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personally,i think adding monk abilities to a DPS ftr's enhancements is cruel,unfair,and ********.especially the kensai 3,where u would have no use for it what-so-ever.and furthermore,the ftr capstone looks like it belongs on a ranger.if they really wanted to add a monk ability to the kensai ftr that would actually benefit him whether he multiclassed with monk or not they should give him some of the monks AC benefits.After all,the barb has great dps without any AC and the ftr should have great dps with alot better AC.especially considering that never in the history of time has an ARMY OF WARRIORS been sent to battle without any armor.i'm not sure if the word army was derived from the word armor,or vice versa,but i'm pretty sure they were meant to be together.i think when they design these games they are using the wrong books to do thier research.they need to put down they D&D handbook and pick up some history books.armies have always been equipped with "armor","swords",/and "shields"....