Over the weekend a friend and I decided to roll a pair of clerics together. We're both going with very similar combat caster builds. For the sake of this post, the only difference between the two is that my cleric has been putting skill points into jump and concentration while my friend's cleric only has the skill points for concentration. We're both level 5 now and I've noticed a few things:
1. Since both clerics have modified jump scores in the negative range (mine is -1 my friend's is -5), our jumps appear to be the same height.
2. Very low jump scores are pathetic. It is impossible to jump over many crates, you have to climb them by running into them.
3. When facing creatures with trip / grease, we spend a lot of time on the ground. Enough so that it can be deadly (the only time either of us died was because of grease spam from iron defenders).
With this, I'm wondering if it would have been better to put my skill points into balance instead of jump. My reasoning is: While it would be awesome to have a decent jump skill so I can emulate those obnoxious kobold shamans that jump around; a jump clicky / pot can be used whereas there isn't such a thing for balance.
Should I A: Reroll the cleric and only put points into balance, B: Keep the cleric and put all future skill points into balance, or C: Keep the cleric and continue putting skill points into jump?