Hi everyone! Episode 188 of DDOcast is ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. DDOcast can also be found on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week's show features a shorter news segment on Update 7 along with a bunch of great segments, including "Practically Tactical", "All Creatures Great and Small", "Premium Perspective", "DDO Poetry Corner" and more!
DDOcast Episode 188 (10-9-10)
:15 Intro
2:00 Release Date and the DDO Store races
7:45 Lammania Event and updates
12:40 Events and such
13:50 World Transfers
14:50 Lotro numbers
16:00 Update 7 updates and errata
23:45 Massively article
28:45 Live event chat
30:50 Premium Perspective
35:40 Practically Tactical
45:02 All Monsters Great and Small
47:12 DDO Poetry Corner
50:00 Community Notes
53:55 Store stuff
54:40 Email
LINK to the announcement on the new race costs in the store along with the likely release date for Update 7.
LINK to info on the Turbine Pumpkin Carving Contest.
LINK to the Joystiq article discussing the Lotro info released by Turbine at the GDC conference.
LINK to the latest Lammania release notes.
LINK to the latest Quarterly Wallpapers.
LINK to the latest updates for Update 7 loot.
LINK to the Massively.com column article Exploring Eberron.
LINK to the latest Eberron Chronicle.
Here's Goldeneye's good look at the impact of Warforged base colors:
LINK to Pakrat.
LINK to the Cupcake Mustakeer's thread on ddo.com.