1. Introduction and Disclaimer, Useful Information, and Ingredients - Gianthold, Vale/Shroud, Shavarath, Necropolis, and Random
2. Epic Scrolls
3. Random and Named Weapons, Armor, etc.
Creative Intent
This thread exists as a way to gather common prices for items in the game and to gather any information useful to the acquisition/pricing systems used by certain communities for helping the whole entire server's commerce expand and run in a more informed fashion. This thread is here to clear up some of the fog of war of the trade community in the game here and attempt to give people a tool in game and out to start negotiations in trade.
This thread also exists for people to come and inquire about items in a centralized location as well as to come seek any info they might need that could be helpful for them regarding our server's observed item drop rates/farming versus information that is more general found on these forums in other locations.
Please note:
1) This thread does not claim absolute authority for prices on the server, but is rather a culmination of submitted prices that have been: a) overheard in game*, b) experienced through trades, and c) agreed upon by many in game and out (aka here)
*This means that it was either discussed in game or said in a manner consistent with what has been seen before or between the "min and max" values reported to this thread. Extremely low-ball reports of prices overheard in game will be subject to questioning and discussion here and amongst peers in different groups.
2) It is neither the intent of this thread, nor any people associated with helping this thread to create a grounds for which to undercut anyone's trade prices, nor is it the intent of the creator, or any voluntary affiliates, to peruse every trade thread on the forums to gather all prices and lead to a point of contention when you're setting up your own trade shop/thread.
3) It will not be so that price reports received via PM will have their sources reported, nor the information gatherer's identity revealed unless they absolutely agree for this to happen. While the use of "anonymous sources" might create a sense of suspicion, I will put a clause next to each reported price to the effect of: "Reported via PM." These are subject to discussion before being finalized, even if they fall within the existing middle ground.
4) This thread is not created to cater to one specific kind of player and will attempt to adhere to as many player types, Casual, Moderate, and End Game, as is possible with the items it tries to cover, but this requires a voice from each of these kinds of players and a list of the items they view as valuable (see Below).
Where do you come in?
Well, like any information gathering source, it is only as strong as those who are willing to come together to give information. Ideally I would hope that this becomes a full server effort, but even a few volunteers to help go around and gather prices is better than nothing.
This is what is needed:
1) Your willing participation to help out the rest of your peers on the server and to gather information - be it from trades conducted with other people, or from conversations in game.
2) Your viewed prices so that we can establish the range of values for different items
3) Lists of items that you feel are currently left out of the list that it can be updated to include
Useful Information
1. Definitive Static Rewards and Named Loot List - Look here for stats of some of the items mentioned in this thread. If random loot, information about item will be provided to the best of my ability upon request.
1a) Alternative Place for DDO Loot items - I don't find it as easy to search as the Loot thread from above, but it's still a nice utility for when in parties.
2. New & Improved Definitive Collectables List - Collectibles drop locations
3. DDOWiki gathered Crafting Information - Everything you need to know about crafting in different areas of the game.
4. DDO Online Shroud Crafting Planner - Great source to quickly see what you need for each new shroud item. For those who can play windowed, allows for very quick switching between windows to see what ingredients are needed for speed crafting (Only recommended for use during a raid to those experienced with shroud crafting who can craft <50 seconds for Tiers I and II)
Information needed on valuable farming spots for items on the list - This can come in the form of collected data from farming party experiments, or general class information for how to make it go as fast and efficient as possible.
1) For Desert quests, "Seal of the ___________" can be found in ANY quest in the desert pack on Epic. This makes Epic ADQ a popular farming spot for seals, considering the ease of access to the Monkey, scorpion, and octopus chests.
2) Generally the Wiz King entrance and Catacombs are a good place one can go to farm scrolls, however still looking for examples of better places, considering the change to ADQ's troglodyte hallway.
