I have everything except chatting ring. I love playing this toon. But with the updates and changes was thinking of going 12/7/1 rang/rog/monk vs TRing back into Exploiter. I am not a fist person. I looked at the prodigy but requires gear I do not have and again all about fist fighting. But if i go 7 rog beside 4th lvl spells (i have FOM boots) and +1AC/double strike what else am I losing? The 7 rog is getting me 4d6 sneak vs 1d6, more skill pts for umd and int and the chance to lower int to 11 (have +2 tome for TR) and move more pts into wis or dex for AC. I am hearing that lvl 1 assassin is not worth it.

Any input/insight? I have Khopeshes so i am not looking at 7 monk (long swords).