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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Class specific skill enhancements

    My first post so I'll apologize if it is rather noobish in nature. Be gentle.......

    One of the updates listed was "Class specific skill enhancements have been replaced with "generalized" class skill enhancements. (i.e. "Rogue Hide I" has been replaced with "Improved Hide I".)"

    How will this affect my Elven Ranger with a Rogue splash? Using Hide as an example let's say I have selected Ranger Hide I, Rogue Hide I and Elven Hide I (actually this is more relevant for me with Search ). I have gained 3 points of Hide and only spent 3 AP as opposed to having to select Ranger Hide II and Ranger Hide III spending more AP to get the same affect. This option also allows me to expand on the Hide skill 3x more then a single generic line of enhancement.

    Is this no longer an option to increase my class and race specific enhancements at lower AP cost? Will I now only see one option, Improved Hide I, Improved Hide II, etc? How will it change my existing setup? Meaning when the update goes live will any points I have in Ranger/Rogue/Elven Hide have been reset and now I'll only have a single option or will I be "grandfathered" in with my existing enhancements and only can advance through the new "Improved" line? If it's the later it is making me think I should spend spend spend now on my class/race specific enhancements while I can.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    The racial enhancements are unchanged.

    You can buy Elven Search and (Class) Search.

    If you multiclassed before U7, taking say Rogue Search would lock out taking Ranger Search.

    After U7, there's only one Search enhancement, so really it has not changed in any major way. It would be nice if you could add your levels in multiple classses together to determine how many levels you can buy, but only the highest one counts.

    All it really did was remove a little clutter from the Enhancements list and fixed Prestige Enhancement qualification for a small number of builds.

  3. #3
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    OK so now maybe this thread is no longer about the update, but more about my understanding, or lack thereof, of how the enhancements work. I apologize and understand if this thread gets moved because of it's current irrelevance to this section.

    When I first started playing not too long ago I asked if enhancement lines stacked and was told they do. Specifically for search and spot. So for my Elven Ranger/Rogue I got Elven Search I, Ranger Search I, Rogue Search I, Elven Search II, Ranger Search II and Rogue Search II and never checked, but have assumed because I was told it would that I had increased my Search by 6 points and done so economically with my AP.

    However what you are saying is that I'm an idiot (no offense taken because I truly am then) and my Search skill has only increased by 2 points here and I have wasted some serious AP in the act of doing so.

    Is this correct or am I misinterpreting you answer?

    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    You can't have both ranger and rogue search, or any other skill they have in common. Check your character, and you will see that you do not have both. Racial ones do stack and are allowed. Taking a skill enhancement from one class locks out the line from the other class. This us true for all enhancements, including toughness, stats, SP, etc. This change will help for qualifying for PrEs, and it won't affect anything else.
    Last edited by Freeman; 10-11-2010 at 12:03 PM.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  5. #5
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    OK so now maybe this thread is no longer about the update, but more about my understanding, or lack thereof, of how the enhancements work. I apologize and understand if this thread gets moved because of it's current irrelevance to this section.

    When I first started playing not too long ago I asked if enhancement lines stacked and was told they do. Specifically for search and spot. So for my Elven Ranger/Rogue I got Elven Search I, Ranger Search I, Rogue Search I, Elven Search II, Ranger Search II and Rogue Search II and never checked, but have assumed because I was told it would that I had increased my Search by 6 points and done so economically with my AP.

    However what you are saying is that I'm an idiot (no offense taken because I truly am then) and my Search skill has only increased by 2 points here and I have wasted some serious AP in the act of doing so.

    Is this correct or am I misinterpreting you answer?

    Thanks again

    On the live servers it is impossible to take Rogue Search I and Ranger Search I, much less Ranger Search II and Rogue Search II. Taking Ranger Search I causes the Rogue versions to dissappear from the selection screen and likewise for the Rogue versions causing the ranger versions to disappear. Are you sure you haven't taken Ranger Search I/II and Rogue Spot I/II or vice versa?

    Racial and class enhancements stack, but it should not be possible to take 2 different class enhancements for the same skill. In U7, the lines will be combined into 1 line and each rank will cost 1 AP instead of 1/2/3/4. I believe racial skill enhancements will also cost 1 AP. When U7 goes live, your character's enhancements will not change, but if you reset your enhancements, you will use the new system and costs.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the explanation. I was reasonably certain that I had taken both Ranger and Rogue of the same, but perhaps it was Elven and Ranger I had taken and I was mistaken. I'll recheck to be certain. Regardless if the AP point cost drops I may redo them anyways to squeeze a few extra points back out.


  7. #7
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    Basically the first thing everyone should do when U7 hits is reset your enhancements. You'll most likely gain some points.

  8. #8
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    Not having played DDO very long, how will this be handled by them? Meaning in other MMORPGs I've played when something fundamental happens like this that directly affects your character creation usually a free "reset" stone of sorts is given. It allows you to change freely the items that got moved. Meaning if my Hide I, II and III changed and now is 3 points total to get all 3 instead of 6 points total I would be able to either freely make an adjustment or DDO would do it for me and I would have the extra AP points to spend.

    Given past DDO changes any insight or perhaps comments from a Dev on how this will be handled? Or will it just be left how it is and we are left to our own to fox it?

    Thank you

  9. #9
    Founder SneakThief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    Given past DDO changes any insight or perhaps comments from a Dev on how this will be handled? Or will it just be left how it is and we are left to our own to fox it?
    Given past experiences they have done two different things in regards to enhancement changes.

    1) When there is a fundamental change to something, you will have to go to a trainer and reset your enhancements. It costs a trivial amount of in-game currency (plat), and you can only do it once every 3 days.
    2) If it was just a change to the cost of some enhancements, they have in the past auto-adjusted the cost. I have logged in before after an update to be informed I have AP to spend. To this day I have a mule that has -4 AP (same notification ironically, -4 AP to spend).

    Neither option is painful or has any real cost to it, and I could make an argument for either one for this change, so.
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