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  1. #41
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    i think we can all agree there is a difrence between

    p1:sharplz !
    p2:its a walk up
    p2: *kick*

    p1 hi
    p1: i don't know where it is can you share (or i didn't pick up the quest can you share)
    p2 hous X shared
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  2. #42
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elujin View Post
    i think we can all agree there is a difrence between

    p1:sharplz !
    p2:its a walk up
    p2: *kick*

    p1 hi
    p1: i don't know where it is can you share (or i didn't pick up the quest can you share)
    p2 hous X shared
    Exactly the point many try to make. Manners matter, and for many of us, asking is fine, but "demanding" is not. Example 1 above comes across to many of us older players as a demand, while the Example 2 above reads as a polite request. It simple reflects on the style of the player in question.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  3. #43
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    for Relic of a Sovereign Past:

    [Player1] Hey everyone
    [Player1] Could someone please share?

    ...I'm happy to share.

    for Dreams of Insanity:

    [Player2] I forget where the quest is. Could someone please share so I can find it?

    ...I'm happy to share.

    for Dreams of Insanity:

    [Player2] Shr plz

    ...I'm not happy to share and I predict that the player will be a worthless drain on party resources.

  4. #44
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    As said before, I'll never ask for a share. There will probably be a time where I forget VoD, Hound, or even Titan (repairing the sigil), and I will be forced to swallow my shame and ask...but to me, asking for a share, even politely just seems...bad form.

    Honestly, how hard is it to case the area before accepting quests there? 7th level, and ready to start hammering Delera's, but no idea where it is? Look around, find out all your facts, THEN join. 9th level, and ready to flag for VoN? it out.

    Great example: I wanted to do VoN 1 on Hard, was getting ready to put up LFM, but then I noticed the quest isn't in the tavern like it was back in the I scoured all of Kundarak looking for the **** quest..once found...THEN I put up LFM.

  5. #45
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    My standard greeting in joining an lfm is:

    Thankfully that's been considered "polite" enough, because if I then ask for a share I get it with no problem.

    Yes, I do ask for shares, even from quests with the quest-givers right next to the quest, because I don't want to have to click through the pointless dialogue.

    I've yet to see ths be a problem. When someone gets booted from my group it's usually more involved then someone asking for a share. It's usually someone asking for a share, getting it, still being unable to find it, unable to take directions and finally exhausting my patience.

    Everyone has different criteria and different red flags. It's certainly not universal. As amusing as these stories are of the demanding "ShrPlz" players, in my experience they are very rare.

    Whatever incarnation of "share please" I see, whether the super-polite and wordy: "I'm on the other side of the map and would rather not have to run to the quest-giver, may I have a share please" to the curt "ShrPlz", I hit the "share" button, unless there's some reason not to.
    And then I go from there. Sometimes that person does merit a boot, sometimes not. But I judge it on other criteria besides "share".

    That's just me. Everyone can do what they please.
    But I do find all the "share quest" and " I give them 20 different shares or the wrong one, hahahah" stories to be very amusing .

  6. #46
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azoralq View Post
    As said before, I'll never ask for a share. There will probably be a time where I forget VoD, Hound, or even Titan (repairing the sigil), and I will be forced to swallow my shame and ask...but to me, asking for a share, even politely just seems...bad form.
    Why is it bad form?
    I know where the quest is, even when they change the location of the quest entrance and the quest giver. I'm done them millions of times.
    I just don't want to click through dialogue boxes yet again.
    Personally, I think there should just be a box in your quest log for quests you've done before saying "repeat quest" so I can just click it once.
    Even that wouldn't totally solve it because I play lots of new alts nowadays since I roll up lowbees to farm TP and they don't have the quest.
    It's certainly not a big deal. I do run around and click through the dialogues quickly without wasting too much time, but I can't help being somewhat annoyed.
    So yes, quite often I do get "shares".
    When I step out of the teleporter in House P to do a Caged Trolls quest, and all the other players are standing in front of the entrance, I don't want to run to the Bogwater Tavern to tell the lady that I'm not scared of Trolls etc.
    I just want to do the quest.
    Last edited by eonfreon; 10-09-2010 at 10:12 AM.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by eonfreon View Post
    Why is it bad form?
    I didn't say it is bad form, rather it just seems like it to me; and I can't really explain it, I guess. The best way I can relate to it is when you didn't do your Algebra II homework in highschool, and when the teachers comes up to you and asked you to hand it in, when you say "I don't have it" the teacher gives you that 'look.' You know, the look that doesn't really say anything definitively, but is just enough to let you know what it means?

