

  16. #136
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    read the post ive already said that i could wand heal but i was too stupid for that and again read the post careful

    Oh my reading skills are just fine.

    But if you admit you killed yourself, why are you whining?

  17. #137
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Oh my reading skills are just fine.

    But if you admit you killed yourself, why are you whining?
    coz i was at alcohol and angry as a started this thread

  18. #138
    Community Member urusaikuneyaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frostwhisperer View Post
    Did you know you can buy heals in the form of a potion? It's sounds like cheating don't ya think?
    Reminds me of the drow wizard who said he was self-sufficient before entering VoD. He linked 20 cure moderate wound pots. Turned out one cure mod pot actually healed 20% of his HP...

  19. #139
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
    coz i was at alcohol and angry as a started this thread
    LMAO, OH, its a drunk that makes sense. I knew I had to be missing something!

    Let me give you a friendly piece of advice...back slowly away from the keyboard and this thread lol

  20. #140
    Kragra for President
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    Default I have many Cleric/FS healers

    I heal. That's all I do, for the most part. I have extend and empower healing (my first 2 meta feats).

    I buff and heal. I use MY gold for wands and my $$ for spell pots.

    Why do I do this? Because I like to heal and support the players that like to ONLY swing or shoot or blast. I have carried so many stones from STUPID players that if I were to guess it would be in the 500 range.

    I like to heal and support. I find it hard to heal and support when there is a perfectly good rogue in the party and the DUMB fighter type runs through traps. When I do this by accident I don't expect anyone to heal me. I find it hard to heal when there's a group that splits up and expects healing through walls and floors. Someone posted about staying with the leader. YES!!! 100% of the times, unless they are a healer too!!

    I understand your post and I've felt like that too and when I do play my 1 (only 1) purely melee fighter type (no ranger levels or UMD to use wands - Only pots) and I see that the cleric/FS isn't healing then I step back at 50% HP (which I have 319 at 9th lvl) then heal myself. LEAVING the front line to collapse around the other fighters or take out the spellcasters (aggro hogs). EVERYONE has a roll in the group, heal me or die!!

    When I see a LFM for a cleric or FS I don't think (um.. they need another fighter). Seriously?? Keep everyone healed. The leader is the leader and the healer is the Mother Hen that reminds people that they can't heal you if you're down the hall or behind pillars. "Where r u >>>>? I can't target you!!"

    Ok.. that's my one rant about healing. FREAKING HEAL!!!! When u run out of mana then u r out or LIE and tell everyone that you don't have wands and see if anyone steps up and hands over wands or Mana pots.

    Thank you all. Flame away but this wasn't directed at any ONE post. Just a Rant.

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