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  1. #1
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Default "What's a Beholder?"

    I'm playing my lvl 5 Paladin last night, and I was at the trainer spending a couple of action points on toughness, when the Pally standing next to me invites me to join him to help finish a quest.

    I almost always accept blind invites. I've enjoyed most blind invites, and several have led to lengthy playing and additions to my friends list. So I accept.

    It's a House K quest I haven't run so he shares it and I see it is a level 8 quest. I permadeath some with other characters, so I like challenging my non-PD toons; besides, we're playing on casual so how bad could a lvl 8 be?

    Well we get to the Caverns of Korromar and we each have hirelings so we're doing fairly well. It's obvious my compadre isn't very familiar (if at all) with the quest, and I never saw him use LOH, wands, or anything else I'd expect to see from a paladin, but we're having fun so...

    Then I see this blue force field in the center of the caverns. I see a bunch of Skeleton Warrior looking things and floating above them, a blob with little tentacles on top. I stop and say "Hey... is that a Beholder?" My companion turns to look at it, there is a long pause, then he types "i... i don't know..."

    It then occurs to me that all these levers and altars and things we're activating are probably going to de-activate the forcefield at some point. "Oh man, this is not gonna be good." I thought.

    You can probably guess how it went from there.
    Last edited by Postumus; 10-10-2010 at 02:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Slugnutty's Avatar
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    Good sotry mate - same happened to our static group just about this time last year.
    Oh S^&T! That can't possible be a Beholder down there - can it?
    Now? *sigh* Hey diddle diddle straight-up-the-middle.

    We had repair costs too.....

  3. #3
    Community Member LookingForABentoBox's Avatar
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    Better question is, what was the guy on who thought of beholders?
    Argonnessen mains: Pinku, Ohtaku

  4. #4


    Sounds like me years back when my friend took me down into Caverns. good times.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Community Member Maxelcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post

    "Hey... is that a Beholder?"

    HA! I asked the same thing first time in!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Hireling: "Oh god, you're in trouble!" *heal fail* "Oh god, you're still in trouble!!" *heal fail* "Nooooo I will save you!!!" *heal fail* etc. but to the player, it just looked like the hireling was standing there staring off into space. He's not staring...he's thinking...REALLY hard.

  7. #7
    Community Member Oolung's Avatar
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    My actual first encounter with a beholder was in therenal, in that one quest where you have to kill a cave beholder and collect the scroll of the black moon (always love selling these on he auction house, someone always buys them ) I approached him and abruptly was turned to stone and killed by him.

    Now I never go first when attacking him, unless my character is wearing beholder nerves.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Pretty much!

    The good news is that after that, we duoed some more level appropriate quests on normal (like Caged Trolls, etc), then ran a PUG on Irestone Inlet on hard.

    I ended up friending the player since everything was pretty fun overall. But I couldn't stop laughing once the beholder got loose. It all happened so fast but it was pretty much like:

    "Ok you go..."

    Eyebeam! Paladin #1 dead.

    "holee, that was fast! I..."

    Eyebeam! Hireling #1 dead.

    "***? RAAAARGHHHHH!" Paladin #2 charges Beholder... swings...

    Eyebeam! Paladin #2 dead.

    "Man we suck..."

    Hireling #2 stands immobile for five seconds. Dead.

    "yeah... even the hirelings lasted longer..."

  9. #9
    Community Member Maxmillian's Avatar
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    "They have a cave troll" - Boromir LOTR

    That's what your story reminds me of...hee hee

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