    It's the same when for asking for a share. Sure, the person leading the party gives you that share, but you know he is behind his keyboard, thinking to himself (Or maybe even talking to Guildmates in Ventrillo) Seriously? The guy can't just hit the enter button a few times?

  8. #48
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eonfreon View Post
    Why is it bad form?
    I don't think that asking for a share automatically makes someone a bad player. There are some valid reasons for asking for a share (especially if the questgiver is far from the quest like in A Relic of Sovereign Past or Hound/VoD).

    When someone's first line on entering a group is some variation on Shrplz, it has been my experience that an overwhelmingly large percentage of the time, that person will be a terrible player who contributes nothing to the group and is a constant drain on party resources.

  9. #49
    Community Member camels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mornai View Post
    Sheesh, is everyone on Khyber so cruel?

    nope- we just have standards XD
    “A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
    ― Philip K. phallus

  10. #50
    Community Member KongColeus's Avatar
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    Default Used to bother me

    But I realized that players are just lazy.

    I just hit share and don't care anymore. Either they keep up or they don't. Their soul stones don't weigh much.

  11. #51
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Never a chain. Could be bugged. I don't know if it is but I'm not going to chance it.

    Never when the giver sends you to the quest. Tempest spine for example.

    Never if the quest giver is right next to the quest entrance. The giver is right next to the entrance. Garrisons missing pack for example.

    I will tell you how to get there. I'll give directions but I will not "share plz" for the above examples.

    Never when all they say is "share plz." No hi, how is it going, nothing. I might after they say hi but it depends....

    I will if the quest giver is a distance from the entrance such as the giver for Von 4. That is an acceptiable distance.

    I will if the quest giver isn't readily available on the map and is in a tavern. House K quests and the givers in that tavern. Can be difficult to find if you've never done those quests before. My old system took forever to load into and out of taverns also so I don't mind so much and understand then.

    I will if we made the run to Hound or VoD and someone forgot to pick up the quest. Been there, done that, understandable. We all make mistakes.

    If they just say "share plz"...forget it.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  12. #52
    The Hatchery
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    Yeah, it all boils down to how it's said. If it's "shrplz" I'll likely share... Bringing the light, or something similar. If it's "bah, I forgot the quest, can someone share?" I'll take the time to find it and share.

  13. #53
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    I joined a HoX raid and was asked if I was willing to be the chew toy, I actually enjoy being chew toy every once in a while and I said "yes". We all met at the top of the Sub, threw a haste and I think a few other random buffs. And whenever we are throwing buffs in the Sub I *ALWAYS* ask for Merfolk's and a Bubble Head. You will fail everytime that you do not have a bubble head in the Sub, this is fact. Believe me, I never lie. Anyway, we start moving and of course someone gets lost on the way and falls to the bottom, so me and a cleric (might have been a FvS) break off from the group and go get out straggler. We continue on to the beholder room.

    The Cleric and I grab a few more stones of the leader and a couple others that did not know what they were doing and got killed. We all get to the door to HoX and I realize that I have forgotten to grab the quests because I was in such a hurry to get to the mission.

    me: "Hey guys, I am an idiot and forgot to grab the quest on my way here. Can someone share it please?"
    (quest is shared by someone in the group without saying anything)

    leader: "***? Seriously! ***! You are too lazy to get the quest? what are you a nooBz?? Show some respect for the other people here you piking noob. I swear that you lazy P***** are ruining this game!! I wondered about you when you asked for water breathing and the swim buff. But you were so dumb to not notice that we are not in WATER!! I wish I could kick you but I cant.."

    leader: "Ok everyone, lets all break group and reform without the noob. Sorry that we have to make the run again but I cant kick the idiot, so meet me back up top"

    Leader drops group. But is the only one that does.

    player 2: "Wow"
    player 3: "*****er"
    player 4: "Hey, I have a friend that wants to come, can he get in since we have a spot now?" (we decied not to wait for a 12th and just rand it with 11)

    Went went in the mission, finished very quickly. And THEN the old leader starts sending tells to the rest of the group about "Why aren't you out here yet? We need to reform", and when he was finally told by several people that we had just finished the quest and were rolling on loot he started caling several people in the group liars and threatened to put many of us on his "black list". We all (all 11 of us, to my knowledge) sent a polite tell to him asking to be placed on his blackslit and informing him that we were also adding his name to our own squelch lists, to which he apparently got very upset. But he was on squelch and we did not care.

    Good times
    Last edited by Wrendd; 10-09-2010 at 12:15 PM.

