OP there are a lot of blind angry clerics in your thread so most of the posts here are just going to be trash. Ideally just add that cleric to your friends list and avoid him. Levelling up every single battle cleric I met was a waste of a spot. The ones that I had to put on my list never managed to reach level 20.
Being able to dps and heal well at the same time isn't something a lot of players can do. Don't see why so many new players try and fail at it.
BTW just use a healer hireling if you can't find actual player healers, waiting 40 minutes is crazy. It takes some time to get used to it but you should be able to do most normal difficulty quests np.
BTW I love this forum coz nearly every post said im a gimp a noob and someone who dont knows how to use haste rage gh pots or clickys
Vrobel, the reason people are suggesting that you're a poor player is that you failed the quest because nobody was being healed. A good player would see that heals were not being thrown out by the cleric and resorted to a combination of aggro management and self-healing. Waiting on heals from a cleric who is clearly not handing them out is a bad strategy, especially when you're playing a character that can easily heal himself.
I admit some of the responses in this thread have been a bit harsh, but a valuable lesson on self-sufficient play can be learned by this experience.
When I'm playing my fighter I bring a large stack of cure potions with me into every quest because there isn't always a healer in the group, and even if there is I take responsibility for my own health bar. If I'm low on HP, I back out of combat and drink a pot or two. If I'm below 75% health after a fight, I drink pots until I am at 90% or better. If the healer tosses me a few heals, awesome, but if I die it's never because of the healer. I die because I suck - can't blame the cleric for recognizing that and not wasting the mana on me.![]()
Last edited by katana_one; 10-12-2010 at 08:52 AM.
You are responsible for your own DDO experience.
Come ON! You did the pvp thing to us! How could we stay serious.
Really, level another character or two to 20, then make a melee oriented character, and do stormcleave again. You'll drag the entire group of newbies through, and realise what you just said sounded dumb. You'll see.
Don't get me wrong here, you were clear on your needs in the lfm and even asked the guy about healing.
However (and I am far from anything like an expert on this game) in just a few minutes of reading most any where on these forums the need for self sufficiency is quite evident. That means pots of healing, cure poison, remove curse and defiantly lesser restoration for lower lvl barbs after raging ;p( that's a dig on me btw)..etc. etc. If you have umd get some heal wands. Get some clicky's...
The point being, you have to take some of the burden off of the person healing you. When you start getting into some of the higher end content this is a MUST. And it's a good habit to start early.
My first toon was a barb... took some learning the hard way and sponging manna from the clerics at the party's detriment and then finally doing some digging on my class here on the forums to get my stuff together such as proper equipment for my class/lvl, having pots and clicky's... mind you it's your toon, so gear/build him for YOUR fun not to satisfy some troll berating you on here.. though there are some constants that are a must... the info is out there, you just have to take the time to find it.
Live and learn and understand that YOU have to shoulder some of the responsibility for your adventuring fun and a little research in the class forums and LISTENING to the actual advice (not the trolling) some of the vets are trying to impart to you. Try not to get your hackles up and read between the lines.
As a good friend told me once.. "Close your mouth and open your ears and you might learn something..."( not meant to insult, but is something I say to myself when I find that I am being hard headed in a discussion)
19 dwarf barb and a hand full of alts.. even made a cleric so I could feel the pain of healing the barb.. ;p
Officer in Baby Shakers
Last edited by Triepod; 10-12-2010 at 09:01 AM.
If you want to know why...
So, in-depth analysis of your brilliant thread (and I really mean that!): What did you want to accomplish? I read your original post again, and all I can think of is posting another url to a 'cool story bro' pic... Did you want an actual response to the question 'why do you play a cleric if you don't want to heal?' in questionable english? Really? If that's true, then I can honestly say I don't know. Perhaps for the challenge?
I'm not a cleric player but I feel their pain on this one.
To be fair to the OP who I have been kinda rough on , yes your LFM did state healer only and i'll grant you the guy that responded was kind of a jerk.
Oh do you know if by chance some of your party members went around blind inviting clerics? that will often times cause a no heal response.
And 40 min to fill an SC run? seriously?
I could post for an LFM for SC saying I'm blind, def and stupid and have a full party with a healer in under 10 min.
Move along , Nothing to see here
Why do I play a cleric if I don't want to heal: Blade barrier, soundburst, greater command, implosion, radiant servant, self-sufficiency, being the one that keeps competent people alive in a tight spot, and letting Darwin work on the rest so that I can show you how to complete a quest while you ride my backpack.
Seriously, I have roughly the same join date as the OP here, and like everyone else the first thing I thought was: your party was near wipe in 3 mins on stormcleave? I'm sorry, but you're doing it wrong, and its not entirely the cleric's fault here. Hell, if after 3 mins of fighting the whole party is near wipe I've done two things. 1) Identified for you the mistakes you're making 2) When you haven't listened to those suggestions mentally chosen to put you all in my backpack and stop throwing resources at resource sinks so that I can run the quest better.
You might be poorly geared, you might be charging head-long into multiple aggro points instead of picking fights your party can handle, you might have weak crowd control from melee and arcanes, you might be running in 5 different directions instead of ganking single mobs as a group, and you might have a cleric that has such low sp and skill that they can't fix all of these mistakes the party is making. Point is, I wasn't there and don't know the reason, but based on your description it sounds like you got a poor cleric and the cleric got a poor party and Darwin had a field day.
Lastly, it is really hard for you to fill a party because your LFM text reads as a warning, not an invitation to clerics.
Stormcleave Outpost On Elite Need a Pure Healer NO BATTLECLERICS - Signs this is not a group I will join - 1) Pure healer reads as: I can't be bothered to take care of myself through pots and smart gameplay, please do it for me. Unfortunately, while clerics can keep competent players alive, they can't keep Darwin Award candidates alive long and that text clues me in that this is probably the latter case. 2) NO BATTLECLERICS reads as - I think that writing in all caps gets my point across better, no forealzies I really am that immature. 3) You telled the cleric as he was joining making him pass an interview. Look, no incompetent cleric is going to admit to you that they are incompetent, because, like incompetent melees they are blissfully unaware of it. So, by your own actions you actually screened out all of the competent healers on the server and made it so that only the incompetent or sadist clerics would join your group.
Also, do you have something against favored souls? Was your LFM only looking for clerics?