Epic Scrolls
Drop rates of different scrolls vary based on content in epic quests. The following series are pretty self-explanatory as to which scrolls will drop in the quests:
The Red Fens
The Sentinels
Phiarlan Carnival
Vault of Night
However the Desert quests operate much differently. Some who farm the desert scrolls have given information regarding drop rates for the desert, which comes to about a ratio of 1 scroll per 100 (verified Here and here)
It would seem that the ratio of regular scrolls to raid scrolls is a little bit varying based on observed results:
This leads to some of the raid scrolls as having more valuable base prices than others, such as the Epic Chaosblade scroll having prices that vary anywhere from 3-10 Red Dragon Scales, depending on the buyer:
Flawless Red Dragon Scale - 1 Large Scale and 1 Large Stone -or- 2 Large Scale Vendor Dependent
Is disputed by Valezra here that cost is now 2 Large Scales, can anyone confirm/deny this? Last price I heard was Large Scale and Large Stone. Please discuss further so we can get some level of uniformity and/or stability
Prices in plat, if buyers are willing to go that route, vary greatly, as some are willing to pay 700kpp - 1mpp for the scales. Pending more reports for accuracy
Shroud Ingredients
- Small Devil Scales -
- Small Sulfurous Stone -
- Small Arrow/Chains -
- Small Bone/Shrapnel/Power Cells -
- Medium Devil Scales -
- Medium Sulfurous Stone -
- Medium Arrow/Chains -
- Medium Bone/Shrapnel/Power Cells -
- Large Devil Scales - 2 Large Stone
- Large Sulfurous Stone - 2-3 Large Arrow/Chain
- Large Arrow/Chain - 2-3 Bone/Shrapnel
- Large Bone/Shrapnel/Power Cells -
Large Scale Price in a Thread -
Some prices received Via PM
Greensteel BlanksScale 400kpp
Stone 200kpp
Arrowhead 100kpp
Chain 100kpp
Shrapnel 100kpp
Bone 30kpp
Splintered Horn 70kpp
- Weapons -
- Other -
- Pure Shavarath Iron -
- Mysterious Artifact -
- Devil's Keepsake - ~1 Large Scale - From two different sources during a trade, but yet to hear universal confirmation
- Demon's Blood -
Entire set between 1-2 reds
- Black Dragon Scales (x1) -
- Black Dragon Scales (x5) -
- Black Dragon Scales (x10) -
- Black Dragon Scales (x25) -
- White Dragon Scales (x1) -
- White Dragon Scales (x5) -
- White Dragon Scales (x10) -
- White Dragon Scales (x25) -
- Blue Dragon Scales (x1) -
- Blue Dragon Scales (x5) -
- Blue Dragon Scales (x10) -
- Blue Dragon Scales (x25) - 1.8 million plat value - 2.25 million plat value?
- Small Eberron Dragonshard Fragment (x3) -
- Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragment (x3) -
- Large Eberron Dragonshard Fragment (x3) -
- Tome Page Set - ~1 million plat value || Price Per Page - 100k-250kpp per regular pages except one from Doomsphere - 400kpp
- 20 Tapestries - 80kpp-120kpp
- Full Shield Piece Set -
Stone of Change Rituals
- Force Damage Ritual Ingredients Kit -
3 Luminescent Dusts, 9 Fragrant Drowshood mushrooms- Force Critical Damage Ritual Ingredients Kit -
6 Sparkling Dusts, 12 Deadly Feverblanch mushrooms- Saves bonus Ritual Ingredients Kit -
4 Lightning-Split Soarwoods, 22 Funerary Tokens- Armor Dodge Bonus Ritual Ingredients Kit -
15 Strings of Prayer Beads, 5 Vials of Pure Water- Shield Dodge Bonus Ritual Ingredients Kit -
2 Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber, 6 Silver Flame Hymnals- Adamantine Ritual Ingredients Kit -
10 Adamantine Ore, 10 Soul Gems: Essence of Earth*
*Further crafting rituals adding +5 durability require +5 adamantine ore per tier and +10 soul gems per tier.