What? Monks will be exclusive to warforged in U8? DoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOom!
What? Monks will be exclusive to warforged in U8? DoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOom!
"Sometimes you have to roll a hard six." After the funeral, we all wondered why he didn't just take 10.
Does wisdom bonus to AC only apply if you're centred/unarmoured?
If not that's likely what's going to change since it would be an error (like evasion working in medium and heavy armors way back when)
If you real the half-elf dilettante - monk, it specifically says you only get the +2 ac bonus when you're unarmored and unencumbered. (and that it doesnt stack with the wisdom bonus monks get since it's a sub-power of the same thing)
They mentioned origionally that monk wis bonus would work when not centered and when not unarmored ... it was there intention to allow people multiclass options outside of rouge for evasion ... but also an AC option for wis based characters like clerics palidans and rangers. This aspect will not change .. however i would be willing to bet that with all the nerfs to monks that some of these advantages will have to be "Balanced" with pure monks to make having more then 2-9 levels of monk worth it.
Personally i love my pure monk .. just hate how underpowered we are and every nerf puts us further in the hole rather then help dig us out.
That being said ... epic deleras event wraps should help a bit ... to bad you need to be level 20 to get the same advantage every other class gets at 12 (proc % for over 300+ on hit lvl 20vs greensteel 600+ at lvl 12)
Where is this coming from ? i have not seen anything at all that suggests diplo will work on chests in update 7 .. there is a dragon mark for half orcs that will increase chest levels ... but that is half orcs alone .. no other class or race gets the ability to increase chest loot based on a feat or skill period.
Please provide a link cause that would make the half orc three feat dragon mark useless ... and would make diplo more important then intimidate.
My brother's friend plays on Mournlands and he says that they're releasing green steel handwraps in U7 but they'll only be usable if you're a half-elf monk with the monk dilettante feat
Argonnessen mains: Pinku, Ohtaku
ITS A JOKE!! A very very old joke at that.
A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago when the game came out, there were all sorts of baseless rumors that certain things would affect the loot drops out of chests. Such as high diplomacy chars opening chests, then dancing around the chest.. then it was diplomacy 3 times and intimidate... I heard so many variants of this rumor.
Yes the new Dragonmarks from Half-Orc allow loot boosts now. I dont know anything beyond that, like if any skills or attributes affect it or not.
It was a joke, but check out the Update 7 release notes for new Dragonmark feats. HAlf Orcs and Humans will be able to take a Dragonmark of Loot Gem/Chest Diplo. 3 feats is an expensive proposition, but I'm thinking that a decent number of Human and 0.5 Orc Fighters will find room for it.
Originally Posted by Release Notes for Update 7, 10/8/2010
I thought I read about Cha affecting the Treasure Dragonmark, however, I didnt want to misquote it as some people on the forums are VERY cut throat if you make a mistake. LOL
I agree though Human with Cha classes like Bard/Sorc and Half-Orcs and Human fighters taking this due to excessive bonus feats. I never liked Dragonmarks personally as three feats seemed to expensive to me.
I heard that in U8m they are adding the /pointandlaugh emote so that every time a Horc or Human player uses the Dragonmark of Finding, the rest of the party can point and laugh IN game as well as out to mock the waste of three feats.