  14. #54
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrendd View Post
    I joined a HoX raid and was asked if I was willing to be the chew toy, I actually enjoy being chew toy every once in a while and I said "yes". We all met at the top of the Sub, threw a haste and I think a few other random buffs. And whenever we are throwing buffs in the Sub I *ALWAYS* ask for Merfolk's and a Bubble Head. You will fail everytime that you do not have a bubble head in the Sub, this is fact. Believe me, I never lie. Anyway, we start moving and of course someone gets lost on the way and falls to the bottom, so me and a cleric (might have been a FvS) break off from the group and go get out straggler. We continue on to the beholder room.

    The Cleric and I grab a few more stones of the leader and a couple others that did not know what they were doing and got killed. We all get to the door to HoX and I realize that I have forgotten to grab the quests because I was in such a hurry to get to the mission.

    me: "Hey guys, I am an idiot and forgot to grab the quest on my way here. Can someone share it please?"
    (quest is shared by someone in the group without saying anything)

    leader: "***? Seriously! ***! You are too lazy to get the quest? what are you a nooBz?? Show some respect for the other people here you piking noob. I swear that you lazy P***** are ruining this game!! I wondered about you when you asked for water breathing and the swim buff. But you were so dumb to not notice that we are not in WATER!! I wish I could kick you but I cant.."

    leader: "Ok everyone, lets all break group and reform without the noob. Sorry that we have to make the run again but I cant kick the idiot, so meet me back up top"

    Leader drops group. But is the only one that does.

    player 2: "Wow"
    player 3: "*****er"
    player 4: "Hey, I have a friend that wants to come, can he get in since we have a spot now?" (we decied not to wait for a 12th and just rand it with 11)

    Went went in the mission, finished very quickly. And THEN the old leader starts sending tells to the rest of the group about "Why aren't you out here yet? We need to reform", and when he was finally told by several people that we had just finished the quest and were rolling on loot he started caling several people in the group liars and threatened to put many of us on his "black list". We all (all 11 of us, to my knowledge) sent a polite tell to him asking to be placed on his blackslit and informing him that we were also adding his name to our own squelch lists, to which he apparently got very upset. But he was on squelch and we did not care.

    Good times
    how dare you ask for a share !! evryone knows clicking 2 buttons to share is ruining the game!!
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  15. #55
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zippo View Post
    I would like to point out a might bit of irony in this.

    "Share Plz"

    "Share Plz"



    I'll just follow that up with, I see you came over to the dark side then.
    That exchange was particularly amusing to me, as I usually join VODs, TODs, ETC and instantly say "what house?" when I get accepted, so I thought that was someone joking around. Turns out they weren't. I still share (expect deleras) and I still ask for them (except deleras).

    If I had a nickel for everytime I stood in front of Suulo's portal and said "share pls", I'd be a rich man.
    Want to remain guildless or solo, but still want to take advantage of the guild renown system?
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  16. #56
    Community Member Legohaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrendd View Post
    I joined a HoX raid and was asked if I was willing to be the chew toy, I actually enjoy being chew toy every once in a while and I said "yes". We all met at the top of the Sub, threw a haste and I think a few other random buffs. And whenever we are throwing buffs in the Sub I *ALWAYS* ask for Merfolk's and a Bubble Head. You will fail everytime that you do not have a bubble head in the Sub, this is fact. Believe me, I never lie. Anyway, we start moving and of course someone gets lost on the way and falls to the bottom, so me and a cleric (might have been a FvS) break off from the group and go get out straggler. We continue on to the beholder room.

    The Cleric and I grab a few more stones of the leader and a couple others that did not know what they were doing and got killed. We all get to the door to HoX and I realize that I have forgotten to grab the quests because I was in such a hurry to get to the mission.

    me: "Hey guys, I am an idiot and forgot to grab the quest on my way here. Can someone share it please?"
    (quest is shared by someone in the group without saying anything)

    leader: "***? Seriously! ***! You are too lazy to get the quest? what are you a nooBz?? Show some respect for the other people here you piking noob. I swear that you lazy P***** are ruining this game!! I wondered about you when you asked for water breathing and the swim buff. But you were so dumb to not notice that we are not in WATER!! I wish I could kick you but I cant.."

    leader: "Ok everyone, lets all break group and reform without the noob. Sorry that we have to make the run again but I cant kick the idiot, so meet me back up top"

    Leader drops group. But is the only one that does.

    player 2: "Wow"
    player 3: "*****er"
    player 4: "Hey, I have a friend that wants to come, can he get in since we have a spot now?" (we decied not to wait for a 12th and just rand it with 11)

    Went went in the mission, finished very quickly. And THEN the old leader starts sending tells to the rest of the group about "Why aren't you out here yet? We need to reform", and when he was finally told by several people that we had just finished the quest and were rolling on loot he started caling several people in the group liars and threatened to put many of us on his "black list". We all (all 11 of us, to my knowledge) sent a polite tell to him asking to be placed on his blackslit and informing him that we were also adding his name to our own squelch lists, to which he apparently got very upset. But he was on squelch and we did not care.

