Quote Originally Posted by vrobel View Post
I Would Like TO tell u the whole story coz but my english is too poor and i think ive used the wrong words in thread start i could do it in German
But Well Il give it a try :Nearly the same like in start BUT we did not wipe after 3 or 15 mins everything was well we had a good party good dps and a good caster only the cleric meleed only and didnt heal but we didnt need it atm after we were done with this 1st boss (a firegiant or something) 1 party member went afk .Then we continued and still didnt recive a heal ( and yea it was also our bad coz we didnt wand heal and pot heal).So then another person wen afk and then we were at the blackbone skelettons at the dimension gate and at this place we wiped coz i didnt heal my self and the cleric didnt heal me ,we wiped at the end of the dimension gate at the boss. And the cleric said to me im a tool and a fool and then i kicked him out of the party while he was dead then we summoned a pocket healer but i gtg. Ask Whittly,xmusex,and claryon and coldear if the story is true and il tell u it is true
Ok...this sounds alot better than the angry rant you started out with. In this case, if you got all the way to the blackbones and the cleric was not at least keeping people up in the middle of combat, then he was probably just being a tool. Personally, I would not have gone on to the blackbones when you are out of wands and/or pots, 2 people are afk, and the cleric that signed up as a healer is not healing. At that point, I'd either wait out the other 2, or perhaps reform with a pocket cleric. It still stands that based on your previous comments, you may have been a bit abrasive, which is probably why you got that response from the cleric. I am still kind of curious as to the cleric's side of the story, but c'est la vie....

On the positive side, hopefully you learned not to forget wands and pots, and that a LFM looking for healers is most likely not the best way to fill the group quickly and/or with a competent healer.