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  1. #41
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrushingInklings View Post
    Phirst) Responding to a thread that was last responded to less then a month ago is not necroing.

    Bee) Halflings get so much extra racial damage for backstabs that the -2 str doesn't mater and they infact do A LOT more damage then dwarfs. If Dwarf rogues got Daxes for free they would still do less damage then a halfing using repairs in fights that lasted over a minute.
    Well maybe dwarves just don't lend themselves to being rogues, just like Halflings have a tough time Intimitanking the Epic DQ. Shucks gee golly, roll something else. Rogues get just as many feats as Paladins, yet a fair share of Deeps Pallies manage to find an extra feat slot for an exotic weapon.

    Either Rogue 20 is strong enough all by its lonesome, or its not. If you like it, stay pure class. If you don't like it, multi, get the feat, or better yet - ask for the things rogues already have, like the capstones and PrEs, to be improved.

    Don't ask for a second-tier melee (based on BAB, not Deeps) to get an Exotic Weapon because all other rogues get 3 of 23 Martial Weapons. And yes, I know its Martial. To full BAB progression Dwarves.

    October 12th to November 5th without getting a single response, in the Suggestions forum no less? Its casting Raise Thread as a 9th level Poster.

    Quote Originally Posted by babacadabra View Post
    Well i cannot make you do anything. you responding is on you. This thread is in suggestions, so it is a suggestion.

    This game is very different now than it was years ago. for example racial toughness wasnt available for all the races a few years ago, i know dwarves got it possibly warforged. yes different races have trade offs. dwarves are tough. then why give drow a racial toughness, because they arent tough; or even halflings. maybe offer it to just classes that use a con as their action points. like you said different races have trade offs.

    the point is rogues get some martial weapons already, and if a rogue is a dwarf i SUGGEST they let him have his axe as the class does possess some martial weapons. perhaps make it an action point for assassin , like they did with warchanter 2 granting bards a weapon of choice. Id say an assasin dwarf should be able to use a racial weapon. he is as assasin after all.
    Warchanter 2 gets it because theirs is a martial PrE. Not that it particularly matters, since most Warchanters I see already have two levels of Paladin, Fighter, or Barbarian.

    "He's an assassin, so he should use an exotic, non-light weapon." <- Did I quote that correctly? The two Martial weapons that rogues get (melee) are Short Sword and Rapier. Both Light weapons. Light = Rogue.

    Its like getting sneak attack damage with a ballista. Its a joke. If anything, the PrE could get an increased crit multiplier while using light weapons. Rapiers would be sexy for any race if they were x3 Crit.

    Edit: Also, this thread was mainly about a Cleric. Rogues, or a specific PrE, getting Dwarven Axes should probably get branched off to another thread.

  2. #42
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natashaelle View Post
    Exotic, not Martial -- which I kind of agree with, except that cleric is one of those classes where dorven ones probably should be able to get dorf axe without burning a feat.

    Either as a specific enhancement line, or as a freebie for dorf clerics taking the future WarPriest I enhancement.

    I don't think that all dorf clerics should get it completely free though -- some of them *are* actually heejlrz y'know...
    its martial, for a dwarf.

    This means not only do classes that get all Martial profs get it for free, but that it interacts with things like Master's Touch and Warchanter II whcih can provide proficiency in any/all martial weapons but have no interaction with exotic weapons. Dwarves do not get EWP: Dwarven axe for free. They get MWP: Dwarven Axe. If, like warchanter, warpriest provides some access to martial weapons (specific ones, or all of them), then dwarven warpriests will automatically get access. If dwarf melee got free EWP: Dwarven axe, that actually wouldn't work.
    Last edited by Junts; 11-05-2010 at 04:25 PM.

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