    Good times

    Good stuff

    Yeah some of the vets in this game get WAY to serious about things. Asking to share a quest isnt that big of a deal... it gives a noob directions... and saves a player the walk back.

    Get off your high horses... and just share and play.
    Do or Do not..... there is no Try. -Yoda
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  17. #57
    Community Member Nexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrendd View Post
    I joined a HoX raid and was asked if I was willing to be the chew toy, I actually enjoy being chew toy every once in a while and I said "yes". We all met at the top of the Sub, threw a haste and I think a few other random buffs. And whenever we are throwing buffs in the Sub I *ALWAYS* ask for Merfolk's and a Bubble Head. You will fail everytime that you do not have a bubble head in the Sub, this is fact. Believe me, I never lie. Anyway, we start moving and of course someone gets lost on the way and falls to the bottom, so me and a cleric (might have been a FvS) break off from the group and go get out straggler. We continue on to the beholder room.

    The Cleric and I grab a few more stones of the leader and a couple others that did not know what they were doing and got killed. We all get to the door to HoX and I realize that I have forgotten to grab the quests because I was in such a hurry to get to the mission.

    me: "Hey guys, I am an idiot and forgot to grab the quest on my way here. Can someone share it please?"
    (quest is shared by someone in the group without saying anything)

    leader: "***? Seriously! ***! You are too lazy to get the quest? what are you a nooBz?? Show some respect for the other people here you piking noob. I swear that you lazy P***** are ruining this game!! I wondered about you when you asked for water breathing and the swim buff. But you were so dumb to not notice that we are not in WATER!! I wish I could kick you but I cant.."

    leader: "Ok everyone, lets all break group and reform without the noob. Sorry that we have to make the run again but I cant kick the idiot, so meet me back up top"

    Leader drops group. But is the only one that does.

    player 2: "Wow"
    player 3: "*****er"
    player 4: "Hey, I have a friend that wants to come, can he get in since we have a spot now?" (we decied not to wait for a 12th and just rand it with 11)

    Went went in the mission, finished very quickly. And THEN the old leader starts sending tells to the rest of the group about "Why aren't you out here yet? We need to reform", and when he was finally told by several people that we had just finished the quest and were rolling on loot he started caling several people in the group liars and threatened to put many of us on his "black list". We all (all 11 of us, to my knowledge) sent a polite tell to him asking to be placed on his blackslit and informing him that we were also adding his name to our own squelch lists, to which he apparently got very upset. But he was on squelch and we did not care.

    Good times
    Who was this party leader?
    Laughing at you G.

  18. #58
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legohaiden View Post
    Good stuff

    Yeah some of the vets in this game get WAY to serious about things. Asking to share a quest isnt that big of a deal... it gives a noob directions... and saves a player the walk back.

    Get off your high horses... and just share and play.
    Have you read this thread?

    I'm quite sure that the thread I read has lots of people who don't have a problem sharing quests when it's appropriate and just doesn't like the people who start conversations with "shrplz" and its cousins.

    Did the DDO forums somehow present a different thread to you?

  19. #59
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopeJual View Post
    Have you read this thread?

    I'm quite sure that the thread I read has lots of people who don't have a problem sharing quests when it's appropriate and just doesn't like the people who start conversations with "shrplz" and its cousins.

    Did the DDO forums somehow present a different thread to you?
    But some people are on their high horse and those are the ones he responding to.

    Not everyone is of course. And I fully endorse everyone's right to set their own criteria for their groups.

    But to some it goes beyond simply disliking the use of the phrase or considering it impolite.

    Generalizations start being made how someone who uses the phrase "shr plz" is always and inevitable incompetent and a drain on party resources.

    Or others say how if they get a player who starts with this phrase they will mess with them by sending a barrage of low level quests as shares or send them to the wrong quest and laugh at them.

    That is being on a high horse to a degree.

  20. #60
    Community Member DrenglisEU's Avatar
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    I sometimes forget where the Q giver is.. and now when they relocated VON Q givers :-/ anyway, I try to always collect the Q's so don't need to ask for share but if clearly I state some one tell where the person is and there is time to get it, please do, not just sit there silent!
    Ex-Keeper EUbie known as:
    Drenglis,...many more on 3 accounts ... forgot the rest!
    And yes... I'm a PROUD GREEN MUPPET and now a days a Dirty Monkey!... And now someone made me the guild leader

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