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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Exclamation Total system fail

    Ok when i play DnD usually when i play for 30 minuets the game freezes and my computer cuts its self off as if it lost power. when i turn it back on it says the SMART had encountered an error and it said to back up all my data and shuts back down. i unplug my machine for 5 minuets for use of my PC again. This is a DnD problem because it happens to all of my machines.

    I surpass all system requirements and started receiving these problems when i started playing

  2. #2


    You do realize that SMART is related to your hard drives, and has nothing to do with ddo other than ddo may be installed on portions that are having issues.

    And yes, it could happen to multi machines if they are all usin the same make/model of hard drives. it happened to me. lost 3 drives within a week of each other.

    Now baring that, could be that you are having heat related issues where the computer will shut itself down to protect itself. which means the hd don't have time to save data which could cause the smart issues you are seeing.
    Last edited by Missing_Minds; 10-09-2010 at 05:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by boldpaste2 View Post
    Ok when i play DnD usually when i play for 30 minuets the game freezes and my computer cuts its self off as if it lost power. when i turn it back on it says the SMART had encountered an error and it said to back up all my data and shuts back down. i unplug my machine for 5 minuets for use of my PC again. This is a DnD problem because it happens to all of my machines.

    I surpass all system requirements and started receiving these problems when i started playing

    This sounds like a temperature issue. Open your machines, blow them out with compressed air, leave the case open start the machine up, verify all the fans are spinning properly, if not replace. If you are a smoker or have pets you will find you machines get gunked up more quickly also desk enclosures tend to trap heat try keeping the door open or drilling ventilation holes.
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